What brought this to mind was Tony Bennett singing "I'll be home for Christmas" this morning on the ToDay show. This was my mother and my song. When I lived in St. Louis and she lived 1200 miles away in Florida, we did not often get to spend Christmas together. She and my husband of that time did not get along and , as was the rest our life together, everything was all about him and nothing about how much I missed my family.
When I got divorced, I spent as many Christmases as I could with my folks ( and more so once I remarried as my honey loved my mom like me) and my mom and I would play this song over and over.
She has been gone for 8 years now and I still get misty eyed whenever I hear it!
And you?

I really dislike most popular Christmas music.
There are hymns I love - but not modern Christmas music.
There are hymns I love - but not modern Christmas music.

Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
Shoes---- makes me cry everytime I hear it.
Not from anything personal--but from working a few years ago on Christmas and watching a young and I mean young(24) lady pass away with her little children at bedside. I always think of her- her family and where her children are now.
Not from anything personal--but from working a few years ago on Christmas and watching a young and I mean young(24) lady pass away with her little children at bedside. I always think of her- her family and where her children are now.
DH's cousin and I were close, every December we would go together to see Bon Jovi's Charity Christmas Show at Count Basie Theater in New Jersey. She died suddenly at age 35 during december. Now, every year, the first few times I hear Bon Jovi sing any christmas song, I tear up. Last year, it was OCTOBER and I was in a store buying her nephew his one year birthday gift, how weird is that!
[img:dgoiopbi]http://www.acherryontop.com/i/thumbnail ... picker.gif[/img:dgoiopbi]
heleneNY http://emptynestscraproom.blogspot.com/[/url:dgoiopbi]
"The skin I'm in is alright with me, it's not old, just older" ` JBJ
heleneNY http://emptynestscraproom.blogspot.com/[/url:dgoiopbi]
"The skin I'm in is alright with me, it's not old, just older" ` JBJ
This is my favoritist holiday, so I love all the songs!
For sentiment, I have to go back to the Muppets. Where the River Meets the Sea, from Emmett Otters Jug Band Christmas. I really love that one!!
For sentiment, I have to go back to the Muppets. Where the River Meets the Sea, from Emmett Otters Jug Band Christmas. I really love that one!!
"I tend to live in the past because most of my life is there." --Herb Caen

"I tend to live in the past because most of my life is there." --Herb Caen

Awww, your sentimental stories are making sappy old me cry this morning 
We used to play Christmas music...usually from my mom and dad's favorite country artists when we were decorating our tree. So whenever I decorate the tree, I pull out the CD's. My favorite song is not from my childhood, but one that Jess and I used to sing together when she was little...Vince Gill's duet with his dd of Let There Be Peace on Earth...beautiful

We used to play Christmas music...usually from my mom and dad's favorite country artists when we were decorating our tree. So whenever I decorate the tree, I pull out the CD's. My favorite song is not from my childhood, but one that Jess and I used to sing together when she was little...Vince Gill's duet with his dd of Let There Be Peace on Earth...beautiful

I can't listen to "Silent Night" without bursting into tears. I don't know why. It's even worse if I 'm in church..... 

I used to be a "celebrity cherry", but now I'm in re-hab...... Holy Carp!
I love all the Christmas songs, but one of my favorites is Little Drummer Boy.

I REALLY LOVE Christmas songs.......I get so warm and fuzzy when I listen to them. I don't have a favorite but I do like "This Christmas" and I have great memories of "What Christmas means to me" the version by Stevie Wonder because I danced to this song in 4th grade for our winter show and now my dd will be performing this same version in her winter jazz recital. OOOOHHH those were the days!!!

I love this time of the year I sing the songs.
Of course songs of the saviors birth.
but my favorite song is one my Grandma and My moother would sing long with the radio.
We always watch the movie every year, " White Christmas"
I will watch it two or three times a year. I miss my grandma and my mother.
I love the memoris of them, they seem near when I hear the song.
Of course songs of the saviors birth.
but my favorite song is one my Grandma and My moother would sing long with the radio.
We always watch the movie every year, " White Christmas"
I will watch it two or three times a year. I miss my grandma and my mother.
I love the memoris of them, they seem near when I hear the song.

I love Celine Dion's version of O Holy Night - makes me teary whenever I hear it! Another fave is Mary's Boy Child by Boney M - its been a fave since it first came out!!!
I'll be home for Christmas has always been my all time favorite. My mom passed away when I was 10 and everytime I heard this song I imagined it was her singing it to me. 

We have to forgive! If we don't forgive, we'll get left behind! janet rose
Love people & use things--- Not love things & use people!

Love people & use things--- Not love things & use people!

All the traditionals are wonderful but the new ones carry such heartfelt messages now. M y favorite right now is by Josh Groban what a voice. It gets me everytime.
I could listen to holiday/Christmas music all year long. I love it all - new, old, traditional, funny, sentimental!
My favorite isn't sentimental to anyone else...
It's from the old animated televsion show about Kris Kringle and has the Winter Warlock in it. The song is 'Put One Foot in Front of the Other... " I sang it to all of my kids when they were learning to walk. I still sing it whenever anyone needs an extra little umph to get motivated. I'm a sap, I know...
My favorite isn't sentimental to anyone else...
It's from the old animated televsion show about Kris Kringle and has the Winter Warlock in it. The song is 'Put One Foot in Front of the Other... " I sang it to all of my kids when they were learning to walk. I still sing it whenever anyone needs an extra little umph to get motivated. I'm a sap, I know...

I love SILENT NIGHT as my all time favortie Christmas song, but sentimental ones would be anything off of the "Oak Ridge Boys" Christmas Album. We used to sing that as kids, it was the only 8 track of Christmas songs we had and we played it all the way up to Seattle (in our station wagon), where my brother was in the hospital (3 hours away) being treated for cancer. We made many trips back and forth that Christmas.
-If it's scrappy it makes me happy!
My favorite is Do You Hear What I Hear. I have always loved that song and my grandma did too. She passed away before Christmas three years ago on Dec 15 (on my brother's birthday) and it has more meaning to me now that she's gone.
silver bells it is a special song for my mom and me.
Have a coke and a smile!
