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Sweet Cherry Pie

Hot chocolate
 Does anyone have a yummy easy hot chocolate recipe that they don't mind sharing. My son has gotten into them and I thought it would be neat if we could make some together
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Cherry Cola

Re: Hot chocolate
 I made one up the other night when I wanted an Alpine and had no mix.

I posted it on my myspace...give me a min and I'll get it...

8oz milk
2 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa
2 Tbsp sugar
Dash salt
1/4 tsp vanilla
2oz peppermint schnapps

Heat milk in microwave for 2 minutes in separate container.  In large mug, mix together cocoa, sugar and salt.  Slowly add hot milk to cocoa mixture and mix well.  Stir in vanilla and peppermint schnapps. 

Adding the vanilla and schnapps cools it down a bit...so if you like it hot, stick it back in the microwave for 15-20 seconds.  But not too long, you'll ruin it.

There ya go...just leave out the schnapps and it's REALLY yummy hot chocolate!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Hot chocolate
 sounds good. anyone else have any
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Product Promotions

Re: Hot chocolate
 Starbucks?  LOL!  That's what my girls love.  Starbucks Hot Chocolate.

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Hot chocolate
 I don't have a starbucks around me or else I would be in the poor house because I go there every day
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Wild Cherry

Re: Hot chocolate
 Here's how it works at our house.....we make the packaged cocoa (the kind with lots of those freeze dried marshmallows).  Eli eats the marshmallows out of it.  And I get the rest.  :-D  One of the companies makes this really good French Vanilla flavored one.  Otherwise, I have no idea how to make it myself!
"hoarder of supplies"
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Hot chocolate
craftyfool wrote: I made one up the other night when I wanted an Alpine and had no mix.

I posted it on my myspace...give me a min and I'll get it...

8oz milk
2 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa
2 Tbsp sugar
Dash salt
1/4 tsp vanilla
2oz peppermint schnapps

Heat milk in microwave for 2 minutes in separate container.  In large mug, mix together cocoa, sugar and salt.  Slowly add hot milk to cocoa mixture and mix well.  Stir in vanilla and peppermint schnapps. 

Adding the vanilla and schnapps cools it down a bit...so if you like it hot, stick it back in the microwave for 15-20 seconds.  But not too long, you'll ruin it.

There ya go...just leave out the schnapps and it's REALLY yummy hot chocolate!
That sounds good! 
The only good addict is an alpha addict!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Hot chocolate
 10 cups dry milk powder
1 lb powdered sugar
1 3/4 cups unsweetened cocoa powder
6 oz jar (about 1 3/4 cups) nondairy creamer

Mix altogether (I sift to get out any lumps in the cocoa and sugar) and store in airtight container.

Mix 1/3 cup mixture per cup (or to taste) and add boiling water.

You can stir in 1/2 cup instant coffee for a mocha version or 1 1/2 cups malted milk powder for a malted version. If you use different flavors of powdered coffee creamer, you can get different flavors of hot cocoa, too.
I make up a BIG bulk batch.  Give some away as "Snowman Soup" with Marshmallows and candy canes for stiring.  It keeps well in a plastic storage container.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Hot chocolate
 I make bulk hot cocoa mix for our family (does that count?).  I just mix it to taste but here is what goes in it:

Nestle Chocolate Milk Mix
Powdered Sugar
Powdered Milk
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Hot chocolate
IBARRA makes the best hot chocolate. Traditional Mexican style. Maybe some one here can give you a recipe.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Hot chocolate
 Yeah, starbucks has my vote.
Have a coke and a smile!Image
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Cherry Bing

Re: Hot chocolate
 give me starbuck too....
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Grandma Flowers

Cherry Cropper

Re: Hot chocolate
 Hershey's syrup and hot milk with a squirt of Redi-Whip on top
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Cherry Picker

Re: Hot chocolate
davsar wrote: I make bulk hot cocoa mix for our family (does that count?).  I just mix it to taste but here is what goes in it:

Nestle Chocolate Milk Mix
Powdered Sugar
Powdered Milk
This is the one my mom always used ... it is wonderful!!!
Leslie Mar 1/10
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Hot chocolate
 I am with Amy-- I make the sigar free powdered by Swiss Miss and it is yummy!!!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Hot chocolate
 I'm going to have to try some of those recipes. My family is  huge on hot chocolate. Although I will admit opening up a package is alot easier. :) 
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Cherry Cola

Re: Hot chocolate
 robably not what you are looking for but---heat up water, tear open Swiss Miss with marshmallows packet, pour packet into water, stir, sip! Hee! hee!

That's all I got!
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Cherry Addict

Re: Hot chocolate
 I've got my mug of French Vanilla Swiss Miss w/ Godiva riiight heeeere.... mmmmmmmm :inlove:
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Jeanne Marie's Scraps

Digital Designers

Re: Hot chocolate
 The packaged stuff with peanut butter chips and rediwhip on top :-D
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ACOT Promotions

Re: Hot chocolate
 These recipes sound so good. Thanks for sharing them!! I love hot chocolate.
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