how to even go about figuring out the Whodunit game??? I want to cry--because I just don't know how to start--if people changed their usual styles, switched pics, etc--how do you even start???

My Blog: One Krafty Kitty Momma
Dont stress about it, its suppose to be fun. It took me all weekend to get it done. And I'm sure I didn't get them all right. But I tried.
It is all a guessing game
I am a scrapaddict.
Made with My Cool Signs.Net
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My blog link: ... s&u=232087
There was so many things to do here, that I didn't do some of the things that confused me (and that was one of them).
"Courage is being scared to death-but saddling up anyway." John Wayne
Jody H. (jodcold)

Jody H. (jodcold)

I'm going to work on it tonight after DS goes to sleep. I figured that it would just be a crapshoot. Take a guess like the rest of us....
it IS just for fun!!
The CT worked soooo very hard getting those layouts done for this game, it would be a shame if we hardly got any guesses. I have received 1 PM myself, not sure if Keling has received any.
Don't stress over knowing who actually did what layout, just take a stab at it and see if you get lucky. If anything, you may just win a prize for participation!!! We are very generous like that
The CT worked soooo very hard getting those layouts done for this game, it would be a shame if we hardly got any guesses. I have received 1 PM myself, not sure if Keling has received any.
Don't stress over knowing who actually did what layout, just take a stab at it and see if you get lucky. If anything, you may just win a prize for participation!!! We are very generous like that

I think it would have helped if they had put them in smaller groups. There are so many people on the Digi CT that are new I have no clue what there style is.

I'm not late
Everyone else is way too on time.
0/3 for February
Don't worry - I'm sure you'll get at least a few correct...and it's worth a try, right?
I wouldn't have gotten very many of them either!!

{hopelessly addicted}
Filling my basket with all of the new goodies

{hopelessly addicted}
Filling my basket with all of the new goodies

I am so glad that I wasn't the only one feeling this way.
I have some sort of anxiety disorder and I just had to walk away - LOL! Seriously. I'm going to take another look at it tonight after I've uploaded some things and just relax and have fun with it but I felt like I was back in school and about to fail a grade.
<breathe, just breathe... it's a game....> LOL!!!
I have some sort of anxiety disorder and I just had to walk away - LOL! Seriously. I'm going to take another look at it tonight after I've uploaded some things and just relax and have fun with it but I felt like I was back in school and about to fail a grade.
<breathe, just breathe... it's a game....> LOL!!!

I know you girls can figure them out! Take the photos out of the equation and look at the style of the layouts...some of us stick out like a sore thumb!!!!
NOw I am feeling really bad!MamaK321 wrote: it IS just for fun!!
The CT worked soooo very hard getting those layouts done for this game, it would be a shame if we hardly got any guesses. I have received 1 PM myself, not sure if Keling has received any.
Don't stress over knowing who actually did what layout, just take a stab at it and see if you get lucky. If anything, you may just win a prize for participation!!! We are very generous like that

I am a perfectionist that has to have it all before I send it in... again, I appreciate all the time and effort that went into the game.

My Blog: One Krafty Kitty Momma