someone brought to my attention that many of you may not know our CT girls by name so I have edited to add their screen names. I know some of you have printed the schedule already so if you need their screen names, here is the list of who-is-who. So sorry I didn't catch onto that sooner.
Amanda is mkcdaisy
Beth is Beth-W
Diane is Dianedi
Kristianne is MamaK321
Diana is dianagirly
Miranda is LoveMyBella
Laura F. is Laura Fiore
Sarah is davsar
Kathy is katarria
Angie is nun69
Tracy is ICanHasCherryOnTop
Cassandra is Mommybruno
Egle is FairyMouseMom
Pam is 4peasinourpod
Tristann is n7zuq
Ronny is Smiley-Scrap8
Jess is ScrapGoo
Amanda is mkcdaisy
Beth is Beth-W
Diane is Dianedi
Kristianne is MamaK321
Diana is dianagirly
Miranda is LoveMyBella
Laura F. is Laura Fiore
Sarah is davsar
Kathy is katarria
Angie is nun69
Tracy is ICanHasCherryOnTop
Cassandra is Mommybruno
Egle is FairyMouseMom
Pam is 4peasinourpod
Tristann is n7zuq
Ronny is Smiley-Scrap8
Jess is ScrapGoo
This is great, thanks!!! I have to work on hoo! I hope to be around as much as possible. It sounds like a ton of fun!
Any chance we can have links to all of these events in one place (like here?)
here are some links these topics are sticky at the top of the crop forum
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** CLASS & BINGO Master List **
++ Official Crop RULES ++
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** CLASS & BINGO Master List **