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Chocolate Covered Cherry

A Little Much?
 I saw this on the news feed under the topics and couldn't believe it. ... ts-for-you

The kids aren't even old enough to why punish them?? :x
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: A Little Much?
 I already posted about it. Can you believe it???? How MEAN!!!
ImageIf life gives you lemons, go find an annoying person with paper cuts.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: A Little Much?
  :? Sorry...
I'm off to go find your post!!
I'm guessing she was a "witch" for Halloween!
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Cherry Picker

Re: A Little Much?
that is unbelievable ????!!!!!!!!! :greenconfused: 
Leslie Mar 1/10
1) Rebel. Refuse to accept the idea that creativity is work.
2) Play. Think like a child.
3) Zone. Tune out negative vibes.
4) Feel. Open your heart, nurture your imagination.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: A Little Much?
Renee wrote:  :? Sorry...
I'm off to go find your post!!
I'm guessing she was a "witch" for Halloween!
It totally got buried during the digi crop! *LOL!*

(Hint: I used the "B" word in the title) :winkb:
ImageIf life gives you lemons, go find an annoying person with paper cuts.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: A Little Much?
 Oh yes the true meaning of Halloween. It's not the same as it was 20 years ago when idiots started putting razor blades or drugs in the candy so why not relate politics to Halloween now too. I guess when you think about it, it's all poison for the kids so they are better without her treats. Reading articles like this make me sad only because we have to put up with all those crazy people like this lady.

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: A Little Much?
 She should have just put a mccain sticker or something on her candy.  Don't take it out on a kid.  Unless they were dressed like Obama....  lol
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: A Little Much?
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: A Little Much?
 Some people take "wacko" to a whole new level!
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Cherry Picker

Re: A Little Much?
 ha ha @ she was a wtich for Halloween!!
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Wild Cherry

Re: A Little Much?
 That's unbelievable! I mean when did it come to all of us fighting and putting the kids through this over canidates. I mean yeah we all have our own picks, but this is too far! Everyone should be together on changing the way things are now. I am so sick of Republican and Democrats.. why does there have to be such seperation. I hate this time of the year!!!!!
~ Carissa ~

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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: A Little Much?
 A LOT too much!!! This whole election crap is just insane!!! :x I am so sick and tired of getting 100 anti Obama emails a day. ! I've never seen an election get so out of hand.  I can't WAIT until tomorrow is over, but I fear that something really weird is going to happen (with counting the votes....I bet there is a fight!).
I used to be a "celebrity cherry", but now I'm in re-hab...... Holy Carp!
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Wild Cherry

Re: A Little Much?
 There's always a fight over the votes and such after the election.. nothing ever goes perfect and 'as planned'. Otherwise there would be news! ;) :?
~ Carissa ~

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