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Cherry Cola

Shadow Challenge
 You might not like me after this (LOL :-D)

I love the look of perspective shadowing. Perspective what???  Here's how I would describe perspective shadowing - taking an item on your page and giving it a shadow as if it were a sun-dial.  Here's an example:


You have until Monday at Midnight to complet this challenge!  One lucky winner will get a $5 gift card.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Shadow Challenge
 this is really cool!! do you have any tips on how to create a shadow like that?
Image Image
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Shadow Challenge
MamaK321 wrote: this is really cool!! do you have any tips on how to create a shadow like that?
What she said. I'd love to try it but have noooooooooo clue how to. Me a ding dong.   :-D

- Shannon

I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.
-Lucille Ball

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Wild Cherry

Re: Shadow Challenge
 I'm working up some screen shots girls, be back in a few minutes, ok?
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Shadow Challenge
 Here is a tutorialI found and I've also asked Tracy to see if she knows how (because she's my hero!!)

Hope this helps!

If you need any tips in GIMP - just ask - I know how to do that with my eyes closed - hehe!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Shadow Challenge
 Neat page!  Love the shadow effect!

erica :)
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Wild Cherry

Re: Shadow Challenge
 Super quick and easy guys.

Create your own shadow layer. Do this by adding a BLANK layer under the element you want to shadow. CTL+CLICK on the thumbnail for the layer of your element. This will give you the marching ants. Press ALT+BKSP this will fill in that shape with your foreground color.

Press Escape to get rid of the ants. On the shadow layer, run FILTER>BLUR>GAUSSIAN BLUR ( I used like 18% here).



This will give you a bounding box that only slides right to left or up & down. It will not enlarge or shrink.  Skew your shadow in the direction you desire.


Click the green checkmark and you're done.

If anyone needs screen shots of the first part, let me know. :)
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Shadow Challenge
ICanHasCherryOnTop wrote: Super quick and easy guys.

Create your own shadow layer. Do this by adding a BLANK layer under the element you want to shadow. CTL+CLICK on the thumbnail for the layer of your element. This will give you the marching ants. Press ALT+BKSP this will fill in that shape with your foreground color.

Press Escape to get rid of the ants. On the shadow layer, run FILTER>BLUR>GAUSSIAN BLUR ( I used like 18% here).BLUR>GAUSSIAN BLUR ( I used like 18% here).BLUR>GAUSSIAN BLUR ( I used like 18% here).GAUSSIAN BLUR ( I used like 18% here).GAUSSIAN BLUR ( I used like 18% here).



This will give you a bounding box that only slides right to left or up & down. It will not enlarge or shrink.  Skew your shadow in the direction you desire.


Click the green checkmark and you're done.

If anyone needs screen shots of the first part, let me know. :)
You are the ultimate rock star girl!!
- Shannon

I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.
-Lucille Ball

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Cherry Cola

Re: Shadow Challenge
 You are the bomb Tracy!!  Thankyou!!!!
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Wild Cherry

Re: Shadow Challenge
 Thanks chickies! :inlove:
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Shadow Challenge
 ok thanks! I wanna do this!
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Cherry Delight

Re: Shadow Challenge
This was a fun challenge!  I never would have figured it out on my own, though, thanks to Tracy for those instructions, they were perfect.
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