Sonja Eddings Brown, a spokesperson with ProtectMarriage.com, says the field trip was inappropriate.
"I think it's an experience that those children will probably never forget. That's what is a concern, because children are in their most trusting and developmental stages when they start kindergarten, first grade, and second grade," she explains. "All of us have had a very influential teacher at one time or another, especially in grade school, who we just thought walked on water -- and what if that teacher introduced us to the idea of gay marriage?"
Officiating at the lesbian couple's wedding was San Francisco's pro-homosexual mayor, Gavin Newsom. In addition, news reports indicate some of the children who attended the wedding wore "No on 8" campaign buttons. Proposition 8 would amend the California constitution to recognize marriage as only between a man and a woman. The ProtectMarriage.com campaign says the school field trip demonstrates that the California Supreme Court's decision to legalize same-sex "marriage" has real consequences.