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Cherry Cola

What do you think about this?
 Youngsters treated to lesbian 'wedding' Allie Martin and Jody Brown - OneNewsNow - 10/15/2008 6:00:00 AM

ImagePro-family groups in California are pointing to a recent first-grade field trip as an example of the importance of passing Proposition 8. For the school-sponsored trip, 18 first-graders -- ages 5 and 6 -- were taken to San Francisco City Hall to witness the wedding of their teacher and her lesbian partner. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, the school's principal said the field trip was "a teachable moment." (see related article with pictures in the Chronicle) In contrast, Frank Schubert, one of the managers for the campaign in the Golden State, describes the school-sponsored trip as indoctrination of young children. "I doubt the school has ever taken kids on a field trip to a traditional wedding," he quips.
Sonja Eddings Brown, a spokesperson with, says the field trip was inappropriate.
"I think it's an experience that those children will probably never forget. That's what is a concern, because children are in their most trusting and developmental stages when they start kindergarten, first grade, and second grade," she explains. "All of us have had a very influential teacher at one time or another, especially in grade school, who we just thought walked on water -- and what if that teacher introduced us to the idea of gay marriage?"
Officiating at the lesbian couple's wedding was San Francisco's pro-homosexual mayor, Gavin Newsom. In addition, news reports indicate some of the children who attended the wedding wore "No on 8" campaign buttons. Proposition 8 would amend the California constitution to recognize marriage as only between a man and a woman. The campaign says the school field trip demonstrates that the California Supreme Court's decision to legalize same-sex "marriage" has real consequences.
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Cherry Delight

Re: What do you think about this?
I would be very upset - that is not an appropriate field trip.  I wouldn't think that taking a child to a wedding between a man and a woman was appropriate either.   What about church service - would this same school feel it was appropriate to take the children to attend a church service?  A funeral?  There are issues that the school should not become involved in, and this is one of them.  Family and morality issues should be left up to the parents to teach.  There are plenty of traditional school subjects that the school needs to be teaching that are being neglected; they need to spend their time, energy and funding on those things. 
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Cherry Crush

Re: What do you think about this?
 No way is that appropriate for older kids, much less first graders!  I agree with Tania...this is not a school issue to teach.  If they want to teach them about legislation and voting, then they could talk about the presidential election and a variety of issues that are not so personal.  I would be incensed if that were my child!
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DN in MN

Wild Cherry

Re: What do you think about this?
No way would I have approved my child to go... Weddings are for family & friends, not your students.
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: What do you think about this?
 First graders do not have a clue!  This was an inappropriate field trip.

Would they ahve been invited to a 'straight' teacher's wedding?   I think not.
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Cola

Re: What do you think about this?
 people never cease to amaze me - totally totally inappropriate.
and this is coming from someone who would totally wear a No on 8 button myself, but taking children to a wedding that is just ludicrous on so many levels. Not only on the moral, religious, biased (since you wouldnt take them to a heterosexual wedding) platforms but what about on the just flat out educational stance. I wouldnt want my child totally WASTING school time on something like that. IMHO there is nothing educational about that. Politics and publicity that is all that was about.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: What do you think about this?
 What has this world come to???? Just Crazy!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: What do you think about this?
 first of all I dont think it was a good idea and was probably done to draw attention and publicity on purpose. -- but the children who attended most likely had to have a permission slip signed by their parent or guardian in order to be able to go in the first place,  and the parents of the students had the right to chose just as the teacher did!!! My question is this-- if it was a heterosexual wedding would this be in the news-- would we really care or would we think it cute that a teacher cared so much for her students that she had them at her wedding???
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: What do you think about this?
 Very weird! My first question would be, did the parents approve for their kids to go to this? They better not have taken a bunch of 1st graders to something like that without parental permission cuz I know I would be pissed! Yes it's a good cause for someone to learn about, but not when you're in 1st grade! This is something the parents should be teaching.
And I think you're right, it was just done to bring "attention" to the issue or the proposition 8.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: What do you think about this?
I support same-sex marriages but I find this inappropriate. Field trip? That's ridiculous. 
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Cherry Picker

Re: What do you think about this?
Ok and where were the parents?!?!?!  WOW, I would come unglued on this one! For or against, it matters not.  :x 
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: What do you think about this?
 I'm by no means against gay marriage but I don't think that field trip was appropriate nor having them wear the "No on Prop. 8" buttons. They are probably not even old enough to understand what it's all about. 

Last I knew, it wasn't up to the schools or teachers to teach about gay rights.
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Cherry Cola

Re: What do you think about this?
I'm all for gay marriage, but that's a weird place to take a field trip! I wouldn't take kids on a field trip to ANY wedding ceremony.

And I like Sonja Brown's comment about children being so impressionable and how now they'll think this is appropriate. I say any marriage is a good marriage, and it's nice for kids today to know they have a choice. My mom sure didn't back in her day!

Why do people think that exposing kids to one thing or another is going to make them do it? I was exposed to football, but I don't play it nor do I care to watch it on tv. I don't think the kids on that trip will be scarred for life. I assume their parents signed off on this? Still an inappropriate place to take kids, but not for the reasons they said!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: What do you think about this?
 Horrid.  And a perfect answer to the question, "Why is it public business what people do in the privacy of their own bedroom?", because it certainly isn't kept there, it's brought into public policy, schools, and religious organizations and other people are forced to condone it.  Sure look forward to hearing more on this, field trips should be ok'd in advance through the school so the school should be legally penalized for allowing it.
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Digital Designers

Re: What do you think about this?
 That is so WRONG in so many ways!!! I support gay marriage, but that was just WRONG!!! :x
Jeanelle Paige
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Cherry Cola

Re: What do you think about this?
 I cannot believe that the school allowed the field trip in the first place, with or without the parents' permission. I also cannot believe that the entire classroom's parents agreed and suspect that there kids who were left behind, creating another set of problems that aren't being discussed.

This was wrong on so many levels. And people wonder why I homeschooled.

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: What do you think about this?
 I just read that it's a charter school and it was suggested by one of the parents!!  Still wrong but I guess people knew ahead of time...?!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: What do you think about this?
 I would have lost my mind on those people! 

I can't believe they would use innocent children for "grown up" political purposes.  Nor can I believe that schooltime is being used to push agendas.  I would immediately withdraw my child from that school, and call the school board or whoever oversees this school.

Amazing.  Just amazing.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: What do you think about this?
 this is just ridiculous - little wonder the kids in the U.S. can't pass their exams - they spend more time doing these type of things than learning to read and write.

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Cherry Bing

Re: What do you think about this?
Kimandasmo wrote: first of all I dont think it was a good idea and was probably done to draw attention and publicity on purpose. -- but the children who attended most likely had to have a permission slip signed by their parent or guardian in order to be able to go in the first place,  and the parents of the students had the right to chose just as the teacher did!!! My question is this-- if it was a heterosexual wedding would this be in the news-- would we really care or would we think it cute that a teacher cared so much for her students that she had them at her wedding???
I have to agree with this. If it were a heterosexual marriage many people would not have an issue with it. I personally feel that too many people try to "hide" reality from their kids and I don't think that's the best way to approach the world. It's kind of like not having the "sex" talk with your kids b/c they're too young. Many kids know about sex at a much younger age than their parents would even imagine. I don't think it's an appropriate "field trip" for the school to send them on but if the parents signed the forms then that's all that really matters.

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