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Cherry Jubilee

Question of the day 10/15--- INFO ADDED-Decision made
 so. if you had 4 tickets to a world series game- that you paid 100.00 a piece for , and had an offer of 900.00  a piece for them- would you sell them and pocket the money, or would you go to the game?????

and no this is not a hypothetical question-- it is an issue at our house right now and we cant agree on what to do.

added info--- it will be the first time that the Rays have made it to the world series-- History- we have been to 3 play-off games so far and we went to about 20 games this seasaon, about the same last year also. My dd and I really want to go to the game, but dh says sell and run with the money.  My dd is only missing 3 signatures of her glove and she will have the entire team on it-- she loves loves them-- but would laso love to go Niagra falls( which is what we probably do with the extra money) 

**** Thank you all for your ideas- we have decided to go to the game( if there is one) this is the year we love baseball- maybe  not so much next year and as she gets older she will be more into boys or other things and not pay much attention to it. Plus, if they do go-- the tickets and autographs will be harder to get next year and she wont have that personal feeling she has right now. Right now it is our thing to do as a family-- my parents have even been to most of the games with us. Niagra falls will always be there and money isnt everything. We decided that the happiest people are the people that do things with the ones they love-- and we wont be losing anything by going-- we would be losing if we dont go. -- Although we may sell our 4th ticket-- but we might not get much for it being a single ticket--but might recoup what we spent to get there so it would be a freebie kinda.
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Cherry Delight

Re: Question of the day 10/15
Unless it was my husband's favorite team playing and he was dying to go, I'd sell.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Question of the day 10/15
 I would sell.

 Now if the Toronto Maple Leafs were in a final play off game for the Stanley Cup, it would take a lot more than that for me to sell.

 Just how much do you love the team in question?
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Cherry Delight

Re: Question of the day 10/15
 Let's see. A profit of $3200?

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Cherry Blossom

Re: Question of the day 10/15
 I would sell!!!!
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Indy Scrapper

Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Question of the day 10/15
 Definitely Sell.  That pays off a bill!!!
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: Question of the day 10/15
No brainer for me - I'd sell and buy a big screen tv to enjoy those and other games (if I cared about watching them.)
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Digital Designers

Re: Question of the day 10/15
I would sell them, DH would probably go.  But with a profit like that....he might be swayed :D  That's new flooring in my kitchen money!  
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Question of the day 10/15
 I would totally sell them!  LOL!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Question of the day 10/15
 I would sell!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Question of the day 10/15
 SELL!!! In a heartbeat. For $900 a piece I would simply watch in on my new bigger tv. LOL
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Question of the day 10/15
 I would pocket the money only becuase I'm not into the game LOL..I could think of a much better trip to go on then that one with the money.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Question of the day 10/15
 World Series?  How often does that happen?

I would go to the game, unless I was so broke that I needed the money for food, home, etc.  Memories from the game will last a lifetime for your daughter ;)
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Question of the day 10/15
Totally depends on the team, the season, and if they have won in recent history.  A few years ago when the Sox were still trying to break the curse I wouldn't have sold them for anything.  Now, money is tighter and we have won a few rings and I think I would HAVE to take that profit as much as it would kill me not to go!  :?
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Jenn Kellams

Cherry Garcia

Re: Question of the day 10/15
Kimandasmo wrote: so. if you had 4 tickets to a world series game- that you paid 100.00 a piece for , and had an offer of 900.00  a piece for them- would you sell them and pocket the money, or would you go to the game?????

and no this is not a hypothetical question-- it is an issue at our house right now and we cant agree on what to do.

SELL!!!!!!!!  In a heart beat without question!  I need the money and I can watch the game on television!  My husband would never let me pass that opportunity up either!
Jennifer K.
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DN in MN

Wild Cherry

Re: Question of the day 10/15--- INFO ADDED
I'd sell but that is because I'm not a big fan of baseball.

Tough one... either decision sounds like a good one! (I know, I'm no help)
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: Question of the day 10/15--- INFO ADDED
 I'd still sell.
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Picker

Re: Question of the day 10/15--- INFO ADDED
This actually was our situation last year.

We  don't really follow baseball, so we sold the tickets to the first two games locally & DH was going to take DS just for the experience to game #5 ... but the Rockies didn't make it to game #5.

Now, if it were the NFL Superbowl - there is no way I'd sell! lol!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Question of the day 10/15--- INFO ADDED
 Any chance you could sell just 2 of them?  Then DD & you could still go??
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Question of the day 10/15--- INFO ADDED
 Niagara Falls isn't going anywhere anytime soon :winkb:

You bought the tickets for a reason, right?  You obviously love the sport or it wouldn't matter - life is short, your daughter is passionate about something.  I wouldn't extinguish a flame like that...
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