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Chatty Cherry

need a last name
 i'm pretty sure i'm right but could someone please pm me lindaOne's last name.  I'm pretty sure I know it but it has been quite a long while since i've sent her anything.

To those of you in my swaps...sorry life has kinda happened the last couple of weeks...mostly school but i've had to drive back and forth between houses quite a few times and havn't found enough time to sort and box.  I truly am sorry for this.  We had to get a few things done on the house and our new fireplace and chimney and etc. done before the insurance adjuster came out to the house (we are switching companies and saving $350 in the process YAY!  anywho with all the work that had to get done in the last 2 weeks and the enormous amount of homework I got put on me I havn't been able to even look at the swaps...I have one teacher that will not give us a schedule and so I don't know until the day of class what or how much will be due by the next time we meet.   i'm kinda getting sick of school, i can't believe it's already been almost 2 years.  how do people do this for 8 or more years?

anywho, i got the boxer one done tonight, i have tests the next 2 days but i'm hoping thursdays will be easy enough that i'll have time to sort another one tommorrow...I'm so sorry i feel like i've let you down but i really have only been home long enough to do homework or do the work on the house.  anyway they will be going out soon, if you aren't sure if i have your addy please pm me and it will save us some time.

I know I need keiras for sure but i can't remember who put addy labels in their bags.  please accept my apologies as i didn't know the other stuff would come up....

Kari if you read this let me know when and where you want to meet to pick this up! lol my puppies!!!!!
I made the President's list..wahooo!!!!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: need a last name

Not to worry . . . school and taking care of your home stuff SHOULD take priority.  As long as you get them out soon, I know I won't worry about it.  Plus, I don't even have time to scrap right now.  I'm back in school too, teaching scrapping classes, working full time, plus all the other stuff that goes along with being a wife and no worries from my end!
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