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Wild Cherry

I'm thinking that hanging...
 ... clothes out on the line is a lot more fun when it's hot out. It's all of 40 degrees here & the wash maching just finished. Hmm, maybe I should put on a pair of plastic doin' the dishes gloves. Or I could wait till later when it's warmer. 'Cept for I have 7 more loads to do today. At least it's not raining again, & the electric bill is a lot lower.   :-D

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I suppose there's a purpose in pain
What we make of ourselves has a cost
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Cherry Picker

Re: I'm thinking that hanging...
 40 degrees oh my! It's a little after 9 here and closing in on 80!!!

Cloths on the line, how nice! I Mentioned doing that to hubby but he pointed out the back of our property nestles against I-95 and we'd end up with dirtier sheets for the effort. :(
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: I'm thinking that hanging...
 It needs to be just right-- becuase hanging out when it is 90+ makes me use my dryer-=-

I cant belive it is in the 40's---
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Cherry Garcia

Re: I'm thinking that hanging...
 too mom hangs clothes out no matter how cold it is..I have been at her house when she has snow on the ground and clothes on the line. I would hang clothes out side but we have sooo many birds that I am afraid they would get pooped on. I know my patio table gets it share of it so I don't want to have to do laundry twice!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: I'm thinking that hanging...
Exactly 70 here in the Midwest.....40's WOW that's cool for hanging things outside1 
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ACOT Promotions

Re: I'm thinking that hanging...
 I can't hang our clothes outside. They would end up with pine needles on them from all the trees. :?
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Cherry Cola

Re: I'm thinking that hanging...
 Girl - I don't think it is gonna get much warmer around here today either.  You might have to pull out your mittens today to hang em up :-)
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Cherry Picker

Re: I'm thinking that hanging...
 I feel ya girl.  We peaked out at 50 degrees here today.  It was so cold this morning I could hardly stand it.  I didn't hang out laundry though...I had a scrap date.  ;)
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: I'm thinking that hanging...
 When I had a clothes line in my garage I'd go out and hang clothes in the sub zero temps.   IT would take a week for sheets to dry.   First they'd freeze and then they'd dry out.   I loved that cold smell !
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Cola

Re: I'm thinking that hanging...
 Do you have an attic?  I know that in colder climates that's where they usually hang clothes in the winter.
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Cherry Addict

Re: I'm thinking that hanging...
 OMG!  My hands would be icicles :?
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: I'm thinking that hanging...
 It was that cold here yesterday...but warming up now.

I miss the smell of air dried clothes, but too many allergies and living surrounded by fields prevents that from happening here.
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Jenna - Mom to Emily (2/02) & Kaitlyn (2/04)
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Cherry Tart

Re: I'm thinking that hanging...
 It has been really nice weather here as well in mid 70's.  I couldnt imagine 40 degree temps hanging out clothes on the line outside to dry.  BRRR.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: I'm thinking that hanging...
 Yikes! Even me over here in Winterpeg is sitting at 20c (68F) so we're doing pretty good over here.
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