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Chatty Cherry

****swap updates**** 9/13/08
 Hiya girls!  I received keira's items  i'm just going to send all 3 swaps without the other 2 girls stuff since they aren't answering pm's and I don't have time nor $$ to cover their spots, so you will all get your extra items back. 

It has been fun swapping with all of you over the years (and others on a short time basis) I've gotten alot of great ideas and I love the friends that I have made.  Due to school and life being so crazy and living in 2 states just takes all my time so I won't be swapping any further but I will still check in with ya from time to time.  I will miss swapping and the fun that we've had but it's time to open a new chapter in my life right now.

I just received keira's items but I have a pretty full week and some major tests and stuff.  I will try and get them sorted by next weekend (when i'm at the other place) but I can't make any promises as the last week or two of school has taken a real toll on me and it is taking more of my time than i care to give it.  I'm going to try and get them out by next friday but in all honesty it probably won't get out until the following week.  They will get out though! lol  Thanks again for making these swaps awesome and i hope you love them as much as i do.  Sorry i havn't posted any pictures but with dial up i just can't seem to get them to upload in a timely fashion, so if anyone is bored and has the time feel free to upload the pics and show everyone the great work put into these.

thanks again,

wendy, sniff, sniff,,,your retiring neighborhood hostess.

p.s.  so who is going to take over the master list or is it just going to die? my puppies!!!!!
I made the President's list..wahooo!!!!
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Miss Daisy-NC

Cherry Garcia

Re: ****swap updates**** 9/13/08
 I have enjoyed swapping with you too....I don't think I'll be doing much swapping either...hours at work have been cut back...higher prices on everything has us on a tight budget :? I wish you luck, and better keep in touch!!!!!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: ****swap updates**** 9/13/08
 It's been fun swapping with you.  But, I hear ya about being too busy to do it any more.  I got sucked into a bunch of swaps at the Close To My Heart website and have been spending every spare moment working on them.  As soon as they are done, and the two more I have here, that's it.  I'm done swapping too.  It's just gotten to be too out of hand.  With work, school, family and other stuff, I am spending way too much time and money on swaps.
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