Nope, leftover Chinese food!
TPBM is counting the minutes until they leave work today.
Nope- had the day off
TPBM is going out to the movies tonight
TPBM is going out to the movies tonight
No - going to put my furniture for my new scrapbooking room together when hubby gets home
TPBM is going to join the crop tonight?
TPBM is going to join the crop tonight?

I wanted to but instead I am going to my parents house for steam crabs.
TPBM get to sleep in tomorrow.
TPBM get to sleep in tomorrow.
Not much...I go to an 8:30 Weight Watcher meeting
TPBM is going to some kind of festival or fair this weekend
TPBM is going to some kind of festival or fair this weekend
Nope...I havent seen one that strikes my fancy...LOL!
TPBM lost there paper trimmer today?
TPBM lost there paper trimmer today?

No... at least I don't think so... It was there when I left the house this morning! LOL
TPBM is counting the minutes until the Fast Scrap tonight!
TPBM is counting the minutes until the Fast Scrap tonight!

yep-- I am hosting one of them-- so I need to watch the clock.
TPBM cant find her sanity at the moment.
TPBM cant find her sanity at the moment.
That is very true.....bored here at work and trying to make the clock tick faster.
TPBM is totally not bored.
TPBM is totally not bored.

Not to bad right now. Hubby will be home in about an hour and I can't wait.
TPBM has rain today?
TPBM has rain today?

Yeppers! All weekend we're supposed to have rain. 
TPBM gets backaches from scrappin'?

TPBM gets backaches from scrappin'?
Some days its not worth chewing thru the straps.

I scrap so infrequently...but I don't think so
TPBM loves to make cards!
TPBM loves to make cards!
Love my stamps
TPBM will be getting and ACOT package in the mail next week?
TPBM will be getting and ACOT package in the mail next week?

YEAH! YEAH! YEAH ME!!! Should I send you my address?
TPBM is not in Hurrricane Ike like I am.
TPBM is not in Hurrricane Ike like I am.

true--this time
TPBM has finished fast scrap #1
TPBM has finished fast scrap #1
Last edited by TinaH on Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.