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Cherry Picker

Re: question of the day 9/10
 mostly cursive, but I have to admit it is a combo of the own style!
~You say SCRAPAHOLIC like it's a bad thing~
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: question of the day 9/10
 Typically print but depending on how much of a hurry I'm in I'll throw a cursive letter or two in there...especially when the word ends in s. Just seems easier...I dunno.

I learned cursive in elementary, I'm surprised your kids didn't. :?  Sometimes when I write a letter to someone I'll write in cursive.
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: question of the day 9/10
 Mines a "combo" of cursive and print.
I used to be a "celebrity cherry", but now I'm in re-hab...... Holy Carp!
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Cherry Addict

Re: question of the day 9/10
 I always have this combo of cursive/print thing that I do, but its my cursive! :-D
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Cherry Bomb

Re: question of the day 9/10
 most of my writing is lists and so i print; letters I do in more of a print-cursive.  
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Laura Fiore

Wild Cherry

Re: question of the day 9/10
 I'm like most everyone here...over the years I've developed my own half cursive/half print style! It's usually really messy too, because I get ahead of myself!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: question of the day 9/10
 Print, always print. My cursive looks terrible. I never got the hang of it. :?
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A Cherry on Top

Re: question of the day 9/10
 If I'm just leaving myself a note for something to do the next day, I print. If I'm jotting down a quick note it usually turns out to be the print/cursive combo.

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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: question of the day 9/10

It comes more naturally to me
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: question of the day 9/10
 Usually cursive, but really my writing changes on a daily basis. Sometimes I print, sometimes I handwrite, it depends on the mood I'm in and what it is I'm writing. :-D

And sure we have computers to do the printing for us, but you still need to know how to write! So it's a good thing to teach for sure! :)
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: question of the day 9/10
 I had to look at all my little notes for this one: I print.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: question of the day 9/10
 sometimes I print, sometimes I write cursive

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Cherry Cola

Re: question of the day 9/10
 Cursive - but it's a strange combo of a few print letters in there as well, if that makes sense. I never wanted to print as a child. I thought the really important people in the world used cursive writing and I wanted to be one of them so I kind of skipped the printing stage. It drove my teachers nuts.

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: question of the day 9/10
Smiley-Scrap8 wrote: Ummm, mine is sort of a combo of the two. My cursive is really jerking and doesn't flow so I start in print but then the words that link well always end up in cursive.
me 2!
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Cherry Bing

Re: question of the day 9/10
 cursive is not a priority in our schools either.....

I mostly use cursive when jotting things down...unless I want my kids to be able to read what I've written!!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: question of the day 9/10
I do a combo too.  When I am journaling, I TRY to use all cursive, but it never seems to end up that way. LOL
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: question of the day 9/10
 Usually I print but every once in awhile it turns into "prursive" (a word I invented). :?
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: question of the day 9/10
Mostly cursive but my writing is not all that great & seems to have gotten worst now that I use computers most of the time. I really envy people that write neatly.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: question of the day 9/10
 Cursive mostly, but I have awful handwriting so I do print at times!
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Cherry Cola

Re: question of the day 9/10
 I typically write in a hybrid style of the two.   I will start off in cursive and then turn to print, and then back to cursive. 
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