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Cherry Bomb

My heart is just breaking.....
My parents and my brother arrived from New Orleans last evening - a grueling 10 hour drive (for what should be a 6 hour drive).  In spite of the "warnings" from my mom and brother, I was NOT prepared for the condition my stepfather is in. 

My SF had surgery just 2 weeks ago to have a pace maker put in.  This surgery was supposed to HELP him......stronger heartbeat, more blood going to the brain, increased alertness, etc.  Instead - it has destroyed him.  

He is 84 and has been somewhat frail for a while - mainly with respect to balance and the onset of very early dementia - but he was still able to get up and around with the help of a cane or walker, follow and carry on a conversation, and go exercise every morning and church every Sunday.

He now is so wobbly that when he can manage the strength to stand - he falls.  He has no control over anything and my mother must feed and bathe him and (with my brother's help) get him in and out of bed and in and out of the wheelchair.  My  mother is exhausted and I am afraid my brother (all of 145 pounds!) is going to hurt himself lifting this 220 pound man.

The change in him in just a few weeks is so dramatic and so horrible.  He has lucid moments (and hints of his sense of humor still pop up), but he also has very delusional moments.  He couldn't remember Anderson's name this morning - but knew he played the trumpet and so called him "our Harry James."

We will have to see how the storm goes - but if they are still here mid-week, I am going to suggest that we hire some help.   Somehow - my mother must get some rest.   I think she has something arranged for when they get back to New Orleans, but it's going to be quite costly.  But she just can't face the thought of putting him in any sort of home.  She wants him at their house as long as possible.

This wonderful man has been married to my mother since 1981 and was a part of our lives for 10 years before that.  He "gave me away" at my wedding and is the only grandfather my boys know and is loved by all of us.  He is a true gem.   Seeing him like this - and the suddenness of it - is just killing me......  I"m just afraid there isn't much time left....  :(

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Cherry Bing

Re: My heart is just breaking.....
 Oh Cielle!  My heart is breaking for you and your family.  Sending HUGS and many prayers.  Maybe this is just part of the healing process from the surgery.  Older patients take longer to bounce back.

At least they are safe with you there and not in NOLA. 
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A Cherry on Top

Re: My heart is just breaking.....
 Awwwww... my prayers and thoughts to you and your family.  Hopefully your SF will improve soon and your mother gets the rest she deserves.
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Cherry Bomb

Re: My heart is just breaking.....
 I am not a religious person and I don't really believe in "fate".......but something tells me there is a reason that the job in Moscow didn't work out and we ended up back in Houston this summer. 

And I, too, am hoping that this is just a temporary condition  - that he is just taking a long time to recover from the surgery.  But I just don't know..............

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Wild Cherry

Re: My heart is just breaking.....
 omg, Cielle (((hugs)))

I DO believe in fate, and I think that you are there for a reason.

Have you thought of taking him for a second opinion in case there was a problem with the first surgery that can be fixed?
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Cherry Garcia

Re: My heart is just breaking.....
 Oh, Cielle, I'm so sorry.  (((HUGS))) and prayers for all of you.  We have gone through this sort of thing with my MIL (a wonderful, strong woman who no longer recognizes anyone and cannot care for herself) so I know how painful it is.  I really regret that my kids were too young to know what she was like so I hope your kids realize how fortunate they are to have known him.
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Cherry Bomb

Re: My heart is just breaking.....
 I do think my mom is going to take him to another doctor once they get back to New Orleans.   She was not at all happy with the docs who did his surgery, so she wants to talk to someone else.

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: My heart is just breaking.....
 Cielle, my heart goes out to you.  My mother is in stage 2 of Alzheimer's.  Unfortunately, I think I know what is the cause and it is not good.  A general anesthetic can have devastating effects on someone with Alzheimer's.  It oftens causes the disease to progress very rapidly.  It is possible that he will get some of it back, but I would start making plans for getting your mother assistance with him. 
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Jeanne Marie's Scraps

Digital Designers

Re: My heart is just breaking.....
 prayers and hugs to you and your family
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Miss Daisy-NC

Cherry Garcia

Re: My heart is just breaking.....
 ((((((HUGS)))))) to you and your family
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: My heart is just breaking.....
 I am so sorry.  I am praying for your family and for your stepdad.  Thinking of you!
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Cherry Picker

Re: My heart is just breaking.....
 I Sent a Prayer your way.
Keep Smiling & try to see all the good. Enjoy your visits with your mom.
You can than look back and see the positives of this time.

Hugs I feel for you.
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Cherry Cola

Re: My heart is just breaking.....
 OMG that's so hard.  :waiting: Sending you healing thoughts and comfort.

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: My heart is just breaking.....
 oh  honey!! I am so sorry for you!!!! Let me know if i can do ANYTHING!!!
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Cherry Cola

Re: My heart is just breaking.....
 I'm so sorry.  Hopefully he will start getting better. Prayers and good vibes coming that way.
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Cherry Bing

Re: My heart is just breaking.....
 prayers sent for you and your family.

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Cherry Tart

Re: My heart is just breaking.....
 I am new here, but I am so sorry to hear of your family heartache. When my dad had a stroke and was no longer able to care for himself, Medicare sent a nurse by once a day to help bathe and care for him physically. Hoping there is something like that available for your family. You will be in my prayers.
I would rather have 30 minutes of wonderful, than a lifetime of nothing special.
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Cherry Bing

Re: My heart is just breaking.....
 Maybe your Mom should take him to another physician while they are with you and not wait; it could be medication related or something to due with his surgery but it sounds in his frail state that it may be good to have another opinion soon and I don't think by the way the weather looks, like they will be going back soon to New Orleans.  Just a thought.  My thoughts go out to your family.
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Cherry Addict

Re: My heart is just breaking.....
 my thoughts and prayers are with you; {{{{{hugs}}}}}
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: My heart is just breaking.....
Awww, Cielle I'm so sorry to hear about your stepfather! 
{hopelessly addicted}

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