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Cherry Jubilee

McCain's running mate
Alaska's Governor Sarah Palin is McCain's choice as a running mate! 
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: McCain's running mate
I saw the breaking news....this is going to be interesting! 
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Cherry Addict

Re: McCain's running mate
 I am happy for you since she is from your state, but I don't think it was the wisest choice. JMO though.
SUS ImageImageImage
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: McCain's running mate
I find that very interesting especially since he & his party have been ranting about Barack's inexperience. Then he overlooks all the people with more experience & picks Palin who has under 2 years as Governor!!!
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Cherry Cola

Re: McCain's running mate
 Well glad it's a woman anyway.. guess we'll see how it goes.
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Jenn Kellams

Cherry Garcia

Re: McCain's running mate
suslvgeo wrote: I am happy for you since she is from your state, but I don't think it was the wisest choice. JMO though.
I am with you!  This may just hurt him.  I was actually hoping he would go with Romney!  We shall see.  My hubby is going to rub this in my face though.  He was betting a woman!
Jennifer K.
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Cherry Cropper

Re: McCain's running mate
 She has exectuive experience too. You need to read up on her, she sounds really impressive. I thought Romney would be a good choice as well but now that I have been reading about her all morning and listening to some things about her on the radio- I am all for his choice!
She sold the state jet to make a profit for Alaska- if that's not cool I don't know what is. She's a blue-collar worker and avid fisher. She's a mother. She has a handicap child. From what I have seen, she has done amazing things. And her son deploys for Iraq in a month. To me, that sounds like someone more from where most of America sits....
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Re: McCain's running mate
 I was hoping he'd go with Pawlenty, for obvious reasons...but I haven't read up on Palin, so I'll have to reseve judgement until I do.  I'm REALLY hoping he didn't pick her because she's a woman.   

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Cherry Cola

Re: McCain's running mate
 Actually McCain didn't need to pick someone with a lot of experience since he has enough of it himself. He selected someone who was a maverick, someone who wasn't a "beltway insider" and someone who has gone toe to toe with Ted Stevens and won! That takes a lot of balls!!  I've admired her over the last few years just for that and I consider myself to be a Democrat. I have disliked Ted Stevens intensely since mid-1980's! 

If he did pick her because she is a woman, what of it? A woman should have been at the top of the ticket on the Democrat side! America is one of the few countries that has never had a woman in power. Hurray for McCain for selecting a woman! Obama should have!

Since I cannot bring myself to vote for Obama because I am still a disinfranchised Hillary supporter, this is most likely exactly what I, and others like me, needed. She's young, she's sharp and she's not a Washington insider. She's everything Joe Biden is not! Oh, and she didn't plagarize any speeches either - LOL! ;)

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Digital Designers

Re: McCain's running mate
 I think it's a great choice!
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Cherry Addict

Re: McCain's running mate
 My biggest concern actually is that McCain, lets face is it, is an older gentleman, if he hmmm goes, then she would be president. I am not saying, I would not want a woman president, but I would surely want one that has more experience than she brings to the table. Again, JMO.
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Re: McCain's running mate
Themom wrote:If he did pick her because she is a woman, what of it?
Well, I can tell you I'd rather be picked because I'm the best candidate, not because of the reproductive organs I posess.  If you'd be happy being the "token" woman on a ticket, more power to you.  It's not what the country needs right now.   Like I said, I haven't read up on her.  Never even heard of her.  When I do, I'll make my judgements then.     

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Cherry Delight

Re: McCain's running mate
 "Since I cannot bring myself to vote for Obama because I am still a disinfranchised Hillary supporter, this is most likely exactly what I, and others like me, needed. She's young, she's sharp and she's not a Washington insider." Quoting M'Lee

Which is EXACTLY why she was picked. He needed a fairly young woman in power. And was willing to forgo experience for someone like that on his ticket. I'm not saying that she isn't doing an excellent job for Alaska(it sounds like she is), but will she sell Airforce One to do an excellent job for the ENTIRE country.

As a Delawarean(not sure this is right ;)), I am thrilled with Obama's choice. Whether Joe Biden plagarized speeches is nothing compared to things that many in power in Washington have commited(not just saying Republicans). I admire Biden for what he has done for this country and also for NEVER forgetting where he came from or who he was representing. He KNOWS the climate in Washington and the world.
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Jenn Kellams

Cherry Garcia

Re: McCain's running mate
suslvgeo wrote: My biggest concern actually is that McCain, lets face is it, is an older gentleman, if he hmmm goes, then she would be president. I am not saying, I would not want a woman president, but I would surely want one that has more experience than she brings to the table. Again, JMO.

She has more experience than Obama and that comforts me.

I just listented to to her speech on CNN and I am enthralled.  I recant what I said previously.  I think this was  VERY wise choice.  She is an eloquent speaker, looks positive and speaks to the people in terms that the people can understand.  I am excited about this and anxious now to see what happens!  The dynamic has just been shaken up and its going to get interesting.
Jennifer K.
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Cherry Addict

Re: McCain's running mate
 I was surprised at his hoice of someone who is "unknown" and by unknown I mean she has not been on the front lines and been talked about.  I don't know if this was a ballsy move on his part or if he is loco!  Time will tell, but I will be paying more ttention to what is going on in the political world right now so that I can make an informed decision come November!
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Jenn Kellams

Cherry Garcia

Re: McCain's running mate
beachlover wrote:Time will tell, but I will be paying more ttention to what is going on in the political world right now so that I can make an informed decision come November!
This is the smartest thing said today!  I only hope that everyone does their own research and gets the facts before making a decision when voting.  Just b/c someone is young, old, black, white, male, female, democrat or republican doesn't mean they aren't good at what they do.  EDUCATE yourselves and choose the best one for YOU!
Jennifer K.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: McCain's running mate
I think she's a good choice.  She may not have a lot of experience, only having been Governor for 2 years, but she's the only one of the 4 with executive experience.  Also, she's proven that she's fiscally responsible. 

Also, I think she'll get a lot of the vote of people that wanted to vote for Clinton (the woman factor). 

I applaud McCain's choice. . . I think it will do nothing but help his campaign.

I think Romney would have been a good choice too, except for his affiliation with the Mormon Church.  I think that would cause a lot of people to not vote for McCain.  No offense to anyone here who is Mormon.
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Cherry Cola

Re: McCain's running mate
 I admire Biden for what he has done for this country and also for NEVER
forgetting where he came from or who he was representing. He KNOWS the
climate in Washington and the world.
However, the very essence of Obama's entire campaign is that he is going to Washington to change the climate of Washington. How can one believe he will change the climate of Washinton politics when he has chosen as his running mate someone who is at its heart what is wrong - an insider, someone who has never done anything other politics, someone who was willing to lie in order to win the presidency. He may very well be great for your state, but his policies have nothing for the good of this country. There cannot be change when one half of the ticket is staunch politics as usual.

I also respectfully suggest that this thread be moved to the debate forum. Politics is my passion and I could debate it from now until the end of time. But this is a scrapbooking forum and as such I would like to enjoy scrapbooking without debate.

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: McCain's running mate
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: McCain's running mate
Themom wrote: Actually McCain didn't need to pick someone with a lot of experience since he has enough of it himself.
If he did pick her because she is a woman, what of it? A woman should have been at the top of the ticket on the Democrat side! America is one of the few countries that has never had a woman in power. Hurray for McCain for selecting a woman! Obama should have!

Since I cannot bring myself to vote for Obama because I am still a disinfranchised Hillary supporter, this is most likely exactly what I, and others like me, needed. She's young, she's sharp and she's not a Washington insider. She's everything Joe Biden is not! Oh, and she didn't plagarize any speeches either - LOL! ;)
No one can have enough experience for the job. I'm afraid one of the reasons McCain may have picked Palin is because Obama did not pick Hillary & he's hoping to pick up the votes of those who are keen to see a woman in power irrespective of what they stand for.  And so what if America has never had a woman President? I would hope Americans pick the right candidate in all elections & not base it on what other countries have.

Yes, I agree Hillary would have been an awesome running mate but Biden is just as good imo. I haven't heard Palin speak so far so I can't comment on her speeches. I have nothing against her & I agree she's young & beautiful too. I'm also sure she has done a lot for Alaska. But, she's just not someone I'm heard much of until now. It's sad to think of the reasons why some people vote for a candidate without even knowing what they support or stand for.
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