I know you've been waiting with bated breath for this moment!

The Creative Team would like to thank each and every person who participated in the crop challenges, and please take some time to admire and praise some of the challenge layouts. You all did a fantastic job!
For each challenge, a paper and digital entry were drawn. The paper winners will receive a $10 ACOT GC! The digital winners will receive a $10 GC, donated by many of our amazing digital designers! I will be awarding the prizes shortly so if you do not receive your prize by Wednesday evening, please PM me.
------------ okay I'll quit teasing and announce the WINNERS!!! Congratulations to...
Challenge 1
paper: roxybonds
digital: immom2anc
paper: anazelia
digital: jjenni08
Challenge 3
paper: HCayH
digital: -Shannon-
Challenge 4
paper: megamay
digital: davsar
Challenge 5
paper: kittymomma
digital: Susanne_79
Challenge 6
paper: doo010101
digital: scrapprincess18
Challenge 7
paper: MamaDNC
digital: scrap_n_angel
Challenge 8
paper: DaisyLou
digital: bayouscrap
Challenge 9
paper: gluestick
digital: Amberpony
Challenge 10
paper: JustJessa
digital: tinabinab
Challenge 11
paper: brendab
digital: Henu_Nea
Challenge 12
paper: kcatt79
digital: DoggieMomma
Challenge 13
paper: deerewife
digital: j3xs
Challenge 14
paper: lissahope26
digital: dianagirly