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Cherry Cola

Glimmer Mist Class List
 I will be having a Glimmer Mist class during the crop.  Here are the supplies you will need.

* At least 2 colors of glimmer mist
* A rubber stamp (I haven't tried it on the acyric ones yet)
* Some Naked chipboard
* A few tags (I am making my own but either way is fine)
* A Distress Ink
* A few Background or Cardstock pieces to stamp and stencil on
* A stencil (plastic for you may cut yourself one out)Hope to see you there.

You will also need:
Paper towels, water and wax paper
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Glimmer Mist Class List
 sounds fun-- may have to go shopping- I only have 1 color of glimmer mist--but I see some new ones in the shoppe.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Glimmer Mist Class List
right on Amanda,this class is just what I need!  I bought 2 bottles when ACOT first stocked them and they are still in the bag they shipped in. I'm fired, I know.  :-D
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Cherry Bing

Re: Glimmer Mist Class List
 I didn't even realize we had a class forum.  How dense am I?
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Wild Cherry

Re: Glimmer Mist Class List
 We don't. :) These are special for the crop.

The entire crop will be happening in this forum. :)
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Glimmer Mist Class List
Oh boy, I can't wait for that class and I have everything on the list.
Here I come to save the day! Chas
I'm the crazy lizard lady

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Cherry Addict

Re: Glimmer Mist Class List
 I am basically set except for distressed ink.  Is that the same as a stamp pad?  I am a dork when it come to some of this stuff :waiting: 
Ann ~ Life is always better at the beach!
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Cherry Bing

Re: Glimmer Mist Class List
 think I am set. Now if I can only find time for the class.....

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Cherry Cola

Re: Glimmer Mist Class List
 Steph, you HAVE to make time, it's your fault I'm hooked on this stuff. ;)
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Indy Scrapper

Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Glimmer Mist Class List
 I am heading to the store now to order some glimmer mist.  I so want to learn how this works best.  Thanks bunches.
Live long, laugh often, hug someone.
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Cherry Berry

Re: Glimmer Mist Class List
 I've never used the Glimmer Mist.  Ordering supplies today for the class!  Can't wait!
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Indy Scrapper

Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Glimmer Mist Class List
 I got my order this week.  Planning on organizing the rest of the list of items this weekend and will be ready to go.
Live long, laugh often, hug someone.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Glimmer Mist Class List
 I wonder if I order the GM  this weekend , if it will come in time for the crop class????
Melissa H.

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Wild Cherry

Re: Glimmer Mist Class List
lissahope26 wrote: I wonder if I order the GM  this weekend , if it will come in time for the crop class????

Last time I ordered (Tuesday) I got it on Thursday.  Heidi is lightning fast :winkb:
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Cherry Bing

Re: Glimmer Mist Class List
 I can't wait... I bought some at GASC and haven't used it....
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Glimmer Mist Class List
 Oh I can't wait either.
I got a couple at CHA but I have no clue on how use them
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Glimmer Mist Class List
 I gotta check the schedule and see when this class is. I have some GM that I have never used and I desperately need a class!!
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Cherry Tart

Re: Glimmer Mist Class List
 wahhooooo! I hope this class is on a day that I am home and not at the beach.
Please keep us posted on when this class is. :)
Pai Ching Morales
aka Craftylilgoddess79
& very proud momma of my baby boy Kai (Ky)

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Cherry Blossom

Re: Glimmer Mist Class List
 Got it!  See, I knew there was a reason I needed 8 bottles of Glimmer Mist!  :)
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