Even though I like being on top, I think Addict and COT should switch. Top is top.

Rosa sat so that Martin could walk. Martin walked so that Barack could run. Barack ran so that our children could fly.
I agree, I think A Cherry on Top should be on top. I asked Brandon to switch those two. 
Glad you all are liking them!!! Aren't they fun!!!!

Glad you all are liking them!!! Aren't they fun!!!!


Thanks, Brandon!
Cherry Berry is cute! Think I can get to Sweet Cherry Pie by the time the crop is over?
Cherry Berry is cute! Think I can get to Sweet Cherry Pie by the time the crop is over?

Oh duh!!
It is Cherry Bing, not Cherry Bling!!
I claim trama from my car incident (see other topic) as the cause for this brain freeze!

I claim trama from my car incident (see other topic) as the cause for this brain freeze!

I need to talk more to reach the Cherry Jubilee. I like that one.
For His honor
For His honor
25249....that's where I am! Who likes to talk???? 

Egle ~ Let the things you love be your escape. ~
I am addicted to alphabets!....and papers.....and....

I am addicted to alphabets!....and papers.....and....

I still want to know why some CT members have them and some don't? Oh, Brandon....

Laura, I don't know if you ever noticed, but you and I were set up with Creative Team under our names right from the start of our term. So any CT member that didn't already have that tile now have Cherry names. I imagine Brandon will change them all to Creative Team at some point. 

On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
Thanks, Tracy. I did not notice that all the CT members didn't have the Creative Team title under their names...that explains it!

Oh, oh,.......I like chocolate covered over cherry cropper. Might have to slow down a bit

3 more tiers and i'll be on top...i better start being a chatty kathy again lol
Wendy.....love my puppies!!!!!
I made the President's list..wahooo!!!!
I made the President's list..wahooo!!!!
I have to admit... some of the names are really cute! Like Cherry Tart :P I think that's my favorite! Pahahaha!