This is my MIL's Strawberry Pie recipe that dh just adores. It's really not that hard either!
It's hard to figure out exactly how many pints/quarts of strawberries you need since it really depends on the size of your berries. (HA! ...not going there!)
Start with:
1 cup mashed Strawberries (measure AFTER you mash them!)
1 cup water
1 teaspoon lemon juice
Cook the above for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. It will boil. Turn heat down to low.
While the above is cooking, sift together:
1cup sugar
4 Tablespoons corn starch
You MUST, MUST, MUST mix this together thoroughly to make sure there are no clumps of corn starch. If you do not get it mixed together, you WILL have lumps in your pie! Been there done that! You can still eat it, but it's not as pretty.
Slowly mix sugar and starch mixture into mashed berries on low heat. Mix until it is thick and clear-ish. Remove from heat.
I use a graham cracker crust and slice about 2 cups of uncooked strawberries into it. Slowly pour warm mixture over sliced strawberries. Gently jiggle the crust to get the glaze to fill in between the slices. Cool and serve.
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Sounds easy enough! Thanks for posting this!
The only good addict is an alpha addict!

The only good addict is an alpha addict!

Sounds delicious, I am going to have to try this. Thanks for sharing 

Sounds great, can't wait to try this one.
Ooooh - this sounds so yummy!!! I'm so going to try this one - thanks for sharing!!
{hopelessly addicted}
Filling my basket with all of the new goodies

{hopelessly addicted}
Filling my basket with all of the new goodies
