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Chocolate Covered Cherry

First bad experience at my grocery store
So I skip the Lucky's near my house (gross store with even grosser (word? lol) employees) and go to the Safeway in the next town whenever I go grocery shopping.
Love that store, never have a problem, it's clean and so are it's employees. But today...yikes!  :? The checker was texting while working and I had to get her attention twice because the keypad wasn't working right. Then the bagger did a terrible job bagging and spent more time trying to talk to me about what I was making and how much he liked the stuff I was buying. WTH?! The assclown put the case of beer and the gallon of milk on the bottom shelf of the cart because he didn't fill the cart very well and it was full. (During this the guy behind me almost rammed his shopping cart into me because he was getting impatient with the slow bagger and clueless twit of a checker.)

When I VERY SLOWLY pushed my cart out of the store the beer and milk fell into the parking lot and spilled everywhere. OY!  Luckily the girl who collects the carts was walking by and offered to go get me replacements.

On top of that the bagger totally bagged everything wrong. Some bags had two light things in them and some single bags had like 10 cans in them!!

I'm thinking of calling up the store and letting them know all this. I don't normally complain about little mistakes or issues when I go shopping but what a pain.

Who was it on here that said the Monday after Friday the 13th was worse? Cause I'm thinking she's right. lol. :winkb:
- Shannon

I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.
-Lucille Ball

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: First bad experience at my grocery store
 Sorry about the grocery store.  Why don't you open some of the beer and relax.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: First bad experience at my grocery store
He was probably hitting on you and hoping that you'd invite him over for dinner! hehe :-D
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: First bad experience at my grocery store
 LOL Renee! Except he was..ummm.........not attractive and umm......oh yeah, I'm married.

Chas, I'll be having one of those beers later with the steak fajitas I'm making for din-din...the din-din I'll be having with DH and not the creepy store bagger. Image
- Shannon

I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.
-Lucille Ball

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: First bad experience at my grocery store
 LOL... so maybe your experience wasn't funny but the story is!  Dude, the grocery store we go to has the best prices by far and we put up with all of that garbage every week.  I swear, they bag things wrong just for the fun of it. :waiting:
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Featured Guest Coordinator

Re: First bad experience at my grocery store
 That's pretty much every grocery store around here but they don't take the time to put the groceries in your cart.

I for one am always turned on by someone who has a career in grocery store bagging.   I would make sure to jump right on that.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: First bad experience at my grocery store
[quote="Beth-W"] That's pretty much every grocery store around here but they don't take the time to put the groceries in your cart.

I for one am always turned on by someone who has a career in grocery store bagging.   I would make sure to jump right on that.
Bahaha! Let me get that annulment and hop to it......... :winkb:
- Shannon

I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.
-Lucille Ball

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: First bad experience at my grocery store
 Dude- that SUCKS, Shannon, but you re-tell it so funny I can't help but crack up!

While we're on the topic of dumb cashiers- I have started doing the no limit self-check at Meijer because the cashiers always load up my reuseable bags so heavy you can barely lift them! And I also hate that the cashiers shove your change at you (without counting it back) and start checking out the next person before you can even get your $ in your wallet and your bags in the cart- happened to me today at Target!
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A Cherry on Top

Re: First bad experience at my grocery store
That stinks, we usually go to the self checkout or the lines you bag yourself.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: First bad experience at my grocery store
 Hey Shannon...what would Devin do if he came home and dinner was on the table and you were sitting there with the grocery store bagger? LMAO "Hey Devin...meet my new friend! Mr. Bagger." :-D
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: First bad experience at my grocery store
Yeah, sounds just like a place down the street that Flap and I have pretty much banned, don't get us started!
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Cherry Cola

Re: First bad experience at my grocery store
 I would totally call and say something.  The texting would have totally teed me off cause she needed to be working.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: First bad experience at my grocery store
[quote="Leeanna"]Yeah, sounds just like a place down the street that Flap and I have pretty much banned, don't get us started!


ImageIf life gives you lemons, go find an annoying person with paper cuts.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: First bad experience at my grocery store
 It really is funny. You tell it so well Shannon. But it is sad that what kind of service you get these days.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: First bad experience at my grocery store
 If nothing else, I'm glas I could entertain you with my story. hehe ;)

And Renee, that would be so funny! When Dh got home I said I have to tell you my story at the grocery story and the first thing he said was. "Who is he?" Bahahaha!!
- Shannon

I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.
-Lucille Ball

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: First bad experience at my grocery store
 It was me Shanns, sorry. That sucks I would complain.....
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Cherry Addict

Re: First bad experience at my grocery store
 what an aweful experience!  That's the kind of thing that always happens to me.  I say oh, this store has more on sale, I should go here.  And then all kinds of bad stuff will happen.  I always make the wrong decisions when I think I've made the right ones then I kick myself.  Go home and drink that beer girl :winkb:
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Cherry Addict

Re: First bad experience at my grocery store
 ps:  and yes, I would definitely complain about the cashier and the bagger.  Text on your own time and the dumb kid may have been able to bagyour groceries a little better if he weren't so busy trying to make time with you, which while I am sure was a little flattering, what a dufus!  Our girl is so much better than THAT! ha!!!!
Ann ~ Life is always better at the beach!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: First bad experience at my grocery store
 I would complain-- atleast let them know what is going on.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: First bad experience at my grocery store
 I live in a very small town and no matter where you go people are like that. It totally sucks. Its like nobody cares about the customers. I mean fine I understand if you are having a bad day because everyone has those but People are like that all the time
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