So I skip the Lucky's near my house (gross store with even grosser (word? lol) employees) and go to the Safeway in the next town whenever I go grocery shopping.
Love that store, never have a problem, it's clean and so are it's employees. But today...yikes!

The checker was texting while working and I had to get her attention twice because the keypad wasn't working right. Then the bagger did a terrible job bagging and spent more time trying to talk to me about what I was making and how much he liked the stuff I was buying. WTH?! The assclown put the case of beer and the gallon of milk on the bottom shelf of the cart because he didn't fill the cart very well and it was full. (During this the guy behind me almost rammed his shopping cart into me because he was getting impatient with the slow bagger and clueless twit of a checker.)
When I VERY SLOWLY pushed my cart out of the store the beer and milk fell into the parking lot and spilled everywhere. OY! Luckily the girl who collects the carts was walking by and offered to go get me replacements.
On top of that the bagger totally bagged everything wrong. Some bags had two light things in them and some single bags had like 10 cans in them!!
I'm thinking of calling up the store and letting them know all this. I don't normally complain about little mistakes or issues when I go shopping but what a pain.
Who was it on here that said the Monday after Friday the 13th was worse? Cause I'm thinking she's right. lol.