I always have problems trying to figure out what colors go best with my photos. I came across this site on another MB.
How cool is this?
Oh now that is TOO cool!! Thanks for sharing!!!

I NEED SA - Scrappers Anonymous!!!
That is cool! TFS!
Could come on handy with home decorating projects too.
Could come on handy with home decorating projects too.

Oh now that is super cool.
thanks! I always have trouble too
Ann ~ Life is always better at the beach!

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Very cool - I'm saving that link. Thanks for sharing.
very very cool thanks so much for sharing
That is really cool. Thanks for sharing.
Ooh - very cool. I stink at picking colors!!
This is awesome. I tend to pick similar colors all the time, so this can help me think out of the box.
This is super cool. I love this program. It finally worked for me today. I was shown this the other day in an e-mail but I couldn't get it to work. Thanks for sharing this!
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Cool beans! I used it a couple of times. Makes me try other colors than I normally would.
[font=Arial:ohrhf522]Pages completed in 2010: 179
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An ideologue knows he's right. A person of faith knows only that he doesn't know. ----Walter Gustafson, Everett. From Seattle Times, Letters to the Editor, 26 Mar 2007.[/font:ohrhf522][/size:ohrhf522][/font]
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An ideologue knows he's right. A person of faith knows only that he doesn't know. ----Walter Gustafson, Everett. From Seattle Times, Letters to the Editor, 26 Mar 2007.[/font:ohrhf522][/size:ohrhf522][/font]
Thanks for the info, this could be quite useful!
Take care of you,

Super neat! Thanks so much for sharing!!