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Cherry Addict

Organization Challenge **WEEK ONE**
 Brads/Eyelets/small Embellisments and Misc Embellishments

You will see during this challenge that I have most of my stuff organized by color. For me that is the way that I have found works best, as that is how I scrap. Makes it super easy to pack for crops...grab my colors and go.

For my brads-eyelets-small embellies, I use the Crop and Hopper little boxes and totes.

I have most of it grouped by color (unless it is by manufacturor or special shape) and most importantly I have everything labeled.

For my non themed embellishments (including gems, rub-ons, stickers etc) I have a clip it up. (which as most of you know...I LOVE Image) Everything is organized by color on here. I even have a multicolor section. Top is for smaller embellies and bottom is for larger. If there are loose pieces, I put them into little baggies.



Now I realize the little boxes can get expensive as well as the Clip it Up.  However you can still sort by color if you chose too. The little bags you can get at any craft store (ie Michaels, AC Moore, Joannes etc) usually in the jewelry department, is where I have found them. I have them in three different sizes. You could store brads and eyelets in the smaller bags (instead of the boxes) and the larger ones are good for embellishments (such as above). The biggest thing for me (as you will see in coming weeks is labeling I know right where to go to find stuff) again you don't have to have a labeler (I do because my handwriting is atrocious... :?) just buy labels at Walmart and label.

You can get clips like used for the clip it up and hang them from something like below...or I even have some hanging from wire racks in my closet.

Ideas From BHGScrapbooks

Love the paper towel holder idea for these holders.

Like stated earlier, if you love how you have your stuff stored, please share with us.
if you are participating in the challenge, make sure to have a before and after picture.

Challenges will be ending August 1st. Points and prizes will be awarded after the deadline.  :-D :-D :-D Any questions..please do not hesitate to ask.

The digital side for this week will be coming soon. So stayed tune. :bluelol:
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Organization Challenge **WEEK ONE**
 My brads are all in these little plastic containers that hang in my cube by color... Love this(and well love brads!)[has some photo anchors/bookplates on the bottom row]
Image Image Image
Then this is my buttons, one is color corridanted, and the others are my extra. Then I have one for eyelets/snaps, by color and size, and then the last is photo anchors, shaped clips, colored staples, random little things. (the top two are from targets $1 section!)(other two I got on sale)
My chipboard needs help though. I think I need to get some more of the Target $1's the dividers are movable, so I could put them in there.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Organization Challenge **WEEK ONE**
 OK -I'm in for this week.  I have buttons in one place and brads and embellishments in three other places.
I'm thinking on the color issue and trying to think if that will work the best with the drawers that I have got.
Pictures will be taken and I'll start sowewhere! :greenwinka:
Scrapbooking began in the Bible Ps. 78:3-4
Personal best-31 LO's completed 6/2010
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Laura Fiore

Wild Cherry

Re: Organization Challenge **WEEK ONE**
 Your system looks awesome Sus! I like the idea of the hanging bags, and have the bottom half of the Clip-It-Up. I really need to get the top half because that would solve alot of my problems. My room (or the half a room that I get to use) has a big window and a short wall, so there isn't much wall space. So I have to take advantage of vertical storage on surfaces. The clip it up is good for that!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Organization Challenge **WEEK ONE**
I would love to have a Clip It Up but my space has ZERO counter space left except for the clear area on my desk.  SO I have to file everything away in my closet or in cubes next to my desk.  My scrap room has a fairly large closet and half is designated scrap organization (the other is costume and fabric stuff).  I have two cube shelves from Target, stacked, and smaller bins in each cube. 

My brads/eyelets are mostly organized by color in Making Memories clear stacking containers in one of the drawers:
Image  Image

I also have stacking cubes next to my desk for many of the most used embellishements and I also use a labeler to mark the drawers:

The drawers are by type.  Here is my button/bling drawer and my epoxy and felt/fabric drawer.  The buttons are in smaller plastic bead containers and the felt and fabric bits are in plastic bags to get rid of the bulk of most packaging.  I also cut a small tab of the packaging to help me to know who makes the item and put it in the bag. 
Image  Image
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Organization Challenge **WEEK ONE**
  I found these salt and pepper shakers at the Dollar General store, 2 in a pack for $1.00 (some were on sale at the end of summer for 50 cents).  I sort mine by color, and I love all the colored lids.  They are sitting on a stairstep-acrylic tray.  (Sorry for the yucky photo, I was in a hurry and forgot the flash) 
  If you don't have room for them to sit out, you can put them in a box to put on a shelf. I don't have them labeled because they are see through and I can tell at a glance what I have.

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Cherry Addict

Re: Organization Challenge **WEEK ONE**
 VERY COOL ladies!! Keep sharing!

remember there are two ways to play...if you like what you have, take pics and share with us, or if you would like to rearrange your items then post your before and after pics.

I will be looking for more ideas on the net as the week goes on to give you more ideas. Remember you have until the very end of all the challenges to complete them! :)
SUS ImageImageImage
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Organization Challenge **WEEK ONE**
 Sorry no photo. I have my buttons all together in a glass canister except for the itty bitty ones they have their own little jar. I just pour some out and pick out what I want. Brads are in smaller glass canisters. They are seperated by big and Reg. brads, shaped brads, jeweled brads, ittty bitty brads. Eyelets are the same. Once you get used to having them all mixed up its amazing how fast you can find what you want. I keep them on my desk so it looks colorful and always within reach. I used to have them sorted by color in the plastic boxes like the girls above, I had major space issues so I moved them too coffee drink bottles which was handy til I broke one (what a mess) When I go to a crop I just pour them in sandwich bags and then bring them back and dump them in the canister. Works great for me. Can't wait to see what everybody else is doing.   :)
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Organization Challenge **WEEK ONE**
 I don't have any pictures, but all my brads, eyelets and other little things are in the floss containers.  I have a about six of those.  And the best part is they only cost $1.00 each.
Here I come to save the day! Chas
I'm the crazy lizard lady

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Organization Challenge **WEEK ONE**
 My brads and eyelets are also in the Cropper Hopper organizer, boxed by color. Works well cuz I can go to the colors and find what I need!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Organization Challenge **WEEK ONE**
 My brads are in floss containers, too!  plain ones are divided by pastels. brights and metallic, small and large.  Then shaped ones each have their own bin.  I also put photo anchors there and some photo corners. One of my containers has one long bin where I keep my eyelet setter. I keep charms in there too!
My buttons are in baby food jars.  I like your clip it up for chipboard embellishments - I like my stuff to be in plain sight - otherwise I don't remember what I have.  I live too far away to go to any crops, so I don't need anything that is real protable.
Jan - trying to find my way

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Cherry Addict

Re: Organization Challenge **WEEK ONE**
 I like to sort by product and/or company, keeping certain things stored together.


I love my little stacker that I picked up at Walmart. You can screw as many as you want together. I've got all my brads in here along with a few other items that I like to keep on hand. I have my brads sorted by company. Level #1 is misc, level #2 is all Bazzill with an extra little metal tin of All My Memories, #3 is all Making Memories, #4 is all Junkitz brads with level #5 a mix of Junkitz ringz and anchorz. Level #6 has a few Karen Foster jumbo brads and all the tiny Queen & Co brads and anchors, etc. Level #7 is a catch all, mostly found items like paper clips, ball chain, pins, circle clips, watch hands and some misc charms.

I've got a few more random items in these boxes that are stored in my craft cabinet.  The metal tin is all charms. The plastic box is a hodge podge of things, bottle caps, hardware, MM safety pins, square buttons.

Pretty much everything else gets filed away in a double set of plastic drawers I have stacked one atop the other. The bottom drawer is all metal embellishments! I like to keep things in the packages as much as possible so I know exactly what I'm using. I have drawers specifically for rubons and chipboard also. Anything else is in the second drawer from the bottom, such as stickers, bling, acrylic, packs of flowers, etc.
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Wild Cherry

Re: Organization Challenge **WEEK ONE**
 Tagging Files Using PSE Organizer-*For Windows users only.* (Sorry Mac gals, we got stiffed again)

I highly recommend this method to those who are just starting out or have a small digi stash. If you are diligent about tagging your files as you get new kits, this is an easy way to organize. If you are like me and have a vast horde--this method, while still fabulous can get really boring while you try to catch up.

One of the great reasons to use Organizer is because you never have to move your files. Set up one file for Digi Supplies, and unzip all your files to that location. Organizer never *moves* your files from their location, it only categorizes them and makes them super easy to find!

Below is a picture of the Organzier window. You get here by clicking Organize while you are in PSE. (It's the last icon to the right in the toolbar.) I've numbered a few things to show you. #1-3 are the sections of our workspace. In section 1 you want to see your folders. To do this, go to where I've put #4 and select Folder Location from the drop down box. For me, this makes it easier to move around.

Section 2 is where you'll see thumbnails of your files. If you look at #5 you will see a sliding bar, move this left or right to see your thumbnails smaller or larger.

Section three is where you'll be doing most of your set up work and where you drag your tags from.


First you need to get your files into Organizer. To do this go to
Supplies folder. Organizer will now import your files. (It is actually
creating shortcuts, remember it never moves your files from it's
original location.)

Organizer comes with some categories all set up. For our purposes we're going to want to create more. In Section #3 click on new here's your choices and what the pop up boxes look like for NEW CATEGORY and NEW TAG. (in that order)

Image  Image  Image

Notice you can customize your icons and colors. Also notice when you create a new tag, you pick what category you want it to be in. So for my tag "Shabby Princess" I have it located in the "Digi Kits by Designer" category.

You can make as many of the categories and tags as you need. Some that I have set up are: Digi Kits by color, with tags for each color. Digi Kits by Designer, with tags for each designer. Digi Kits by Pattern, with tags for plaid, polka dots, etc.

Once you have you Categories/Tags set up, you can start tagging. If while you're tagging you come across another color/designer etc that you need a tag for - just create it. To Tag, drag and drop the icon onto your file's thumbnail. If you look above at the picture of your workspace you'll see that there is an icon on my files. That is the tag.

To see all your files of one tag, click on the box next to that tag. A pair of binoculars will appear and you will see all files you have labeled with that tag. Here is what that looks like using my Blue tag.


See how helpful this can be? Working on a layout and need a blue ribbon? Just click your blue tag and there are your choices. Want to see what it looks like before you decide? Slide the thumbnail bar to make them larger.

Hope this helps and sorry it was so looooong!
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Organization Challenge **WEEK ONE**
 DUDE...your screen shots rock!! Thanks for taking the time to do that!!!!!! :)
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Organization Challenge **WEEK ONE**
 Tracy, thank you for the step by step. I really need to get on that. I guess I'm just dreading the tediousness of going back and doing it all.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Organization Challenge **WEEK ONE**
 I think organizing is completely tedious (paper and digital) but sooooo worth it once it is done in a way that you like! :)
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Wild Cherry

Re: Organization Challenge **WEEK ONE**
DUDE...your screen shots rock!! Thanks for taking the time to do that!!!!!!

Image  No problem! If anyone has any questions, I'll try to answer them. I'm thinking I will probably write this up in an article later with more details. There was so much more I could have said, but it was already so long.
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Organization Challenge **WEEK ONE**
 Ok it took all afternoon and part of this morning, but I am now organized by color for this area!  (I have enough blue items to last me for years!!!
Drawers -before
Drawers -after
Drawers are now color coded!
Extra tote -before!
Extra tote is now empty!!
Scrapbooking began in the Bible Ps. 78:3-4
Personal best-31 LO's completed 6/2010
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Wild Cherry

Re: Organization Challenge **WEEK ONE**
 WOW Nancy!!! Fantastic job! I like that your labels are colored too. Makes it easy to see.
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Organization Challenge **WEEK ONE**
 DUDE!! that is AWESOME Nancy!! I need some of them there colored labels!!! :-D
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