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A Cherry on Top

May GDT Challenge #4
 I'm calling this one "Old Skool".  I just dug out some products and techniques I haven't used in a while.  These may not be old to you, but I'm sure you can find something from your scrappy past that you can use.  For this picture of Bean I found my deco scissors, my corner rounder, an old paint chip from the Home Depot, some eyelash fibers and some pop-up dots to use on some stickers.  For the record, the light in the scanner worked like an x-ray on my pop-ups.  You can't see those when you're just looking at the layout...weird, huh?  Anyway, go dig up some old products and tecniques and have some fun!

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Laura Fiore

Wild Cherry

Re: May GDT Challenge #4
 Cool challenge Ma! I've been going Old School this week already--maybe I'll have to throw some of it on a layout!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: May GDT Challenge #4
awesome-- I just pulled out an old stash box to go through-- I will have to see what I can come uo with
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: May GDT Challenge #4
 I just loaded mine into the gallery though there is no catgeory for it yet.

here is the link-- ... 250,,80956and the layout....Image

I will edit it when the category goes up
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Wild Cherry

Re: May GDT Challenge #4
 The gallery should be there now...if it isn't, pm me :winkb:
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: May GDT Challenge #4
 Cool challenge!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: May GDT Challenge #4
 So is this limited to paper layouts?

How would we go old school for digital?  Dig up old MS Paint and do everything from scratch as a bitmap? ??

hmmmm.... I actually have an old bitmap that I did in Paint for my screen background that would make a sorta good paper.  If I can only find the file!!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: May GDT Challenge #4
 Hmmm..I so so old school..this should be easy for me!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: May GDT Challenge #4
 Great challenge Ma!!
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Cherry Picker

Re: May GDT Challenge #4
 How would we go old school for digital?  Dig up old MS Paint and do everything from scratch as a bitmap? ??

lol That would be a blast from the past. Just they other day someone was telling me how I should use thier old PS ClipArt LOL They didn't have a clue.
That old stuff still makes cheesy stickers lol
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: May GDT Challenge #4
 oh man, clipart!!  I think I have a few disks of clipart from the Windows 95 era!!
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Cherry Picker

Re: May GDT Challenge #4
 To bad the Clip Art from the Print Master for Dos didn't come along for the ride I could have fun putting up a page designed for a Dot Matrix Printer he he
Ah does that make me sound old? :bluewinka:
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Cherry Addict

Re: May GDT Challenge #4
 I have no idea what  to do for this one.  I still use my corner rounder!  Am I a dork or what?  I just get tired of everything squared sometimes, especially when I am doing baby stuff, I think corner rounding the pics seems a little softer??  Guess I can see if I saved any old templates and cut some funky shapes, that is as old school as I can think 
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: May GDT Challenge #4
 I thought deco scissors where back in? ;) I had given mine away to the school than all of a sudden BOOM, scallops are back, so I go get a set of large and small scallop scissors.    And I still use pop dots......
Crap, I'm in trouble..........looks like it will be stickers & slide mounts for me!
I used to be a "celebrity cherry", but now I'm in re-hab...... Holy Carp!
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