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Cherry Addict

Re: Country Greetings from North Dakota
Dona, big welcome and "hi" from the East Coast.  Can't wait to see you around and check out your work. 
Stick around! :-D
Ann ~ Life is always better at the beach!
 view my blog (new) 

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Wild Cherry

Re: Country Greetings from North Dakota
 Originally Kindred- but they are scattered about now.
Feel free to post pics of big farm equipment- you will make my 2 yo a very happy little boy! :-D

I'm not saying forget what you lost
I suppose there's a purpose in pain
What we make of ourselves has a cost
And it's paid every time we take hold of the reins
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Cherry Tart

Re: Country Greetings from North Dakota
 Evening gals--

Hey Tessa-- Kindred is around 2 hours from us past Fargo so not too far away...We have tons of large machinery of mostly green but few pieces of the red. How do you gals post pictures underneath your messages?

I just got a chance to get on here tonight as I have been out in the field in tractor all day so you gals will have to bare with me for being on here but not till evenign and checking in unless we have rain...

Well, got all my guys supper and now I best get dishes done here and get some laundry going. Ill check back in later on tonight.

Julie M--what part of the midwest are you from then?

Need to run for awhile.. .later
"Our God is an Awesome God"
North Dakota
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