I love this LO! I think you are gorgeous and hope I look half as good as you at 40!!!
...a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest
act of caring, ALL... have the potential to turn a life around.-Leo Buscaglia
I would attempt this one - one because it would be a good challenge for me to use so many pictures and second I really like how you placed the collage in the heart! Beautiful page!
I would scraplift this one, not only using the design, but everything b/c I think it's super-creative and I have never scrapped a LO about Jeans before! I absolutely think this page rocks!
Aside from loving the colors on this, the flowers on the word "dance is great and I like how the words are off to the side discreetly. The use of the pictures as she turns is great.