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Wild Cherry

What happened to the Doodle Class?
 I was looking forward to it. :(
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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Cherry Cola

Re: What happened to the Doodle Class?
 Yeah me too. Was looking for the Basic Grey class too. Oh well the layouts are posted I guess I can copy them.
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Laura Fiore

Wild Cherry

Re: What happened to the Doodle Class?
 I think the doodle class was supposed to be taken off. There was a death in Kristi's family this week, and she's been traveling. Maybe it will be offered at another date!

If the Basic Grey class article hasn't been published yet, it will be soon.
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Wild Cherry

Re: What happened to the Doodle Class?
 I didn't know she was the one teaching it. Perfectly understandable. Thanks Laura.
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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Cherry Cola

Re: What happened to the Doodle Class?
 Can someone tell me about the Crop Wear class?

Is there an article posted about that one? I kept watching for it and missed it, I think.

I'm not even sure who was teaching it.

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Cherry Cola

Re: What happened to the Doodle Class?
 Thanks Laura.
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Cherry Addict

Re: What happened to the Doodle Class?
 You can find the crop schedule here:

And, yes, there should be articles that will be posted, if they have not yet been posted......soon!
Egle ~ Let the things you love be your escape. ~
I am addicted to alphabets!....and papers.....and....

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