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Laura Fiore

Wild Cherry

Re: CLASS TIME! Never too Many Patterns!
 Thanks Charlotte--I appreciate the comments!

For those of you who don't agree with can keep em to yourselves, LOL

Just kidding! PM me if you have any suggestions...this was my first online class, so I'm sure there are things that could have been done differently.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: CLASS TIME! Never too Many Patterns!
 I am going to try and do this after  I am feeling better, you always inspire me to scrap
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Cherry Blossom

Re: CLASS TIME! Never too Many Patterns!
 I won't stress myself over the color wheel anymore, lol. I will try and use it and see what comes out of it but if if don't work, I can't stress over it. : )

Hmmmm I think I need to read more.. be more in-tune to the scrapping world. I have not seen any of the new Doodlebug... and didn't know the word was that Monochromatic is going to be in. That's right up my alley!!!

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: CLASS TIME! Never too Many Patterns!
I definitely wouldn't remove the pink plaid, I like the bit of pink it adds & think it balances the colors of the layout well. 
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Cherry Picker

Re: CLASS TIME! Never too Many Patterns!
 I posted mine but I didn't see the category... maybe I am just getting tired already and it is only 7:45!!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: CLASS TIME! Never too Many Patterns!
I'm here Laura...let's have a peek!!

"It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice"
~Frank Sinatra
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: CLASS TIME! Never too Many Patterns!
 Ok, I finally uploaded mine & wanted to show you!  I also did it for Challege #1 (use at least 10 flowers).  But followed the PageMap and really like how it turned out!  I haven't gone through any other classes yet so I'm really glad I did this one!  Thanks again... and lmk what you think of my page. :)

Ok I don't know what happened!  I thought I'd uploaded it but keep looking and can't find it.  Tried to upload it again & says I can't submit it twice to the challenge! :(  Will post if/when I do find it....

Whew! Is there a 'hide' feature? lol  Anyway here it is...

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: CLASS TIME! Never too Many Patterns!
 When I was in the gallery earlier, I would see a LO and click on it to leave comments and it would be gone.  I would go in and out and couldn't find them again.  It happend 3-4 times.  Weird!
Kathy, who likes to think about scrapbooking
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: CLASS TIME! Never too Many Patterns!
 Oh good, at least it's not just me!
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Laura Fiore

Wild Cherry

Re: CLASS TIME! Never too Many Patterns!
 PezKat! That layout is awesome...see how the white background made it easy to use that many patterns??
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: CLASS TIME! Never too Many Patterns!
[quote="Laura Fiore"] PezKat! That layout is awesome...see how the white background made it easy to use that many patterns??[/quote]
Just now going back through the thread & seeing this!  Thanks for the compliment... I really like it, too!  And just fyi, I know you can't tell from this small pic but the background isn't white, it has a little texture to it (it's a CM "spargo" page).  I'm a long-time CMC and do 'wallpaper' some of my pages, but I *LOVE* using spargo because as you said, it leaves 'white space', but it has just enough interest to it by itself (and isn't BRIGHT like white - it's especially awesome for scenery).  I did the RHS for another challenge so I'll post that here too or just look in my layouts in case I forget!  Thanks again for the class & being a great hostess (I see I missed a ton of fun games this am but had to go to church!  next time....).
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