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Cherry Blossom

Digital NSD Challenge - Win a Kit Designed with Your Colors
 I thought it would be fun to run a challenge during NSD that would enable you to possibly win a  kit designed around a color palette submitted by the winner.  So here are the details and it is simple as can be. Post a layout and put a link in this post to your layout. The layout must use one attachment, 2 photos and some type of title or quote. Now you can easily use anything else on this layout, it just need to have at least those things.See easy! You can use anyones product, but I will say that all my product are on sale now just in case. :)

The winner will be ramdom and picked on Monday so have all your information posted by late Sunday. The winner will be contacted and asked to submit a color palette and a kit will be designed around the colors submitted. I will need to be given at least 4 weeks for the designing process to occur.

So I hope that you all take me up on the challenge and get an extra layout done!!

I will be checking in a few times daily, so any questions, direct to me in a PM, so I dont miss them.

Laura Burger
ACOT Designer
Laura Burger
ACOT Designer
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Digital Designers

Re: Digital NSD Challenge - Win a Kit Designed with Your Colors
 how awesome is this challenge -- win a kit with your colors! great idea and have fun!!
Peace & Scrappiness,
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Digital NSD Challenge - Win a Kit Designed with Your Colors
 OK, maybe my brain hasn't woken up yet :sleeping:, but when you say "use one attachment" all I can think of is an email attachment!!  :? Please clarify what you mean.  An embellishment?  And does "use one" mean one and only one, no more?  TIA
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Digital NSD Challenge - Win a Kit Designed with Your Colors
 Yes, please clarify what "attachment" is.  Thank you!  Sounds like a fun challenge!!
The only good addict is an alpha addict!
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Wild Cherry

Re: Digital NSD Challenge - Win a Kit Designed with Your Colors
I'm thinking a staple, paperclip or something like that.
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Digital NSD Challenge - Win a Kit Designed with Your Colors
 whew! I thought I was the only one who wouldn't be able to figure this out! I'm so glad I have company!! :-D
God bless America!!!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Digital NSD Challenge - Win a Kit Designed with Your Colors
 Attachment, staple, ribbon, frame something that is attached to the layout. It just about anything ladies!

Laura Burger
Laura Burger
ACOT Designer
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Cherry Tart

Re: Digital NSD Challenge - Win a Kit Designed with Your Colors
 This is so great!  I would love to have a kit made in my choice of colors - it would be a challenge to come up with the colors - brights, pastels, ahhhh! So many choices!!I love it. Thanks for the great challenge! :-D

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Digital NSD Challenge - Win a Kit Designed with Your Colors
 AWESOME Challenge!
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Digital Designers

Re: Digital NSD Challenge - Win a Kit Designed with Your Colors
 The winner gets to pick the what a great idea. Ladies what are you waiting for?  Let's get those layouts rolling ;)
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