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Cherry Bing

Slide Mounts
 OK, I'm in a couple of swaps that I plan on doing Slide mount spots in.  Only I can't find any anywhere.  Back when we had the old MB, someone posted that I could get them in the thread section at Walmart, well, they all looked at me like I had four heads and had no clue what in the world I was talking about.  They sent me to electronics.  Electronics said welcome to the ST century.  I don't have a sissix machine.

Where else can I get some slide mounts to do my swap spot?  Any and all help will be most appreciated.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Slide Mounts
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Miss Daisy-NC

Cherry Garcia

Re: Slide Mounts
 www.paperwishes.com  has a template for cutting them out, and a punch for punching them out....oh also you can get 98 slide mounts for $17.95 #BH759082
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Cherry Berry

Re: Slide Mounts
 If you're a savvy eBay'er you can get them there.  Here's a link I found to some on eBay.
~Laura - Ms Laura if your Scrappy =)
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Cherry Bing

Re: Slide Mounts
 Charlotte - I should have known you would know!  Hey, guess what.  I'm going to Pigeon Forge in September for four days>  I'll need directions to that scrapbook store or just the name of it.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Slide Mounts
 did you get your slide mounts??
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Chatty Cherry

Re: Slide Mounts
 they don't have slidemounts in the thread section, by the embroidery floss they have floss bobbins.

if you want i can cut some out for you? just send me the paper and i can cut them out for you no problem. if you have any chipboard i can cut that out as well to back them if you want.  i have the sizzix die cut that cuts out 4 different ones with one roll through the machine. let me know...i  can do it no problem
Wendy.....love my puppies!!!!!
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