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Wild Cherry

How do I post images in my reply??
No problem!
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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Cherry Garcia

How do I post images in my reply??
I right click the image, click "copy image location", then click the mountain icon and paste the url. (the simple copy and paste doesn't work for me)

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Sweet Cherry Pie

How do I post images in my reply??
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Wild Cherry

How do I post images in my reply??
I see a lot of our new friends asking this question. Could we make this thread a sticky for them this weekend?kthnx
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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Wild Cherry

How do I post images in my reply??
Thank you!!!
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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Cherry Tart

How do I post images in my reply??
Thank You!!!!
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Cherry Tart

How do I post images in my reply??
I'm totally frustrated! I'm on a Mac, using Firefox, but I cannot copy and paste an image. Every time I try, I get an error. I also tried pasting the link from the gallery, no luck there either. Can someone else on a Mac maybe PM me and tell me what you do?Thanks!Alison
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Cherry Bing

How do I post images in my reply??
Hi Ladies - I am having problems getting any pictures to post in the threads. I have tried the below to no avail.  Any suggestions?
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Cherry Blossom

How do I post images in my reply??
when posting to the do you get your image in the correct spot.I have a card for the fast scrap 6 but I can't get it into the card catagory it gives me this error message:what am I doing wrong???Cannot enter contest/challenge: Fast Scrap #6 juvenile BD card.
Wrong submission type 
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Cherry Blossom

How do I post images in my reply??
You have to copy and paste from your gallery on this website, not from photobucket or your desktop :-)  hth
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Cherry Berry

How do I post images in my reply??
Another frustrated Mac user here. I can't get firefox to work. Any other suggestions?!
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Cherry Berry

How do I post images in my reply??
I posted to the tech board yesterday. I'm a MAC/Leopard user. I have been using Safari (default) and Firefox browsers. I can't get images in. I'll continue to try to solve the problem. If I make progress will PM both of you (Alissa103 & Alimo711).
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Cherry Berry

How do I post images in my reply??
thanks, BetseyMae. I hope you figure it out. I've had to photo host everything through photobucket. sooooooo annoying!
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