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Chocolate Covered Cherry

I am so so mad right now, I'm actually shaking!-UPDATE
Ok, I need to get this out cuz I am just so angry right now. I am seriously just shaking as I type this.The place that I work for, I don't know if it's just this one girl Tracy or if more people decided on it, but she's our new Admin Supervisor kinda thing.I unfortunetly have to take the bus to work cuz this damn place doesn't have enough parking spots for everyone. So of course, I'm a slave to the buses. And since I have to make a connection bus, I like to plan it so that I have as little waiting time as possible. Especially in the winter when it's frickin' freezing over here.In any case, the bus I take now, is perfect. my connection bus is there within a minute or two of me getting there, so no wait, I don't have to worry about a bunch of teeneagers going to school on the bus, which they are on the bus before, the only thing is, it gets me to work 5 minutes late. Not a big deal, right? I don't think it is. Especially for someone who never takes her breaks in the day. Take it out of that damn time if it's such an issue.So Tracy just sent me and my boss an email (I'm in accoutning so she IS NOT my boss) saying that I needed to adhere to the 830 - 5 hours and that I needed to make other arrangements for my bus, Kiss my donkey B*#$*! And I did let her know about the reasons why i take the bus. Which might I add she did not include in the email she sent out. The earlier bus means that I get here like 15-20 minutes earlier, I loose out on a half an hour extra of sleep, I have to wait 10 minutes for the connection bus and I have to deal with very over crowded bus, on both my busses.Seriously. Complete anger. I'm waiting for my boss to get in and I'm going to talk to him about it. I seriously just want to walk out of here right now and say screw you, I quit, and it's all because of you B*$#*! Maybe even throw something at her.I unfortuntely have bills to pay so that can't happen, but man it would feel good!!Sigh. Sorry about the angry tone, but man, I just want to either hurt someone or cry! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well I finally talked to him, and to no evail. Basically I have to be here for 8:30, even if it means I get here early, and no I cannot leave early because of it and no I can't take it off of my breaks. Apparently they're "cracking down" on hours. And using the whole, if we let you do it, then what will everyone else say crap. But I'd liek to see them do something about the people I see leaving 5 minutes early all the time. Am so not happy. Considering actually looking for another job.The worst part is I have to be here early, work till 5, then off to classes on monday and wednesdays from 6-10. Means I'm going to be putting in 14-15 hours days. Being here earlier, is not going to be helping that at all. So not happy.Thanks everyone for your support by the way!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

I am so so mad right now, I'm actually shaking!-UPDATE
Ok, I need to get this out cuz I am just so angry right now. I am seriously just shaking as I type this.The place that I work for, I don't know if it's just this one girl Tracy or if more people decided on it, but she's our new Admin Supervisor kinda thing.I unfortunetly have to take the bus to work cuz this damn place doesn't have enough parking spots for everyone. So of course, I'm a slave to the buses. And since I have to make a connection bus, I like to plan it so that I have as little waiting time as possible. Especially in the winter when it's frickin' freezing over here.In any case, the bus I take now, is perfect. my connection bus is there within a minute or two of me getting there, so no wait, I don't have to worry about a bunch of teeneagers going to school on the bus, which they are on the bus before, the only thing is, it gets me to work 5 minutes late. Not a big deal, right? I don't think it is. Especially for someone who never takes her breaks in the day. Take it out of that damn time if it's such an issue.So Tracy just sent me and my boss an email (I'm in accoutning so she IS NOT my boss) saying that I needed to adhere to the 830 - 5 hours and that I needed to make other arrangements for my bus, Kiss my donkey B*#$*! And I did let her know about the reasons why i take the bus. Which might I add she did not include in the email she sent out. The earlier bus means that I get here like 15-20 minutes earlier, I loose out on a half an hour extra of sleep, I have to wait 10 minutes for the connection bus and I have to deal with very over crowded bus, on both my busses.Seriously. Complete anger. I'm waiting for my boss to get in and I'm going to talk to him about it. I seriously just want to walk out of here right now and say screw you, I quit, and it's all because of you B*$#*! Maybe even throw something at her.I unfortuntely have bills to pay so that can't happen, but man it would feel good!!Sigh. Sorry about the angry tone, but man, I just want to either hurt someone or cry! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well I finally talked to him, and to no evail. Basically I have to be here for 8:30, even if it means I get here early, and no I cannot leave early because of it and no I can't take it off of my breaks. Apparently they're "cracking down" on hours. And using the whole, if we let you do it, then what will everyone else say crap. But I'd liek to see them do something about the people I see leaving 5 minutes early all the time. Am so not happy. Considering actually looking for another job.The worst part is I have to be here early, work till 5, then off to classes on monday and wednesdays from 6-10. Means I'm going to be putting in 14-15 hours days. Being here earlier, is not going to be helping that at all. So not happy.Thanks everyone for your support by the way!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

I am so so mad right now, I'm actually shaking!-UPDATE
Ok, I need to get this out cuz I am just so angry right now. I am seriously just shaking as I type this.The place that I work for, I don't know if it's just this one girl Tracy or if more people decided on it, but she's our new Admin Supervisor kinda thing.I unfortunetly have to take the bus to work cuz this damn place doesn't have enough parking spots for everyone. So of course, I'm a slave to the buses. And since I have to make a connection bus, I like to plan it so that I have as little waiting time as possible. Especially in the winter when it's frickin' freezing over here.In any case, the bus I take now, is perfect. my connection bus is there within a minute or two of me getting there, so no wait, I don't have to worry about a bunch of teeneagers going to school on the bus, which they are on the bus before, the only thing is, it gets me to work 5 minutes late. Not a big deal, right? I don't think it is. Especially for someone who never takes her breaks in the day. Take it out of that damn time if it's such an issue.So Tracy just sent me and my boss an email (I'm in accoutning so she IS NOT my boss) saying that I needed to adhere to the 830 - 5 hours and that I needed to make other arrangements for my bus, Kiss my donkey B*#$*! And I did let her know about the reasons why i take the bus. Which might I add she did not include in the email she sent out. The earlier bus means that I get here like 15-20 minutes earlier, I loose out on a half an hour extra of sleep, I have to wait 10 minutes for the connection bus and I have to deal with very over crowded bus, on both my busses.Seriously. Complete anger. I'm waiting for my boss to get in and I'm going to talk to him about it. I seriously just want to walk out of here right now and say screw you, I quit, and it's all because of you B*$#*! Maybe even throw something at her.I unfortuntely have bills to pay so that can't happen, but man it would feel good!!Sigh. Sorry about the angry tone, but man, I just want to either hurt someone or cry! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well I finally talked to him, and to no evail. Basically I have to be here for 8:30, even if it means I get here early, and no I cannot leave early because of it and no I can't take it off of my breaks. Apparently they're "cracking down" on hours. And using the whole, if we let you do it, then what will everyone else say crap. But I'd liek to see them do something about the people I see leaving 5 minutes early all the time. Am so not happy. Considering actually looking for another job.The worst part is I have to be here early, work till 5, then off to classes on monday and wednesdays from 6-10. Means I'm going to be putting in 14-15 hours days. Being here earlier, is not going to be helping that at all. So not happy.Thanks everyone for your support by the way!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

I am so so mad right now, I'm actually shaking!-UPDATE
Ok, I need to get this out cuz I am just so angry right now. I am seriously just shaking as I type this.The place that I work for, I don't know if it's just this one girl Tracy or if more people decided on it, but she's our new Admin Supervisor kinda thing.I unfortunetly have to take the bus to work cuz this damn place doesn't have enough parking spots for everyone. So of course, I'm a slave to the buses. And since I have to make a connection bus, I like to plan it so that I have as little waiting time as possible. Especially in the winter when it's frickin' freezing over here.In any case, the bus I take now, is perfect. my connection bus is there within a minute or two of me getting there, so no wait, I don't have to worry about a bunch of teeneagers going to school on the bus, which they are on the bus before, the only thing is, it gets me to work 5 minutes late. Not a big deal, right? I don't think it is. Especially for someone who never takes her breaks in the day. Take it out of that damn time if it's such an issue.So Tracy just sent me and my boss an email (I'm in accoutning so she IS NOT my boss) saying that I needed to adhere to the 830 - 5 hours and that I needed to make other arrangements for my bus, Kiss my donkey B*#$*! And I did let her know about the reasons why i take the bus. Which might I add she did not include in the email she sent out. The earlier bus means that I get here like 15-20 minutes earlier, I loose out on a half an hour extra of sleep, I have to wait 10 minutes for the connection bus and I have to deal with very over crowded bus, on both my busses.Seriously. Complete anger. I'm waiting for my boss to get in and I'm going to talk to him about it. I seriously just want to walk out of here right now and say screw you, I quit, and it's all because of you B*$#*! Maybe even throw something at her.I unfortuntely have bills to pay so that can't happen, but man it would feel good!!Sigh. Sorry about the angry tone, but man, I just want to either hurt someone or cry! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well I finally talked to him, and to no evail. Basically I have to be here for 8:30, even if it means I get here early, and no I cannot leave early because of it and no I can't take it off of my breaks. Apparently they're "cracking down" on hours. And using the whole, if we let you do it, then what will everyone else say crap. But I'd liek to see them do something about the people I see leaving 5 minutes early all the time. Am so not happy. Considering actually looking for another job.The worst part is I have to be here early, work till 5, then off to classes on monday and wednesdays from 6-10. Means I'm going to be putting in 14-15 hours days. Being here earlier, is not going to be helping that at all. So not happy.Thanks everyone for your support by the way!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

I am so so mad right now, I'm actually shaking!-UPDATE
Ok, I need to get this out cuz I am just so angry right now. I am seriously just shaking as I type this.The place that I work for, I don't know if it's just this one girl Tracy or if more people decided on it, but she's our new Admin Supervisor kinda thing.I unfortunetly have to take the bus to work cuz this damn place doesn't have enough parking spots for everyone. So of course, I'm a slave to the buses. And since I have to make a connection bus, I like to plan it so that I have as little waiting time as possible. Especially in the winter when it's frickin' freezing over here.In any case, the bus I take now, is perfect. my connection bus is there within a minute or two of me getting there, so no wait, I don't have to worry about a bunch of teeneagers going to school on the bus, which they are on the bus before, the only thing is, it gets me to work 5 minutes late. Not a big deal, right? I don't think it is. Especially for someone who never takes her breaks in the day. Take it out of that damn time if it's such an issue.So Tracy just sent me and my boss an email (I'm in accoutning so she IS NOT my boss) saying that I needed to adhere to the 830 - 5 hours and that I needed to make other arrangements for my bus, Kiss my donkey B*#$*! And I did let her know about the reasons why i take the bus. Which might I add she did not include in the email she sent out. The earlier bus means that I get here like 15-20 minutes earlier, I loose out on a half an hour extra of sleep, I have to wait 10 minutes for the connection bus and I have to deal with very over crowded bus, on both my busses.Seriously. Complete anger. I'm waiting for my boss to get in and I'm going to talk to him about it. I seriously just want to walk out of here right now and say screw you, I quit, and it's all because of you B*$#*! Maybe even throw something at her.I unfortuntely have bills to pay so that can't happen, but man it would feel good!!Sigh. Sorry about the angry tone, but man, I just want to either hurt someone or cry! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well I finally talked to him, and to no evail. Basically I have to be here for 8:30, even if it means I get here early, and no I cannot leave early because of it and no I can't take it off of my breaks. Apparently they're "cracking down" on hours. And using the whole, if we let you do it, then what will everyone else say crap. But I'd liek to see them do something about the people I see leaving 5 minutes early all the time. Am so not happy. Considering actually looking for another job.The worst part is I have to be here early, work till 5, then off to classes on monday and wednesdays from 6-10. Means I'm going to be putting in 14-15 hours days. Being here earlier, is not going to be helping that at all. So not happy.Thanks everyone for your support by the way!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

I am so so mad right now, I'm actually shaking!-UPDATE
Ok, I need to get this out cuz I am just so angry right now. I am seriously just shaking as I type this.The place that I work for, I don't know if it's just this one girl Tracy or if more people decided on it, but she's our new Admin Supervisor kinda thing.I unfortunetly have to take the bus to work cuz this damn place doesn't have enough parking spots for everyone. So of course, I'm a slave to the buses. And since I have to make a connection bus, I like to plan it so that I have as little waiting time as possible. Especially in the winter when it's frickin' freezing over here.In any case, the bus I take now, is perfect. my connection bus is there within a minute or two of me getting there, so no wait, I don't have to worry about a bunch of teeneagers going to school on the bus, which they are on the bus before, the only thing is, it gets me to work 5 minutes late. Not a big deal, right? I don't think it is. Especially for someone who never takes her breaks in the day. Take it out of that damn time if it's such an issue.So Tracy just sent me and my boss an email (I'm in accoutning so she IS NOT my boss) saying that I needed to adhere to the 830 - 5 hours and that I needed to make other arrangements for my bus, Kiss my donkey B*#$*! And I did let her know about the reasons why i take the bus. Which might I add she did not include in the email she sent out. The earlier bus means that I get here like 15-20 minutes earlier, I loose out on a half an hour extra of sleep, I have to wait 10 minutes for the connection bus and I have to deal with very over crowded bus, on both my busses.Seriously. Complete anger. I'm waiting for my boss to get in and I'm going to talk to him about it. I seriously just want to walk out of here right now and say screw you, I quit, and it's all because of you B*$#*! Maybe even throw something at her.I unfortuntely have bills to pay so that can't happen, but man it would feel good!!Sigh. Sorry about the angry tone, but man, I just want to either hurt someone or cry! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well I finally talked to him, and to no evail. Basically I have to be here for 8:30, even if it means I get here early, and no I cannot leave early because of it and no I can't take it off of my breaks. Apparently they're "cracking down" on hours. And using the whole, if we let you do it, then what will everyone else say crap. But I'd liek to see them do something about the people I see leaving 5 minutes early all the time. Am so not happy. Considering actually looking for another job.The worst part is I have to be here early, work till 5, then off to classes on monday and wednesdays from 6-10. Means I'm going to be putting in 14-15 hours days. Being here earlier, is not going to be helping that at all. So not happy.Thanks everyone for your support by the way!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

I am so so mad right now, I'm actually shaking!-UPDATE
Ok, I need to get this out cuz I am just so angry right now. I am seriously just shaking as I type this.The place that I work for, I don't know if it's just this one girl Tracy or if more people decided on it, but she's our new Admin Supervisor kinda thing.I unfortunetly have to take the bus to work cuz this damn place doesn't have enough parking spots for everyone. So of course, I'm a slave to the buses. And since I have to make a connection bus, I like to plan it so that I have as little waiting time as possible. Especially in the winter when it's frickin' freezing over here.In any case, the bus I take now, is perfect. my connection bus is there within a minute or two of me getting there, so no wait, I don't have to worry about a bunch of teeneagers going to school on the bus, which they are on the bus before, the only thing is, it gets me to work 5 minutes late. Not a big deal, right? I don't think it is. Especially for someone who never takes her breaks in the day. Take it out of that damn time if it's such an issue.So Tracy just sent me and my boss an email (I'm in accoutning so she IS NOT my boss) saying that I needed to adhere to the 830 - 5 hours and that I needed to make other arrangements for my bus, Kiss my donkey B*#$*! And I did let her know about the reasons why i take the bus. Which might I add she did not include in the email she sent out. The earlier bus means that I get here like 15-20 minutes earlier, I loose out on a half an hour extra of sleep, I have to wait 10 minutes for the connection bus and I have to deal with very over crowded bus, on both my busses.Seriously. Complete anger. I'm waiting for my boss to get in and I'm going to talk to him about it. I seriously just want to walk out of here right now and say screw you, I quit, and it's all because of you B*$#*! Maybe even throw something at her.I unfortuntely have bills to pay so that can't happen, but man it would feel good!!Sigh. Sorry about the angry tone, but man, I just want to either hurt someone or cry! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well I finally talked to him, and to no evail. Basically I have to be here for 8:30, even if it means I get here early, and no I cannot leave early because of it and no I can't take it off of my breaks. Apparently they're "cracking down" on hours. And using the whole, if we let you do it, then what will everyone else say crap. But I'd liek to see them do something about the people I see leaving 5 minutes early all the time. Am so not happy. Considering actually looking for another job.The worst part is I have to be here early, work till 5, then off to classes on monday and wednesdays from 6-10. Means I'm going to be putting in 14-15 hours days. Being here earlier, is not going to be helping that at all. So not happy.Thanks everyone for your support by the way!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

I am so so mad right now, I'm actually shaking!-UPDATE
Ok, I need to get this out cuz I am just so angry right now. I am seriously just shaking as I type this.The place that I work for, I don't know if it's just this one girl Tracy or if more people decided on it, but she's our new Admin Supervisor kinda thing.I unfortunetly have to take the bus to work cuz this damn place doesn't have enough parking spots for everyone. So of course, I'm a slave to the buses. And since I have to make a connection bus, I like to plan it so that I have as little waiting time as possible. Especially in the winter when it's frickin' freezing over here.In any case, the bus I take now, is perfect. my connection bus is there within a minute or two of me getting there, so no wait, I don't have to worry about a bunch of teeneagers going to school on the bus, which they are on the bus before, the only thing is, it gets me to work 5 minutes late. Not a big deal, right? I don't think it is. Especially for someone who never takes her breaks in the day. Take it out of that damn time if it's such an issue.So Tracy just sent me and my boss an email (I'm in accoutning so she IS NOT my boss) saying that I needed to adhere to the 830 - 5 hours and that I needed to make other arrangements for my bus, Kiss my donkey B*#$*! And I did let her know about the reasons why i take the bus. Which might I add she did not include in the email she sent out. The earlier bus means that I get here like 15-20 minutes earlier, I loose out on a half an hour extra of sleep, I have to wait 10 minutes for the connection bus and I have to deal with very over crowded bus, on both my busses.Seriously. Complete anger. I'm waiting for my boss to get in and I'm going to talk to him about it. I seriously just want to walk out of here right now and say screw you, I quit, and it's all because of you B*$#*! Maybe even throw something at her.I unfortuntely have bills to pay so that can't happen, but man it would feel good!!Sigh. Sorry about the angry tone, but man, I just want to either hurt someone or cry! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well I finally talked to him, and to no evail. Basically I have to be here for 8:30, even if it means I get here early, and no I cannot leave early because of it and no I can't take it off of my breaks. Apparently they're "cracking down" on hours. And using the whole, if we let you do it, then what will everyone else say crap. But I'd liek to see them do something about the people I see leaving 5 minutes early all the time. Am so not happy. Considering actually looking for another job.The worst part is I have to be here early, work till 5, then off to classes on monday and wednesdays from 6-10. Means I'm going to be putting in 14-15 hours days. Being here earlier, is not going to be helping that at all. So not happy.Thanks everyone for your support by the way!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

I am so so mad right now, I'm actually shaking!-UPDATE
Ok, I need to get this out cuz I am just so angry right now. I am seriously just shaking as I type this.The place that I work for, I don't know if it's just this one girl Tracy or if more people decided on it, but she's our new Admin Supervisor kinda thing.I unfortunetly have to take the bus to work cuz this damn place doesn't have enough parking spots for everyone. So of course, I'm a slave to the buses. And since I have to make a connection bus, I like to plan it so that I have as little waiting time as possible. Especially in the winter when it's frickin' freezing over here.In any case, the bus I take now, is perfect. my connection bus is there within a minute or two of me getting there, so no wait, I don't have to worry about a bunch of teeneagers going to school on the bus, which they are on the bus before, the only thing is, it gets me to work 5 minutes late. Not a big deal, right? I don't think it is. Especially for someone who never takes her breaks in the day. Take it out of that damn time if it's such an issue.So Tracy just sent me and my boss an email (I'm in accoutning so she IS NOT my boss) saying that I needed to adhere to the 830 - 5 hours and that I needed to make other arrangements for my bus, Kiss my donkey B*#$*! And I did let her know about the reasons why i take the bus. Which might I add she did not include in the email she sent out. The earlier bus means that I get here like 15-20 minutes earlier, I loose out on a half an hour extra of sleep, I have to wait 10 minutes for the connection bus and I have to deal with very over crowded bus, on both my busses.Seriously. Complete anger. I'm waiting for my boss to get in and I'm going to talk to him about it. I seriously just want to walk out of here right now and say screw you, I quit, and it's all because of you B*$#*! Maybe even throw something at her.I unfortuntely have bills to pay so that can't happen, but man it would feel good!!Sigh. Sorry about the angry tone, but man, I just want to either hurt someone or cry! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well I finally talked to him, and to no evail. Basically I have to be here for 8:30, even if it means I get here early, and no I cannot leave early because of it and no I can't take it off of my breaks. Apparently they're "cracking down" on hours. And using the whole, if we let you do it, then what will everyone else say crap. But I'd liek to see them do something about the people I see leaving 5 minutes early all the time. Am so not happy. Considering actually looking for another job.The worst part is I have to be here early, work till 5, then off to classes on monday and wednesdays from 6-10. Means I'm going to be putting in 14-15 hours days. Being here earlier, is not going to be helping that at all. So not happy.Thanks everyone for your support by the way!
User avatar


Chocolate Covered Cherry

I am so so mad right now, I'm actually shaking!-UPDATE
Ok, I need to get this out cuz I am just so angry right now. I am seriously just shaking as I type this.The place that I work for, I don't know if it's just this one girl Tracy or if more people decided on it, but she's our new Admin Supervisor kinda thing.I unfortunetly have to take the bus to work cuz this damn place doesn't have enough parking spots for everyone. So of course, I'm a slave to the buses. And since I have to make a connection bus, I like to plan it so that I have as little waiting time as possible. Especially in the winter when it's frickin' freezing over here.In any case, the bus I take now, is perfect. my connection bus is there within a minute or two of me getting there, so no wait, I don't have to worry about a bunch of teeneagers going to school on the bus, which they are on the bus before, the only thing is, it gets me to work 5 minutes late. Not a big deal, right? I don't think it is. Especially for someone who never takes her breaks in the day. Take it out of that damn time if it's such an issue.So Tracy just sent me and my boss an email (I'm in accoutning so she IS NOT my boss) saying that I needed to adhere to the 830 - 5 hours and that I needed to make other arrangements for my bus, Kiss my donkey B*#$*! And I did let her know about the reasons why i take the bus. Which might I add she did not include in the email she sent out. The earlier bus means that I get here like 15-20 minutes earlier, I loose out on a half an hour extra of sleep, I have to wait 10 minutes for the connection bus and I have to deal with very over crowded bus, on both my busses.Seriously. Complete anger. I'm waiting for my boss to get in and I'm going to talk to him about it. I seriously just want to walk out of here right now and say screw you, I quit, and it's all because of you B*$#*! Maybe even throw something at her.I unfortuntely have bills to pay so that can't happen, but man it would feel good!!Sigh. Sorry about the angry tone, but man, I just want to either hurt someone or cry! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well I finally talked to him, and to no evail. Basically I have to be here for 8:30, even if it means I get here early, and no I cannot leave early because of it and no I can't take it off of my breaks. Apparently they're "cracking down" on hours. And using the whole, if we let you do it, then what will everyone else say crap. But I'd liek to see them do something about the people I see leaving 5 minutes early all the time. Am so not happy. Considering actually looking for another job.The worst part is I have to be here early, work till 5, then off to classes on monday and wednesdays from 6-10. Means I'm going to be putting in 14-15 hours days. Being here earlier, is not going to be helping that at all. So not happy.Thanks everyone for your support by the way!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

I am so so mad right now, I'm actually shaking!-UPDATE
Ok, I need to get this out cuz I am just so angry right now. I am seriously just shaking as I type this.The place that I work for, I don't know if it's just this one girl Tracy or if more people decided on it, but she's our new Admin Supervisor kinda thing.I unfortunetly have to take the bus to work cuz this damn place doesn't have enough parking spots for everyone. So of course, I'm a slave to the buses. And since I have to make a connection bus, I like to plan it so that I have as little waiting time as possible. Especially in the winter when it's frickin' freezing over here.In any case, the bus I take now, is perfect. my connection bus is there within a minute or two of me getting there, so no wait, I don't have to worry about a bunch of teeneagers going to school on the bus, which they are on the bus before, the only thing is, it gets me to work 5 minutes late. Not a big deal, right? I don't think it is. Especially for someone who never takes her breaks in the day. Take it out of that damn time if it's such an issue.So Tracy just sent me and my boss an email (I'm in accoutning so she IS NOT my boss) saying that I needed to adhere to the 830 - 5 hours and that I needed to make other arrangements for my bus, Kiss my donkey B*#$*! And I did let her know about the reasons why i take the bus. Which might I add she did not include in the email she sent out. The earlier bus means that I get here like 15-20 minutes earlier, I loose out on a half an hour extra of sleep, I have to wait 10 minutes for the connection bus and I have to deal with very over crowded bus, on both my busses.Seriously. Complete anger. I'm waiting for my boss to get in and I'm going to talk to him about it. I seriously just want to walk out of here right now and say screw you, I quit, and it's all because of you B*$#*! Maybe even throw something at her.I unfortuntely have bills to pay so that can't happen, but man it would feel good!!Sigh. Sorry about the angry tone, but man, I just want to either hurt someone or cry! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well I finally talked to him, and to no evail. Basically I have to be here for 8:30, even if it means I get here early, and no I cannot leave early because of it and no I can't take it off of my breaks. Apparently they're "cracking down" on hours. And using the whole, if we let you do it, then what will everyone else say crap. But I'd liek to see them do something about the people I see leaving 5 minutes early all the time. Am so not happy. Considering actually looking for another job.The worst part is I have to be here early, work till 5, then off to classes on monday and wednesdays from 6-10. Means I'm going to be putting in 14-15 hours days. Being here earlier, is not going to be helping that at all. So not happy.Thanks everyone for your support by the way!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

I am so so mad right now, I'm actually shaking!-UPDATE
Ok, I need to get this out cuz I am just so angry right now. I am seriously just shaking as I type this.The place that I work for, I don't know if it's just this one girl Tracy or if more people decided on it, but she's our new Admin Supervisor kinda thing.I unfortunetly have to take the bus to work cuz this damn place doesn't have enough parking spots for everyone. So of course, I'm a slave to the buses. And since I have to make a connection bus, I like to plan it so that I have as little waiting time as possible. Especially in the winter when it's frickin' freezing over here.In any case, the bus I take now, is perfect. my connection bus is there within a minute or two of me getting there, so no wait, I don't have to worry about a bunch of teeneagers going to school on the bus, which they are on the bus before, the only thing is, it gets me to work 5 minutes late. Not a big deal, right? I don't think it is. Especially for someone who never takes her breaks in the day. Take it out of that damn time if it's such an issue.So Tracy just sent me and my boss an email (I'm in accoutning so she IS NOT my boss) saying that I needed to adhere to the 830 - 5 hours and that I needed to make other arrangements for my bus, Kiss my donkey B*#$*! And I did let her know about the reasons why i take the bus. Which might I add she did not include in the email she sent out. The earlier bus means that I get here like 15-20 minutes earlier, I loose out on a half an hour extra of sleep, I have to wait 10 minutes for the connection bus and I have to deal with very over crowded bus, on both my busses.Seriously. Complete anger. I'm waiting for my boss to get in and I'm going to talk to him about it. I seriously just want to walk out of here right now and say screw you, I quit, and it's all because of you B*$#*! Maybe even throw something at her.I unfortuntely have bills to pay so that can't happen, but man it would feel good!!Sigh. Sorry about the angry tone, but man, I just want to either hurt someone or cry! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well I finally talked to him, and to no evail. Basically I have to be here for 8:30, even if it means I get here early, and no I cannot leave early because of it and no I can't take it off of my breaks. Apparently they're "cracking down" on hours. And using the whole, if we let you do it, then what will everyone else say crap. But I'd liek to see them do something about the people I see leaving 5 minutes early all the time. Am so not happy. Considering actually looking for another job.The worst part is I have to be here early, work till 5, then off to classes on monday and wednesdays from 6-10. Means I'm going to be putting in 14-15 hours days. Being here earlier, is not going to be helping that at all. So not happy.Thanks everyone for your support by the way!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

I am so so mad right now, I'm actually shaking!-UPDATE
Ok, I need to get this out cuz I am just so angry right now. I am seriously just shaking as I type this.The place that I work for, I don't know if it's just this one girl Tracy or if more people decided on it, but she's our new Admin Supervisor kinda thing.I unfortunetly have to take the bus to work cuz this damn place doesn't have enough parking spots for everyone. So of course, I'm a slave to the buses. And since I have to make a connection bus, I like to plan it so that I have as little waiting time as possible. Especially in the winter when it's frickin' freezing over here.In any case, the bus I take now, is perfect. my connection bus is there within a minute or two of me getting there, so no wait, I don't have to worry about a bunch of teeneagers going to school on the bus, which they are on the bus before, the only thing is, it gets me to work 5 minutes late. Not a big deal, right? I don't think it is. Especially for someone who never takes her breaks in the day. Take it out of that damn time if it's such an issue.So Tracy just sent me and my boss an email (I'm in accoutning so she IS NOT my boss) saying that I needed to adhere to the 830 - 5 hours and that I needed to make other arrangements for my bus, Kiss my donkey B*#$*! And I did let her know about the reasons why i take the bus. Which might I add she did not include in the email she sent out. The earlier bus means that I get here like 15-20 minutes earlier, I loose out on a half an hour extra of sleep, I have to wait 10 minutes for the connection bus and I have to deal with very over crowded bus, on both my busses.Seriously. Complete anger. I'm waiting for my boss to get in and I'm going to talk to him about it. I seriously just want to walk out of here right now and say screw you, I quit, and it's all because of you B*$#*! Maybe even throw something at her.I unfortuntely have bills to pay so that can't happen, but man it would feel good!!Sigh. Sorry about the angry tone, but man, I just want to either hurt someone or cry! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well I finally talked to him, and to no evail. Basically I have to be here for 8:30, even if it means I get here early, and no I cannot leave early because of it and no I can't take it off of my breaks. Apparently they're "cracking down" on hours. And using the whole, if we let you do it, then what will everyone else say crap. But I'd liek to see them do something about the people I see leaving 5 minutes early all the time. Am so not happy. Considering actually looking for another job.The worst part is I have to be here early, work till 5, then off to classes on monday and wednesdays from 6-10. Means I'm going to be putting in 14-15 hours days. Being here earlier, is not going to be helping that at all. So not happy.Thanks everyone for your support by the way!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

I am so so mad right now, I'm actually shaking!-UPDATE
Ok, I need to get this out cuz I am just so angry right now. I am seriously just shaking as I type this.The place that I work for, I don't know if it's just this one girl Tracy or if more people decided on it, but she's our new Admin Supervisor kinda thing.I unfortunetly have to take the bus to work cuz this damn place doesn't have enough parking spots for everyone. So of course, I'm a slave to the buses. And since I have to make a connection bus, I like to plan it so that I have as little waiting time as possible. Especially in the winter when it's frickin' freezing over here.In any case, the bus I take now, is perfect. my connection bus is there within a minute or two of me getting there, so no wait, I don't have to worry about a bunch of teeneagers going to school on the bus, which they are on the bus before, the only thing is, it gets me to work 5 minutes late. Not a big deal, right? I don't think it is. Especially for someone who never takes her breaks in the day. Take it out of that damn time if it's such an issue.So Tracy just sent me and my boss an email (I'm in accoutning so she IS NOT my boss) saying that I needed to adhere to the 830 - 5 hours and that I needed to make other arrangements for my bus, Kiss my donkey B*#$*! And I did let her know about the reasons why i take the bus. Which might I add she did not include in the email she sent out. The earlier bus means that I get here like 15-20 minutes earlier, I loose out on a half an hour extra of sleep, I have to wait 10 minutes for the connection bus and I have to deal with very over crowded bus, on both my busses.Seriously. Complete anger. I'm waiting for my boss to get in and I'm going to talk to him about it. I seriously just want to walk out of here right now and say screw you, I quit, and it's all because of you B*$#*! Maybe even throw something at her.I unfortuntely have bills to pay so that can't happen, but man it would feel good!!Sigh. Sorry about the angry tone, but man, I just want to either hurt someone or cry! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well I finally talked to him, and to no evail. Basically I have to be here for 8:30, even if it means I get here early, and no I cannot leave early because of it and no I can't take it off of my breaks. Apparently they're "cracking down" on hours. And using the whole, if we let you do it, then what will everyone else say crap. But I'd liek to see them do something about the people I see leaving 5 minutes early all the time. Am so not happy. Considering actually looking for another job.The worst part is I have to be here early, work till 5, then off to classes on monday and wednesdays from 6-10. Means I'm going to be putting in 14-15 hours days. Being here earlier, is not going to be helping that at all. So not happy.Thanks everyone for your support by the way!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

I am so so mad right now, I'm actually shaking!-UPDATE
Ok, I need to get this out cuz I am just so angry right now. I am seriously just shaking as I type this.The place that I work for, I don't know if it's just this one girl Tracy or if more people decided on it, but she's our new Admin Supervisor kinda thing.I unfortunetly have to take the bus to work cuz this damn place doesn't have enough parking spots for everyone. So of course, I'm a slave to the buses. And since I have to make a connection bus, I like to plan it so that I have as little waiting time as possible. Especially in the winter when it's frickin' freezing over here.In any case, the bus I take now, is perfect. my connection bus is there within a minute or two of me getting there, so no wait, I don't have to worry about a bunch of teeneagers going to school on the bus, which they are on the bus before, the only thing is, it gets me to work 5 minutes late. Not a big deal, right? I don't think it is. Especially for someone who never takes her breaks in the day. Take it out of that damn time if it's such an issue.So Tracy just sent me and my boss an email (I'm in accoutning so she IS NOT my boss) saying that I needed to adhere to the 830 - 5 hours and that I needed to make other arrangements for my bus, Kiss my donkey B*#$*! And I did let her know about the reasons why i take the bus. Which might I add she did not include in the email she sent out. The earlier bus means that I get here like 15-20 minutes earlier, I loose out on a half an hour extra of sleep, I have to wait 10 minutes for the connection bus and I have to deal with very over crowded bus, on both my busses.Seriously. Complete anger. I'm waiting for my boss to get in and I'm going to talk to him about it. I seriously just want to walk out of here right now and say screw you, I quit, and it's all because of you B*$#*! Maybe even throw something at her.I unfortuntely have bills to pay so that can't happen, but man it would feel good!!Sigh. Sorry about the angry tone, but man, I just want to either hurt someone or cry! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well I finally talked to him, and to no evail. Basically I have to be here for 8:30, even if it means I get here early, and no I cannot leave early because of it and no I can't take it off of my breaks. Apparently they're "cracking down" on hours. And using the whole, if we let you do it, then what will everyone else say crap. But I'd liek to see them do something about the people I see leaving 5 minutes early all the time. Am so not happy. Considering actually looking for another job.The worst part is I have to be here early, work till 5, then off to classes on monday and wednesdays from 6-10. Means I'm going to be putting in 14-15 hours days. Being here earlier, is not going to be helping that at all. So not happy.Thanks everyone for your support by the way!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

I am so so mad right now, I'm actually shaking!-UPDATE
Ok, I need to get this out cuz I am just so angry right now. I am seriously just shaking as I type this.The place that I work for, I don't know if it's just this one girl Tracy or if more people decided on it, but she's our new Admin Supervisor kinda thing.I unfortunetly have to take the bus to work cuz this damn place doesn't have enough parking spots for everyone. So of course, I'm a slave to the buses. And since I have to make a connection bus, I like to plan it so that I have as little waiting time as possible. Especially in the winter when it's frickin' freezing over here.In any case, the bus I take now, is perfect. my connection bus is there within a minute or two of me getting there, so no wait, I don't have to worry about a bunch of teeneagers going to school on the bus, which they are on the bus before, the only thing is, it gets me to work 5 minutes late. Not a big deal, right? I don't think it is. Especially for someone who never takes her breaks in the day. Take it out of that damn time if it's such an issue.So Tracy just sent me and my boss an email (I'm in accoutning so she IS NOT my boss) saying that I needed to adhere to the 830 - 5 hours and that I needed to make other arrangements for my bus, Kiss my donkey B*#$*! And I did let her know about the reasons why i take the bus. Which might I add she did not include in the email she sent out. The earlier bus means that I get here like 15-20 minutes earlier, I loose out on a half an hour extra of sleep, I have to wait 10 minutes for the connection bus and I have to deal with very over crowded bus, on both my busses.Seriously. Complete anger. I'm waiting for my boss to get in and I'm going to talk to him about it. I seriously just want to walk out of here right now and say screw you, I quit, and it's all because of you B*$#*! Maybe even throw something at her.I unfortuntely have bills to pay so that can't happen, but man it would feel good!!Sigh. Sorry about the angry tone, but man, I just want to either hurt someone or cry! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well I finally talked to him, and to no evail. Basically I have to be here for 8:30, even if it means I get here early, and no I cannot leave early because of it and no I can't take it off of my breaks. Apparently they're "cracking down" on hours. And using the whole, if we let you do it, then what will everyone else say crap. But I'd liek to see them do something about the people I see leaving 5 minutes early all the time. Am so not happy. Considering actually looking for another job.The worst part is I have to be here early, work till 5, then off to classes on monday and wednesdays from 6-10. Means I'm going to be putting in 14-15 hours days. Being here earlier, is not going to be helping that at all. So not happy.Thanks everyone for your support by the way!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

I am so so mad right now, I'm actually shaking!-UPDATE
Ok, I need to get this out cuz I am just so angry right now. I am seriously just shaking as I type this.The place that I work for, I don't know if it's just this one girl Tracy or if more people decided on it, but she's our new Admin Supervisor kinda thing.I unfortunetly have to take the bus to work cuz this damn place doesn't have enough parking spots for everyone. So of course, I'm a slave to the buses. And since I have to make a connection bus, I like to plan it so that I have as little waiting time as possible. Especially in the winter when it's frickin' freezing over here.In any case, the bus I take now, is perfect. my connection bus is there within a minute or two of me getting there, so no wait, I don't have to worry about a bunch of teeneagers going to school on the bus, which they are on the bus before, the only thing is, it gets me to work 5 minutes late. Not a big deal, right? I don't think it is. Especially for someone who never takes her breaks in the day. Take it out of that damn time if it's such an issue.So Tracy just sent me and my boss an email (I'm in accoutning so she IS NOT my boss) saying that I needed to adhere to the 830 - 5 hours and that I needed to make other arrangements for my bus, Kiss my donkey B*#$*! And I did let her know about the reasons why i take the bus. Which might I add she did not include in the email she sent out. The earlier bus means that I get here like 15-20 minutes earlier, I loose out on a half an hour extra of sleep, I have to wait 10 minutes for the connection bus and I have to deal with very over crowded bus, on both my busses.Seriously. Complete anger. I'm waiting for my boss to get in and I'm going to talk to him about it. I seriously just want to walk out of here right now and say screw you, I quit, and it's all because of you B*$#*! Maybe even throw something at her.I unfortuntely have bills to pay so that can't happen, but man it would feel good!!Sigh. Sorry about the angry tone, but man, I just want to either hurt someone or cry! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well I finally talked to him, and to no evail. Basically I have to be here for 8:30, even if it means I get here early, and no I cannot leave early because of it and no I can't take it off of my breaks. Apparently they're "cracking down" on hours. And using the whole, if we let you do it, then what will everyone else say crap. But I'd liek to see them do something about the people I see leaving 5 minutes early all the time. Am so not happy. Considering actually looking for another job.The worst part is I have to be here early, work till 5, then off to classes on monday and wednesdays from 6-10. Means I'm going to be putting in 14-15 hours days. Being here earlier, is not going to be helping that at all. So not happy.Thanks everyone for your support by the way!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

I am so so mad right now, I'm actually shaking!-UPDATE
Ok, I need to get this out cuz I am just so angry right now. I am seriously just shaking as I type this.The place that I work for, I don't know if it's just this one girl Tracy or if more people decided on it, but she's our new Admin Supervisor kinda thing.I unfortunetly have to take the bus to work cuz this damn place doesn't have enough parking spots for everyone. So of course, I'm a slave to the buses. And since I have to make a connection bus, I like to plan it so that I have as little waiting time as possible. Especially in the winter when it's frickin' freezing over here.In any case, the bus I take now, is perfect. my connection bus is there within a minute or two of me getting there, so no wait, I don't have to worry about a bunch of teeneagers going to school on the bus, which they are on the bus before, the only thing is, it gets me to work 5 minutes late. Not a big deal, right? I don't think it is. Especially for someone who never takes her breaks in the day. Take it out of that damn time if it's such an issue.So Tracy just sent me and my boss an email (I'm in accoutning so she IS NOT my boss) saying that I needed to adhere to the 830 - 5 hours and that I needed to make other arrangements for my bus, Kiss my donkey B*#$*! And I did let her know about the reasons why i take the bus. Which might I add she did not include in the email she sent out. The earlier bus means that I get here like 15-20 minutes earlier, I loose out on a half an hour extra of sleep, I have to wait 10 minutes for the connection bus and I have to deal with very over crowded bus, on both my busses.Seriously. Complete anger. I'm waiting for my boss to get in and I'm going to talk to him about it. I seriously just want to walk out of here right now and say screw you, I quit, and it's all because of you B*$#*! Maybe even throw something at her.I unfortuntely have bills to pay so that can't happen, but man it would feel good!!Sigh. Sorry about the angry tone, but man, I just want to either hurt someone or cry! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well I finally talked to him, and to no evail. Basically I have to be here for 8:30, even if it means I get here early, and no I cannot leave early because of it and no I can't take it off of my breaks. Apparently they're "cracking down" on hours. And using the whole, if we let you do it, then what will everyone else say crap. But I'd liek to see them do something about the people I see leaving 5 minutes early all the time. Am so not happy. Considering actually looking for another job.The worst part is I have to be here early, work till 5, then off to classes on monday and wednesdays from 6-10. Means I'm going to be putting in 14-15 hours days. Being here earlier, is not going to be helping that at all. So not happy.Thanks everyone for your support by the way!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

I am so so mad right now, I'm actually shaking!-UPDATE
Ok, I need to get this out cuz I am just so angry right now. I am seriously just shaking as I type this.The place that I work for, I don't know if it's just this one girl Tracy or if more people decided on it, but she's our new Admin Supervisor kinda thing.I unfortunetly have to take the bus to work cuz this damn place doesn't have enough parking spots for everyone. So of course, I'm a slave to the buses. And since I have to make a connection bus, I like to plan it so that I have as little waiting time as possible. Especially in the winter when it's frickin' freezing over here.In any case, the bus I take now, is perfect. my connection bus is there within a minute or two of me getting there, so no wait, I don't have to worry about a bunch of teeneagers going to school on the bus, which they are on the bus before, the only thing is, it gets me to work 5 minutes late. Not a big deal, right? I don't think it is. Especially for someone who never takes her breaks in the day. Take it out of that damn time if it's such an issue.So Tracy just sent me and my boss an email (I'm in accoutning so she IS NOT my boss) saying that I needed to adhere to the 830 - 5 hours and that I needed to make other arrangements for my bus, Kiss my donkey B*#$*! And I did let her know about the reasons why i take the bus. Which might I add she did not include in the email she sent out. The earlier bus means that I get here like 15-20 minutes earlier, I loose out on a half an hour extra of sleep, I have to wait 10 minutes for the connection bus and I have to deal with very over crowded bus, on both my busses.Seriously. Complete anger. I'm waiting for my boss to get in and I'm going to talk to him about it. I seriously just want to walk out of here right now and say screw you, I quit, and it's all because of you B*$#*! Maybe even throw something at her.I unfortuntely have bills to pay so that can't happen, but man it would feel good!!Sigh. Sorry about the angry tone, but man, I just want to either hurt someone or cry! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well I finally talked to him, and to no evail. Basically I have to be here for 8:30, even if it means I get here early, and no I cannot leave early because of it and no I can't take it off of my breaks. Apparently they're "cracking down" on hours. And using the whole, if we let you do it, then what will everyone else say crap. But I'd liek to see them do something about the people I see leaving 5 minutes early all the time. Am so not happy. Considering actually looking for another job.The worst part is I have to be here early, work till 5, then off to classes on monday and wednesdays from 6-10. Means I'm going to be putting in 14-15 hours days. Being here earlier, is not going to be helping that at all. So not happy.Thanks everyone for your support by the way!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

I am so so mad right now, I'm actually shaking!-UPDATE
Ok, I need to get this out cuz I am just so angry right now. I am seriously just shaking as I type this.The place that I work for, I don't know if it's just this one girl Tracy or if more people decided on it, but she's our new Admin Supervisor kinda thing.I unfortunetly have to take the bus to work cuz this damn place doesn't have enough parking spots for everyone. So of course, I'm a slave to the buses. And since I have to make a connection bus, I like to plan it so that I have as little waiting time as possible. Especially in the winter when it's frickin' freezing over here.In any case, the bus I take now, is perfect. my connection bus is there within a minute or two of me getting there, so no wait, I don't have to worry about a bunch of teeneagers going to school on the bus, which they are on the bus before, the only thing is, it gets me to work 5 minutes late. Not a big deal, right? I don't think it is. Especially for someone who never takes her breaks in the day. Take it out of that damn time if it's such an issue.So Tracy just sent me and my boss an email (I'm in accoutning so she IS NOT my boss) saying that I needed to adhere to the 830 - 5 hours and that I needed to make other arrangements for my bus, Kiss my donkey B*#$*! And I did let her know about the reasons why i take the bus. Which might I add she did not include in the email she sent out. The earlier bus means that I get here like 15-20 minutes earlier, I loose out on a half an hour extra of sleep, I have to wait 10 minutes for the connection bus and I have to deal with very over crowded bus, on both my busses.Seriously. Complete anger. I'm waiting for my boss to get in and I'm going to talk to him about it. I seriously just want to walk out of here right now and say screw you, I quit, and it's all because of you B*$#*! Maybe even throw something at her.I unfortuntely have bills to pay so that can't happen, but man it would feel good!!Sigh. Sorry about the angry tone, but man, I just want to either hurt someone or cry! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well I finally talked to him, and to no evail. Basically I have to be here for 8:30, even if it means I get here early, and no I cannot leave early because of it and no I can't take it off of my breaks. Apparently they're "cracking down" on hours. And using the whole, if we let you do it, then what will everyone else say crap. But I'd liek to see them do something about the people I see leaving 5 minutes early all the time. Am so not happy. Considering actually looking for another job.The worst part is I have to be here early, work till 5, then off to classes on monday and wednesdays from 6-10. Means I'm going to be putting in 14-15 hours days. Being here earlier, is not going to be helping that at all. So not happy.Thanks everyone for your support by the way!
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