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A Cherry on Top

Stimulus Tax theory... is it a trap?
Bear with me... I'm still working on this (not to mention I had some delicious brownies for lunch today!)  So... someone never files before and decides, "Hey.. I know I made at least $3,000 in earned income last year, I want my rebate check".  They file and what happens next? It's a way of waving your hand to get noticed.  And what if you're one of those 130 million American taxpayers who DOESN'T want to be noticed by Uncle Sam?  Hmmmmm... interesting theory.Thoughts? Comments? Remarks? 
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Stimulus Tax theory... is it a trap?
I would think if you will owe for not filing then the $600 wouldnt be wotrth suddenly filing
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Stimulus Tax theory... is it a trap?
Trust me.  You'll get noticed sooner or later.
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Cherry Blossom

Stimulus Tax theory... is it a trap?
Very True, but I am one of those on SSD who do not make enough to file and can not work to earn any extra money but now I have to go to the IRS office get a 1040A form and send it in to get my rebate but will I lose the money off my SSD  check becuase I had an income or will I lose it all becuse I had an income? Answer that one. 

PopPopto her 2 DGS who both are autistic. The oldest one named me PopPop when he was 2 and it just stuck!
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Cherry Blossom

Stimulus Tax theory... is it a trap?
all i know is that i hate the irs
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Cherry Addict

Re: Stimulus Tax theory... is it a trap?
well my dad was telling me that we'll have to claim it on next years taxes? that may not matter or it may bump some people over that line determining what they get back.
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Stimulus Tax theory... is it a trap?
My husbands enlistment bonus is already taking us up to the next bracket so the refund won't matter in that way, otherwise, it would have put us in the next bracket on it's own because we were already so close to the line.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Stimulus Tax theory... is it a trap?
If I had never before filed with the IRS I would not start now.

If it was enough to take me off SSD I would not file either. I once worked for a US Senator as his VA and SS liaison and it seemed as though if there was a way to get you off of SSD, for any reason or technicality, they would find it.

In addition, remember that there are minimum payments as well as the maximums and just because you file does not mean you get the full refund. There is a lot of fine print.

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Wild Cherry

Re: Stimulus Tax theory... is it a trap?
MamaK321 wrote:well my dad was telling me that we'll have to claim it on next years taxes? that may not matter or it may bump some people over that line determining what they get back.

I heard that you did not have to claim it on next years taxes. My friends dh used to do taxes (still does them on the side) I'll ask him.
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Wild Cherry

Re: Stimulus Tax theory... is it a trap?
Just don't claim is a credit (insert some government lingo here) but it comes out as $0 income.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Stimulus Tax theory... is it a trap?
I at first was over joyed with the refund. But there seems to be a lot of fine print on this money. Not to sure now
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Cherry Cola

Re: Stimulus Tax theory... is it a trap?
well since I do mine every year I don't have to worry about that but I can see your point. I wonder who many won't think about that lol
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: Stimulus Tax theory... is it a trap?
 If people are cheating the government they deserve to be caught.   

My idiot brother is 50 years old and has never worked an honest day in his life.   It's all under the table.     He'll do anything for a buck (even charge our sister to drive her for her chemo treatments when she was dying of cancer)   

I'd have no sympathy for him if he were to file so that he could get that rebate and then got caught.    

He brags about how he's never been caught so far.   
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Stimulus Tax theory... is it a trap?
 I just wish congress wouldn't have kept wanting to give everybody something, whether they pay taxes or not.  Then the people who actually have jobs and pay taxes would get more!  

Hey Queenmom,  I don't know if they still do it, but the govt. used to offer a reward for turning in people who don't pay taxes.
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Cherry Berry

Re: Stimulus Tax theory... is it a trap?
 We file every year...

 That aside... the first thing that I thought once I read the fine print is that they were trying to fish out non taxpayers by enticing them with "free money".
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