How do you ship 12x12 paper and stuff if you sell it to someone? What's the best way to ship stuff and what is the average cost?
It fits in the bigger priority or flat rate boxes, so depending on weight I would go that route.
I buy the largest padded envelopes at Target/Walmart. But then again I don't sell it 

I used to take a priority mail box and modify it a little. But now, I think the PO has some 12x12 boxes! Here is a link.HTH! ... ryId=13354
~*~ Marlene ~*~
So you can get these boxes for free?
Cheri Pagnac, Independent Sales Consultant
Memory Works Consultant #MW766111
Memory Works Consultant #MW766111
PO boxes are free and they just came out with new 15" boxes just for scrapbooking supplies. I just got back from CKU Bellevue where the PO had a booth there for their announcement. Yahoo!