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Cherry Addict

Where is Amanda?
SNAP!That was a good one, my Hairy Toothed Honey.
If you dare condemn my life, it will come after you with a sharpened rake. Steven Jesse Bernstein
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Cherry Delight

Where is Amanda?
Have The Hats arrived yet?
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Where is Amanda?
Hairy Toothed Honey??  Is that better than a Horny Toad Hoarder? 
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Cherry Addict

Where is Amanda?
Hmmm......The Hats.    Not sure.   But I do Have The Handles right here.
If you dare condemn my life, it will come after you with a sharpened rake. Steven Jesse Bernstein
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Where is Amanda?
Head To Head this site is STILL better though... or so I heard.  I, like M, Hope They're Happy too though.  It would be Hard To Hear that they weren't. 
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Product Promotions

Where is Amanda?
Miss me?  I had to get some water.  I Have The Hiccups.
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Cherry Delight

Where is Amanda?
I Hardly Think Hoarders have anything on Hairy Teeth.
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Rosa sat so that Martin could walk. Martin walked so that Barack could run. Barack ran so that our children could fly.
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Cherry Addict

Where is Amanda?
Miranda, it's way better then a Horny Toad Hoarder, but not quite as good as a Hamster Toed Handler.
If you dare condemn my life, it will come after you with a sharpened rake. Steven Jesse Bernstein
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A Cherry on Top

Where is Amanda?
I Have To Hide...
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Cherry Delight

Where is Amanda?
Haunches to Hippos they are!
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Where is Amanda?
Hard To Hear....or would the really be Happy To Hear, Layla? 
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Cherry Addict

Where is Amanda?
Oh, and Cori?   So sorry we Hijacked The Hello you were sending. 
If you dare condemn my life, it will come after you with a sharpened rake. Steven Jesse Bernstein
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Cherry Delight

Where is Amanda?
Oh man, my HammerToe Hurts from laughing.
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Product Promotions

Where is Amanda?
Ok, cackled on that one.  Seriously Have To Hightail it out of here!
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Cherry Addict

Where is Amanda?
I think I might pee.   Handle The Hijack, girls, I'll be back as soon as I Hide The Hamper.
If you dare condemn my life, it will come after you with a sharpened rake. Steven Jesse Bernstein
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A Cherry on Top

Where is Amanda?
pahaha  we all know how you Hate To Hijack  
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Cherry Addict

Where is Amanda?
Happily, That's Honest, Jamie! 
If you dare condemn my life, it will come after you with a sharpened rake. Steven Jesse Bernstein
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Product Promotions

Where is Amanda?
You Have To Have Help To Hijack! Woo Hoo....2 in one sentence.  I ROCK!
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Cherry Delight

Where is Amanda?
Would you like Half The Hake?
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Cherry Jubilee

Where is Amanda?
My goodness-this is too funny!
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