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Cherry Blossom

If there's one thing about you
I got two thumbs, always stumbling and doing things the wrong way lol ;)
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Bowl Full of Cherries

If there's one thing about you
When my daughter was three I saved her from being bitten by a rattlesnake. 
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Cherry Crush

If there's one thing about you
I don't know........hmmm.I was an 8th grade National Spelling Bee champion and made it to 5th place in the State, before misspelling the the word jambeau.  Too bad I hadn't had French until high school!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

If there's one thing about you
When I was pregnant with my son, my second pregnancy I lived on Chocolate Milkshakes from McDonalds. I craved them every day. Now of course, my son Loves chocolate, He's 7 now :) Angie
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Cherry Delight

If there's one thing about you
I was the Mascot in College!
I'm sweeter after dark.
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Bowl Full of Cherries

If there's one thing about you
I can't think of anything unique about me.  But some of you may not know that I have actually performed on stage at Carnegie Hall.  Granted, it was with the San Antonio Symphony Mastersingers, the symphony chorus of the San Antonio Symphony, when the Chorus made its Carnegie Hall debut in 1992, but still very cool in my book!
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Cherry Picker

If there's one thing about you
Something uinque about me, that I am well know for for anyone at all who knows me or has been around me is that I cry really easy.  I tear up at the drop of a bucket.  I cry over good, bad and just sensitive and even silly things.  All my kids teachers know me matter whether they are telling me something good or something bad, I always cry...when I walk into a classroom, the teachers would always get out their kleenex box.  I try my best not to cry and I just can't hold it back.  Sometimes I even let out small sobs.  geez.   I hate this, it is so embarrassing and I have tried really hard to not be this way...but this is just me.  My daughter is getting married in less than a month, please say a prayer for me that I don't become a babbling idot.  That I can somehow hold some kind of composure.  LOL.  I am really dreading it.  My future SIL has wrote a song he is going to sing to my DD and she has no idea about it...just thinking about it now makes me tear up....Louise
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Cherry Delight

If there's one thing about you
Well, we were stationed in England when I graduated from HS.  The gym was super small, so we couldn't have the ceremony there, so we ended up at Cambrige University.  How cool is that?  It was great to walk around a  campus that has been around for a long time!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

If there's one thing about you
I have been published in 2 little magazines for my poetry. These were both in high school though!
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Cherry Bomb

If there's one thing about you
I can breathe out of my eyes. Not in, but out. At parties people usually make me "do the trick" by fillin up snorkeling goggles with water so they can watch the bubbles come out of my eyes.
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Cherry Blossom

If there's one thing about you
The only thing I could think that was unique was that all 3 of my children look different from each other and 2 have the same father.My oldest is 12 and she is half hispanic, she looks like her father. my 3 yr old dd has blonde hair, blue eyes and looks facially just like me and my 19 month ds has light brown hair and light brown eyes and looks facially excatly like his father.  Mind you that I am a very white girl with red hair, brown eyes and my husband is part native american indian so he has very dark hair, eyes and skin...people are always question us about how different they look and where did we get a blonde blue eye girl.
3 kids and a husband = madness and no-time
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Cherry Tart

If there's one thing about you
One unique thing about me is that I have been singing professionally since I was 12. I was even lucky enough to sing in the Chicago Lyric Opera for two seasons. Unfortunately, due to the time constraints of being a graduate student ( I'm working on my PhD in clinical psychology), I haven't been able to sing on stage in years. However, I feel blessed that I have a bunch of wonderful memories from my experiences as a singer over the years.It's so neat to hear about all of you!Erin
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Cherry Tart

If there's one thing about you
Unique - my voice - it sounds silly but almost everyday someone has a comment about my voice - it is soothing, or I should do voiceovers for the telephone or commericals... I can't really tell and when I hear my voice on a recording, I honestly don't think there is anything special... it is nice to be given a nice compliment, though!  gloria
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

If there's one thing about you
Sharon----that's shocking, lol!Ummm, unique thing.....hmmm... I'm a triplet and I have a younger brother and sister who are twins and an older sister.  All our names start with the letter "L".  OR I (we) were born 3 months early and on weighed 2lbs 10oz. each.  I was born with nerve deafness in both my ears and can read lips very well. 
live well, laugh often, love much
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Cherry Cropper

If there's one thing about you
When I was in high school, I was a member of an all star cheerleading squad (doesn't cheer for any sports, not affiliated with any school, only competes)  We won a national championship in competitive cheerleading, and now that same gym has won over 47 national titles....
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Bowl Full of Cherries

If there's one thing about you
I don't do this much any more, but while I was growing up (in the boondocks so to speak), I would help butcher what was hunted to put food on our tables.  I helped butcher deer and wild boar.  I also had to pluck a wild turkey (stinky!!!) and help with that along with ducks and geese.  Nowadays, I help my dh skin deer and prepare it to be taken into the butcher to put into packages for us.  Won't go into detail on what is needed to prepare it.   We use to butcher and package ourselves, but it is so much easier to not have that mess on our kitchen table any more!
"May you always have memories to scrap!" ~ Diana
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

If there's one thing about you
I've had up to 13 piercings at one time.  Currently I only have my ears.  But at one time... 13.
Pinky Up! The higher you hold it, the fancier you are!
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Cherry Blossom

If there's one thing about you
it's that I can't sing!  Everyone in my family has a beautiful singing voice, they sing in church and different places and everyone always asks why I'm not with them singing.  Finally, they let me stand up there with them but told me only to hum and move my lips.  LOL
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Cherry Garcia

If there's one thing about you
The only think I can think of is I can walk and chew gum at the same time.  LOL  I hear that some people can't do that. 
Life may not be the party we hoped for but while we're here, we should dance.
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Cherry Cola

If there's one thing about you
Jimmy Carter held me when I was baby and said I was beautiful! :)
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