I can identify ANY brick in the state of Washington & Oregon. (size, shape,texture, color, etc) Amy m
My family has a lot of special dates around or on holidays.My mom is born 4th of July, My dad is born on Vetran's Day Nov 11.My sister is born 5 days after Christmas, and I am born 7 days after Halloween (my birthday sometimes falls on Election day)My Uncle (dad's brother) is born on All Saints Day (Day after Halloween)My parents got married on Dec 7 Pearl Harbor Day and my cousin (dad's brothers daughter) was also born this day.My anniversary is Feb 14 Valentines Day. My MIL is born two days after 4th of July
My husband proposed to me by mail. He was stationed in Thailand and wrote and asked me to marry him. Long distance proposal
I have double jointed fingers on my right hand. I can bend them back and they can touch the back of my hand. It was a great party trick when I was in college.
Kim ![Image](http://www.acherryontop.com/i/thumbnails/cherryblossom.gif)
Mine is silly, I can't swim/ I also dont perticularly like the water. Someone (who knew I couldnt swim) threw me in a poll when I was 13, I went under, and passed out, had to go to the hospital and everything.
Ryan is 4 years old!
Ryan is 4 years old!
My husband and I worked at a golf fund raiser that George Bush Sr. often attends. One year we were asked to drive a golf cart around to check on the teams to see if anyone needed anything. To make a long story short, we ended up in a "drag race" with Pres. Bush - only for about 10 seconds because the Secret Service guys gave us some harsh looks. The president was laughing, but they sure weren't!The fund raiser was to raise money for Gary's House in Portland, ME. He was a friend of mine in high school who died from cancer, and his wish was to have a "home" where families could stay if their loved ones were ill. Kind of like Ronald McDonald house, but the "ill person" didn't have to be a child. My husband and I were the house parents for the first year it ran... a great experience and an honor to my friend Gary.
I speed read. I can read a novel (300 pages or so) in an hour and a half or less...depending on how ummm involved the storyline is. My husband laughs at me...because when we travel on a plane to Vegas or something I have to bring TWO books for the flight out there and then have two more for the way back...heaven forbid if I ever go overseas.
SUS ![Image](http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/0201e05f95/01)
Keeping in mind I am very right handed. When I paint a room and when it comes to detailing along the mouldings and trim I can use my left hand as good as my right hand. Something about the small work that lets my brain engage for the left hand!
Sherry, 2006 scrapbook goal; 100 los--done 21/100; 13 double - 8 single
13 piercing, Layla?!?!?? That's waaayy too many to have just in your ears!
LOL it wasn't just my ears.
Pinky Up! The higher you hold it, the fancier you are!
Pinky Up! The higher you hold it, the fancier you are!
Hey...I have 12 in my ears....and one in my nose! I used to have one in my eyebrow, one in my tongue and one just below my lower lip! I grown up a little and only have the ears and nose still...lol!
I got out of the Air Force this year after serving 13 years as a Weapons Instructor. Teaching people how to shoot M16's, M203 Grenade Launchers, M60 Maching Guns, UZIs and multiple other weapons systems..... Love IT!!!
I'm not spoiled....... Just well taken care of!!!
I bellydance!
Sarah http://www.cafepress.com/tryabook
Remember: Pillage, Then Burn!
Remember: Pillage, Then Burn!
Come now, Delilah, you can give us something juicier than that, I'm sure!
I own a couple of assault rifles
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
When I was a kid, my sister and I took first place in the Women's log sawing and trap setting contest at Trappers Conventions.I am know as the Cookie Lady among Dh's co-workers.I am able to ignore the kids, most of the time (Dh can't do this).
Don't laugh but I have webbed toes (the 2 after the big toe) on both feet...makes for great swimming LOL!!!!Hey Momof3 I am double jointed in my fingers too and can do the same thing!!
Light the Way
Light the Way