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Cherry Blossom

If there's one thing about you
I must be the world most clumsy person.Also I am one of the few my age that is still togheter with my high school boyfriend ;)
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Cherry Cola

If there's one thing about you
My grandmother graduated from Thornton High School in 1913.  My mother graduated from Sheffield High School in 1943.  I graduated from Sheffield High School in 1973 and my son graduated from Meservey-Thornton/ Sheffield-Chapin High  School in 2003.   4 generations each 30 years apart.
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Cherry Blossom

If there's one thing about you
I am an expert marksman with a rifle.
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Wild Cherry

If there's one thing about you
The only times I have been hurt badly when riding a horse I was on my most trust-worthy, oldest, well trained gelding, & only one of those times sent me to the ER. (Don't ride him much anymore, mostly the kids do.... & people that don't know how to ride! )

I'm not saying forget what you lost
I suppose there's a purpose in pain
What we make of ourselves has a cost
And it's paid every time we take hold of the reins
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Cherry Delight

If there's one thing about you
well back in the early 50's, I had the third highest IQ for a child under 10 years old in the US west of the Mississippi River. Knowing me now, it's ridiculous isn't it?  LOL  
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Cherry Bing

If there's one thing about you
I am a "Baby Whisperer!"I can stop any baby from crying!Christina
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A Cherry on Top

If there's one thing about you
After I broke up with my high school boyfriend. I dated a semi pro wrestler who was so not my type but I fell so in love with him.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

If there's one thing about you
My very large extensive coca-cola collection that spans 30 years.
Have a coke and a smile!Image
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Cherry Cropper

If there's one thing about you
I grew up on a carnival and have traveled all over the United States


When you see me with a smile on my face, then you'll know I'm a mental case. ~ Alice Cooper
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A Cherry on Top

If there's one thing about you
I've had 23 broken bones in my body and 20 of them were broken on a Friday the 13th....  And I'm not superstitious!
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Cherry Bing

If there's one thing about you
I am a certified Drug Screen Collector and Trainer!
Cubmaster and Proud Mother to a Tuba Playing son who is also an Eagle Scout."O God, help me to win, but in thy wisdom if thou willest me not to win, then O God, make me a good loser"
- Sir Robert Baden-Powell, Founder of the Boy Scouts
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A Cherry on Top

If there's one thing about you
I met my DH drag racing down Main Street in our town.
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Cherry Berry

If there's one thing about you
I'm a 40 something year old college student who has been on the dean's list every semester so far.Cathi 
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Cherry Jubilee

If there's one thing about you
I had a traditional baby baptizim at a Lutheran Church as an infant.  I was baptized in a river when I was a teenager at a huge church picnic.  (kinda like the ones you see on TV.)I was named after a daughter of a Detroit baseball player.I've sang in 7 weddings.    I love peanuts in my yogurt.I used to talk on a CB when I was growing up.  My friends dad would let us talk on his CD in his semi & my cousin had one in his Bettle, my handle was "Blue Eyes".  (still got 'em, 10-4 good buddy)I'm left handed but I do almost everything right handed. I'm six degrees from Brad Pitt (not Kevin Bacon)P.S.  I love reading these!!!  Would of never guessed shy Sharon was a college mascot, didn't see that one coming. 
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Cherry Bing

If there's one thing about you
Most people lie about their age..I lie about my height! I guess you'd say I'm vertically challenged.
(formerly "Indonesian Cropper"; formerly "CairoCropper")
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Sweet Cherry Pie

If there's one thing about you
I was born on my mother's birthday -- September 4th -- and it fell on Labor Day that year!
You must BE THE CHANGE you wish to see in the world. -- Gandhi
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Cherry Cola

If there's one thing about you
i am also double jointed in my hands and can bend my fingers back to touch the top of my hand and also i can do odd things with my knuckles and elbows   
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Sweet Cherry Pie

If there's one thing about you
Since my post about the milkshakes probably didn't make me very unique or interesting. I was born on election day when Nixon was re-elected. My dad was watching a football game at the Hospital,LOL Angie
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Cherry Cropper

If there's one thing about you
I got to meet Hulk Hogan the one time big time wrestler!!!!!!
We have to forgive! If we don't forgive, we'll get left behind! janet rose

Love people & use things--- Not love things & use people!

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Cherry Picker

If there's one thing about you
A few years ago, I did a number of voice-overs for QVC, for a Fashion Day. Lisa
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