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Wild Cherry

Laptop users
What do you put your laptop on? I've had mine for about 4 months now..LOVING it. I got myself a lap desk to use. It's kinda bean baggy on the bottom and then a wood desktop. Problem is it's getting hard on my knees. I was thinking about getting Tablemate, it's like a tv tray that has legs that slide under your chair or couch. My dining room chairs are really uncomfortable so I don't use it there.Any suggestions?
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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Cherry Garcia

Laptop users
I had to buy a desk... I got tired of trying to prop it on my legs... or use the arm of the couch, etc... they make a laptop table that is kinda like a tablemate if you want it to be portable (yeah, I know...the whole purpose right! lol)

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Wild Cherry

Laptop users
My pc is on my desk. :D  I got the laptop so I could stop fighting with them over the computer! LOL
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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Cherry Picker

Laptop users
I have a lap desk like you describe only with a plastic top. I went and bought a bed tray to use when I don't want it ON my lap. Which I use depends on what I'm doing. I usually use the bed tray if I'm doing other things while I'm using the putting CDs into iTunes or doing homework where I need to reference a book or take notes. Homework is the whole reason I got the tray - I didn't want to set the computer on the bed while I looked at my notes. I don't often sit with my legs under the tray - if I'm on the bed, the cat tries to sneak under there first. Right now I'm sitting cross-legged on the bed with the tray in front of me. Not very good for my posture, but I was planning on a short visit...I swear. I mainly use my laptop in my bed (it's the warmest room in the house right now, so I'll probably be doing it this way until March.)
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Cherry Addict

Laptop users
THIS is what I should put on my christmas wish list! I just sit on the couch and prop it on my legs, lol it's nice and warm. I have a craft table set up near my desk and the laptop sits there so I'm not far from everyhting else.
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Wild Cherry

Laptop users
I went and got one of those Table Mates today. Not sure how I'm liking it yet. Too early to tell.
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Cherry Garcia

Laptop users
I use my lap! When not in use, I put it on my coffee table in the rec room/family room.Good idea for an xmas gift, gonna drop the hints to dh.
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A Cherry on Top

Laptop users
Tracy, let me know how you like it when the verdict is in.I have a small desk in the den, then if I want to watch tv, too I'll prop it on my legs while streteched out on the sofa.  Nice and comfy
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Laptop users
Yeah, I use my lap too.
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Cherry Tart

Laptop users
Mine is actually used on my lap 90% of the time. I do have a docking station with a flat panel monitor when I need it, but I like the flexibility of using my lap.
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A Cherry on Top

Laptop users
I put it in my lap or I lay on the couch and put it on the couch in front of me.
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Wild Cherry

Laptop users
Ok, so all you lap users. Doesn't it get too hot for your legs? My manual said you shouldn't place it on anything but a hard surface so it had proper ventilation. Plus, I can't keep it in my lap to scrap. I have a small mouse I use when I'm scrapping.This little table seems to be working ok now. At least it gives my knees a rest.
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Laptop users
Mine is actually on its last legs.  I use it on the coffee table while I'm on the couch.  To prevent it from overheating (which is one of its major problems) I let it sit on top of a cooling rack (meant for baking).  Since I never bake, I figured it was a good tool for using my laptop.  Best thing I ever thought of, let me tell you.Not sure what I'll do with the new laptop I'm hoping for this year...  good thread!
{hopelessly addicted}

Filling my basket with all of the new goodies :)


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Cherry Cola

Laptop users
we have a small desk in the kitchen that it stays on and can be plugged into that outlet.Otherwise I ususally use it at the kitchen table or on my lap on the couch in the liv rm
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Cherry Delight

Laptop users
My laptop is on my lap.  Hence it's name, laptop.  I put a blanket between the machine and my legs when it gets too hot.
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Cherry Delight

Laptop users
Oh, and I use a small mouse too.  I use it on the couch cushions.  Of course, I'm sure the way I sit/slouch is not ergonomically correct...
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Cherry Jubilee

Laptop users
I have a table mate type of thing.  Works great!
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