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Cherry Garcia

All-time Favorite Book
What is your all-time favorite book or your most favorites?  Fiction, nonfiction, adult, children, anything.  Just curious.~Heidi~
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Cherry Jubilee

All-time Favorite Book
Don't think I loved one single book but more like favorite authorsas a kid I loved Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales.as a pre-teen Enid Blyton's books were my favorites. as a teen Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew type books.as an adult, I enjoy a lot of different authors  - Robin Cook, Jeffrey Archer, John Grisham, James Patterson, Robert Ludlum, Diana Gabaldon, Nora Roberts.... 
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Bowl Full of Cherries

All-time Favorite Book
If you go by the number of times I've read it, I'd have to say "Welcome to Temptation" by Jennifer Cruisie.Second would be "A Time to Kill" or "The Firm" by John Grisham.
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Cherry Cropper

All-time Favorite Book
My all time favorite is Jemima J by Jane Green. I love all of Brit Chick Lit and just really any chick lit...I haven't read one I didn't devour. My favorite books as a child...too many to name but I really liked the Serendipity books. As an older child, I really liked A Wrinkle in Time, CS Lewis' books, and Ramona books.I also love romance novels. I can read one of those in a day. Great for mindless reading.
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

All-time Favorite Book
Can't think of a all time favorite. 

I can't think of any I've read multiple times.
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Cherry Cola

All-time Favorite Book
It, by Stephen King. I read it once a year.Kids books, definitely the Trixie Belden series (take that, Nancy Drew!) and I loved Christopher Pike's YA thrillers.Adult books, anything by Elizabeth Peters/Barbara Michaels. Also those kinky Laurel K. Hamilton novels, which assure that my DH gets some action! (I know, TMI!)Also have a thing for books about ghosts, either fiction or nonfiction, and natural disasters.
"I tend to live in the past because most of my life is there." --Herb Caen
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Cherry Jubilee

All-time Favorite Book
I've read so many, I can't really pick one all time favorite.  I know over the years, I have reread a couple of Agatha Christie stories.
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Cherry Berry

All-time Favorite Book
mine would be either the Devil Wears Prada, cause I have never laughed so much while reading and I couldn't put it down! Or the shopaholic series as they are all about me!
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Cherry Cola

All-time Favorite Book
The Chronicles of NarniaThe Stand

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Cherry Delight

All-time Favorite Book
My very favorite books are fiction and nonfiction horse stories.  King of the Wind tops the list, although anything by Marguerite Henry is good, then Walter Farley's many novels which includes the entire Black Stallion series, A Horse Called Bonnie series, anything by the author that wrote Monday Morning Horses, the biography on Seabiscuit that the movie was based on, Black Beauty, Hold the Reins Free... really, almost anything about horses. Love some of the classics like Little Women, Jane Eyre, anything by Mark Twain, Gone with the Wind...Jane Auel's Clan of the Cave bear series is awesome, Janet Evanovich's Plum series is hillarious, and I like Sue Grafton's earlier alphabet mysteries (after N, though, they started to feel a little bland, I haven't even read Q yet).Those are just some of the many... I have so many books in storage just waiting for me to live in a house big enough to bring them all back.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

All-time Favorite Book
I read 3-4 books a week....and my all time favorites are:Atlas Shrugged by Ayn RandThe Stand by Stephen KingLove all the Janet Evanovich, J.D. Robb...and many others.
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Cherry Blossom

All-time Favorite Book
Midge, I loved Jemima J too - it started my love of Brit Chick Lit!  LOVE Sophie Kinsella's stuff too.I don't think I can name an all-time favorite book.  I love them all.  LOL! The Harry Potter series is up there though.  So is the Shopaholic series.  The Heather Wells series by Meg Cabot is really good too.Then there are others I love that I think I am the only one who has ever read!  Arena by Karen Hancock is an example.  It is a Christian Sci-fi novel!  I didn't even know that was a genre!
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