EVERY year my dd asks me for that hard to find holiday item. I don't know how the *bleep* she knows what will be the impossible item each year, but her psychic ability is quite a sight to behold. My Size BarbieThis was Sydneys fondest Christmas wish for three years running. For anyone with little girls during the MSB craze, I really don't need to tell you any story. You already know the nightmare that was trying to find this baby. I struck out two years in a row. The third year I finally found her. She was $150!!!!! I didn't feel badly about not getting it that third year. Especially after I found out the only reason she wanted it was so she could wear Barbie's outfit. Poo-ChiThe year is 2000. This stupid little dog sold out on it's release date in Japan, in ONE DAY. My daughter who had somehow learned to speak Japanese without my knowledge, and had read the story, asked for this for Christmas. Not only did she want this toy, but she wanted the Dalmation version. Admittedly Target ended up having this item in stock most of the time in a variety of colors. They however did not carry the stinking Dalmation. I mean, why would they carry the one everybody was looking for, right? My mother, and I haunted Toys R Us, Target, Walmart, Kaybee Toys. We went to animal shelters and fire stations, just in case. But alas, no Dalmations were found. Well not any electronic ones anyway.Finally I throw in the towel and buy the pink one. She should be happy to even get one at this point I think to myself. But lo and behold just days before Christmas my mother finds the Dalmation. At this point I should mention that my sister was coming from out of state for the holidays this year. She has three kids. The plan was to buy all the kids one of these stupid dogs. The dogs talk to each other so we figure the kids should get a big kick out of them.This is when a horrendous mistake was made. (Thankfully it was not made by me). Since Sydney (my dd) was the only one who specifically asked for the Dalmation, my mother buys only one. The rest of the kids got different colors. So mom and I are totally psyched for Christmas safe in the knowledge that we got everyone what they wanted. We wait anxiously for the kids to open the dogs. They do.Then all hell breaks loose. The other kids are furious that they did not get Dalmations too because hey, the Dalmation was cute and had it going on.Mom and I leave the room quickly. We'd hate to spoil everyone's holiday by being arrested for murder. Monsters Inc. Boo DollBy 2001, I'm used to being asked for the impossible toy. So, I'm thrilled when I get asked for this innocuous looking doll. She doesn't do anything too exciting, and she's ugly as sin. I'm golden!! Finally I won't have to go through the holidays with anxious knots in my stomach of Christmas gifts that can't be found.Guess again.No problem. I'm a veteran now. Mom and I are looking everywhere. We enlisted the help of my relatives in another state. I have my co-workers looking. One of us is bound to find it.This is when a friend comes along and says, "There, there, it'll be all right". Meanwhile behind your back, Reality is laughing his damn arse off!!The doll is *no where* to be found. WTH? She doesn't even have shoes for cryin out loud!! Who would want this doll? Apparently every girl aged 4-7 in the entire North American Continent, that's who.Luckily I found someone on ebay who was willing to rip me off and charge me double. Christmas is saved! Well, guess what this year's present is. (I feel bad for any parent whose child has asked for this and is unaware of what I am about to tell them.) Zune!!!Yes, my daughter wants this crappy Microsoft version of the iPod. If you're like me, I always, *always* research tech items before I buy them. So I check it out on cnet.com. The first time around this product got some pretty lousy ratings. I'm sure you're as shocked as I am that Microsoft would release a product full of bugs that doesn't do what it promises, but I digress.Last week they released the 2nd Generation Zune. It comes in 4gb, 8gb, & 80gb. This is important for you to know, as there will be a quiz later.Now another thing you should know about me is that I'm cheap. Really. So I'm worried that if I buy this thing now, on Black Friday it'll be on sale. So I consult the Black Friday web site and see that yes, the 30gb player is going to be on sale at several retailers for only $99. Score!! It only comes in brown, but too bad, she'll have to deal with it. And of course I'll have to get up at 3:30 am and get in line and hope I've picked a store that actually has more than one. Eww! But I'm the mom, so whatever it takes.But wait a minute, something's not right here. The BF ads also say that the 8gb is going to be on sale for $149?? Why would 8gb be more than 30gb? That doesn't make any sense. I try to find out more information about this Zune thing, but cannot figure out what the price dispcrepancy is all about. Then life got in the way and I never got back to checking into it and I was thinking I wanted to ask my dd some more questions about this thing anyway.So now yesterday, I was reading the news online. There's one about Zune so I check it out.Ok, ready for our Quiz? What size does the New Generation *not* come in??? If you said 30gb you would be right. And you would know why there is a price discrepancy. The BF ads with their "Fabulous" price are selling you the old bug filled Zune hoping you don't know the difference. Thanks!But then I had this sense of deja vu. The article goes on to say that the 80gb Zune sold out in one day online. EVERYWHERE. Best Buy, Target, Circuit City, Walmart, Amazon. Microsoft has "underestimated the demand". Can anyone remember a Christmas when we don't hear that from some company??So I checked again today at the online retailers, everyone is still out of stock. I noticed on Target.com though it said you could check store availability. So I figure, what the heck? Turns out the *one* store in a 25 mile radius of my area that has one is less than a mile from where my husband works!! So he went to grab it at lunch time. I anxiously waited and finally he called me to say "The dress is in the bag". This is our secret spy code for "I got it." Woot!! Woot!!! Who's your daddy now Santa??!!!
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
This year, my dd wanted Nintendo Wii. I almost had my hands on one from Amazon. Since my parents were buying it, I called them up first. When I got the OK to order it, it was already sold out. It took weeks to find another one. I saw on Circuit City site that they were in stock at the stores. My dh drove to the local store at 8:30 p.m. on a Friday night and picked one up. I think that was the highlight of the year, by getting a hard to get Wii.
Lucky you !! I hope she doesn't change her mind!!! ------------after reading this, I think that shopping for 12 grandchildren is going to be a breeze --!!
First of all you are a bloggin genious, I loved it. Next, I will be contacting you once my children get a little older and want the unatainable. The first electronic device requested will be the time that all Santa shopping is given to my dh. He is into electronics...me not so much. I'm still in the clear b/c ds(3) is still into trains and the such and dd(1) isn't old enough to know that the wrapping paper isn't a gift. So...I will need your contact info please.
Tracy Tracy Tracy, LMAO As far as the Wii goes forget it...I have been looking for weeks..everybody is sold out...they come in and boom there gone. I even have a girl at our Best buy promising to hold one for me and they havent come in... It wont ruin christmas but it sure would be fun to have it.
Tracy your story was amusing... thanks, I needed a good laugh.
Kari ----- "Women with whips, 82% more likely to get what they want."
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Check out my site! http://countryroadphotography.zenfolio.com/
Y'all make me glad I'm childless.My cocker spaniels would be overjoyed to each get a roll of toilet paper!!
Tracy, Thanks for the great "novel" I really enjoyed it!!! It brought back memories when my kids were little - They were the cabbage patch generation!
Any other reasons beside finding gifts?Come on.........you're on a roll. Don't stop now.
I'm just sorry for the abrupt and cheesy ending. My father came over unexpectedly and I needed to take him to the shop where his car is getting repaired.*That* car is a whole other story!!
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
Loved your story!I was totally bummed out today while shopping on line for my DD. This isn't something on her list, but something I thought was really cool. It's a street sign "Fenway Park". They won't ship to Alaska. GRRRRR.. . .I hate it when companies say that or then that they will but it will cost you a zillion extra $$$ in shipping cost. I'm like DUDE it's not like I live in BFE . . . I live in the US!!! I ship stuff that's the size of some of the things I receive all over the country. No problem. WHATEVER . . .
lol- thats like me- Im naturally drawn to things I like...they just happen to be the most expensive things...My husband says I have a gift for liking the most expensive things. I just tell him I have good taste...
Mindy, got anyone in the continental US you could ship it to and then have them forward it to you?
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
Yeah, I was thinking of sending it to Rebajane. Too bad I don't know someone in Seattle, that I could ship too and then pick it up when I fly home from there on the 9th. But, I wonder if it would be too big to bring on the plane.
This makes no sense why they won't ship it. It's only 36 inches long!!! Show everybody how much you love the Boston Red Sox with the Fenway Park street sign from Authentic Street Signs. This stylish street sign is 6-in x 36-in and made of steel. The sign is printed up in in 3-dimensional lettering to boldly display Fenway Park.
yea, stupid companies....well its because you people in Alaska are a little different ya know igloos and all that ...where ya gonna put a bat or a sign....maybe they think the bats going to be a Halibut club and they are trying to save the halibut...that must be it... or they are just a bunch of idiots that want to make a lot of extra money on shipping because they gotcha by the short hairs....send it to me and I will send it too her in a box all wrapped up Merry Christmas from Auntie...