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Cherry Bing

For those of you that cook thanksgiving dinner, how far in a
So far I have the homemade stuffing prepared and ready to bake,  all 10 pies are done. the apple salads and that pink stuff and  other desserts are done.  I already made the sweet potato casserole. just ready to warm.All I have left to do tomorrow is to make deviled eggs, gravy, turkey, ham, mash pot. and rolls..and lol open a can of cranberry sauce...Martha would be so proud of my cranberry sauce... lol. not!!!I love getting a jump on the cooking. especially when I do it all. My kids did alot of the helping this year. my 5 year old grandson helped tear the biquits, cornbread and toast for the stuffing. He even helped with my pampered chef chopper with the onions...
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A Cherry on Top

For those of you that cook thanksgiving dinner, how far in a
My pies are done, just finished the cranberry sauce. Stuffing is done and everything else will be done tomorrow, since we are heading out to the bar with some friends tonight.
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Cherry Jubilee

For those of you that cook thanksgiving dinner, how far in a
I will bake the pies (curtesy of Mrs. Smith) in the morning.  DH will prepare the stuffing and turkey tomorrow morning.  I will fix up the green bean casserole tomorrow and everyone else is bringing all the other stuff.
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Cherry Cropper

For those of you that cook thanksgiving dinner, how far in a
I'm baking two pies tonight and one tomorrow. Thankfully, that is all I have to do since we are doing a potluck this year.
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Cherry Addict

For those of you that cook thanksgiving dinner, how far in a
I'm making the pies right now,   Other than that I'll probably just do everything tomorrow.  It's just the 4 of us, so it's not like I have to have everything done by a deadline.
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Cherry Addict

For those of you that cook thanksgiving dinner, how far in a
I haven't started yet... I love cooking all day long. I may bake the pies tonight so that I can watch the parade in the morning with the girls.
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Featured Guest Coordinator

For those of you that cook thanksgiving dinner, how far in a
I am in the same boat as Amy.  We have no deadlines.  I am making pies right now.  I made spinich dip and jello salad already.
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Bowl Full of Cherries

For those of you that cook thanksgiving dinner, how far in a
Im doing most all of it now...turkey is in the oven to cook half waysweet potatoe caseroles are donestuffing is mixedpotatoe salad is on its way(cooking the pototoes)Nicole will do the corn pudding...sometime lol
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A Cherry on Top

For those of you that cook thanksgiving dinner, how far in a
I have done nothing. Will do a pie tonight and the rest will be done tomorrow.
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Cherry Tart

For those of you that cook thanksgiving dinner, how far in a
Making my pies and stuffing tonight.  Tomorrow Turkey and potatoes.  The family brings the rest
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Cherry Jubilee

For those of you that cook thanksgiving dinner, how far in a
The boys each made a pecan pie this morning. Tyler was my little chopper this morning. He chopped up the onions for my hash brown casserole and broccoli salad. My hash brown casserole is made, just need to cook in the morning, after Nathan's football game at 9:00.  I just need to work on the sweet potato casserole later tonight.
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Gail R

Cherry Garcia

For those of you that cook thanksgiving dinner, how far in a
Yikes!!!  My turkey is still frozen.  There's just 3 of us, so I don't have a deadline for dinner; the pies I'll make tonight.  I have to work for 2 1/2 hours tomorrow (6:30 AM to 9:00 AM).   But everything will be done by 5:00 PM or so.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

For those of you that cook thanksgiving dinner, how far in a
So far,  the turkey is sitting in a yummy buttermilk-herb bath. I found some BIG zip lock bags at the grokery store and since it's just a 10-12 pounder, it fit in there nicely. That's it, though. I'll do the rest tomorrow.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

For those of you that cook thanksgiving dinner, how far in a
Three packages of brown n' serve rolls are sitting on my counter, and the head of lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumber are in the fridge. I'm all set to go!  I also had to be the only person in the packed grocery store tonight to drop the GLASS bottle of french dressing at the registers and create a HUGE mess. So proud of myself!

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

For those of you that cook thanksgiving dinner, how far in a
Aw, man. Don'tcha HATE when that happens?
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Indy Scrapper

Chocolate Covered Cherry

For those of you that cook thanksgiving dinner, how far in a
My turkey is done and in the roaster, dressing is mixed, pies are done, vegies are prepped.  Need to make a couple of dips. Appitizers are done.  Tomorrow I have to make four pitchers of ice tea, dips , sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes and gravey.  It has been a very long day.  Need to do some light cleaning in the morning and then clean up the kitchen once I finish the other dishes.  I love having the family dinner, but it is getting to be a lot to do all by myself.
Live long, laugh often, hug someone.
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Cherry Cola

For those of you that cook thanksgiving dinner, how far in a
all I have done is the pumpkin pies.  Made them from real pumpkin, too!!!
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Cherry Delight

For those of you that cook thanksgiving dinner, how far in a
Pies are done.  All the rest I will do tomorrow.   I am not big on doing cooking ahead.  Lazy or a procrastinaotr or something 
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Sweet Cherry Pie

For those of you that cook thanksgiving dinner, how far in a
Yesterday I made 8 loaves of bread, 6 dozen sweet potato rolls, my buttenut squash cass, sweet potato cass, cranberry sauce, cornbread for stuffing, gingerbread for trifle, breadkfast cass and crepes for this morning and probably a few other things.  Today I just hav to cook the turkey, put the stuffing together, put trifle together and back something chocolate for theose that don't want pumpking.
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