Does your lss (if you have one) have this? It is like an embellishment "bar" (think those individual candy jars full of embellies that you can buy singly). Ours just installed theirs. I am now going to scrap like crazy to finish nene's challenge...I can buy felt there by the piece! (and it KILLED me only buying gifts yesterday)edited to add ... e.htmlthey also have Happy Hour. Were they thinking of me or WHAT?
Yes, the lss that we are doing the Houston ACOT crop at next year just put one in. All I really noticed was some type of thingamajiggy for cutting shapes and tons of buttons.
Our Cord Camera Super Scrapbook store has these and it yummy. Love the option of buying just one or two of something.
Live long, laugh often, hug someone.

Live long, laugh often, hug someone.
Wow, that would be a great idea. Now if only our LSS would hop on board with it. Of course, that would mean more things I could "justify" buying!
I wish I had a LSS with one. My friends has one and she sent me photos of it. It looks awesome!!!And does Happy Hour include cocktails? If so, I will be catching a plane to Wisconsin
What a cool idea!
There are so many times I want a piece or two and not the whole bag. That would be perfect.
There are so many times I want a piece or two and not the whole bag. That would be perfect.
Our LSS doesn't, but the one an hour or so away does. I've already got a bit of it that I scored in a prize, but as soon as this challenge is over, I'll be making a beeline for Lodi where I know I can find this stuff! It is SO COOL!
Looks great! If only I had one close by. I've never even been to the store Stacie is talking about because it is so far away and in a high traffic area.Laura
I happened upon it while out of town, it is really cool. However, I hated going through the jars of felt, so many pieces you really have to dump the stuff to look at it. The colors are great though.I didn't get to see any of the projects so I'm hoping they will post them on their website.
lol, Beth...I know the owners....I can arrange it Can you be here before dinner? Bella would have a ball....
Pam, I hope you mean that you plan on scrapping like crazy to finish the challenge BEFORE buying felt by the piece!
I wonder if Archivers is going to do it???? Sounds kind of like the Bucket that used to be in Dallas

Ours just got that. It is really cool cuz you can get just what you want, instead of having to buy a whole package...or 2 or 3.I wish they would do this for all supplies. I think I would actually spend more (good for company...bad for me). I will sometimes avoid buying a whole package of chipboard letters just to get a few letters. we both lose.

Sus...I wonder if that cute place in CS will do it...maybe in that back room where the clearance stuff is.
Our LSS just opened one of these a week or so ago...I looked around a little...alot of cute stuff!! I'd like to hit the happy hour!!

ooohhhhh hit the nail on the head...looks like it is going to have it!!!!
