so a big thank you to Laura (and anyone I might have missed) for btt-ing these threads. I didn't realize that they wouldn't save, even though they show I'm saving them.Now I know, and knowing is....well you get the rest. LOL
I wonder if our little Echo can keep them saved for us without having to btt???
I don't know, but we lost a bunch this past week....I was trying to keep on top of it, but I got busy.
Does this mean there are recipes here that we can't see because they haven't been posted to in a while? There has to be a way to make them "sticky" or something, isn't there?

What if there were category type posts and within the posts we types our recipes and then Midge could just btt the category posts? Would that help or work?

I wish the user-forums had a few special features. But I've marked my calendar and I will be btting in hopes that those recipes won't be lost.We did have quite a few make and freeze dinners. Maybe after the holidays when it's less busy we can start posting more.