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Cherry Garcia

Toilet training question
I did not expect so many responses. Thanks Everyone.I change the large majority of diapers, and I am not concerned right now.I believe dh is embarrassed by this issue.Sometimes I wonder if I am.....what's the word? You know when you make up excuses for someone? I wonder if I do that too much.I eases my mind when I read that most others with boys, did not have them trained at my ds's age.I am going to call his occupational therapist on Monday and see what her opinion is. 
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Cherry Addict

Toilet training question
Calling the OT is a GREAT idea.......maybe your DH will accept a medical professional's opinion.  Hugs!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Toilet training question
Is enabling the word you are looking for?  (And no, I don't think you are!)I don't have kids, but is a little boy at 18 months really able to stand up steady enough to reliably get it in the pot?I've never been married or co-habitated, but from the comments some of my girlfriends make it seems that plenty of grown men have accuracy problems!  How could a todler do anything but spray it all over the place??!!
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Cherry Cola

Toilet training question
Good luck with the potty training! My ds was right at his third b-day when he learned.  I went into the hospital to have my baby so we sent him to stay the night and day with some friends.  He came back potty trained.  I asked my friend what she did.  She swares she did not do anything.  I guess he thought we would leave and bring back another kid if he didn't learn.
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Cherry Cola

Toilet training question
Ok let me just tell you in my own experience and almost everyone I know that has boys, they dont care lol.  All my boys but my oldest didnt potty train until after they were 3.  I worked on it from the time they turned 2 and simply put they could care less lol.  I am working with Austin now Austin will be 3 on Dec 26th., and he doesnt tell me, he will go in his pants and not care.  I even bought Pampers Grow N Learn ones they dont help and I told him he's gonna make Diego cry if he keeps peeing on him.   My 3rd son Mason was seriously 3 1/2 and I worked like hell to train him.  Hes 5 and still sometimes is too lazy to stop playing and has accidents.  My friends who all have girls said they were easier and they dont like the wet and dirty feeling.  I dont know about girls personally but having four boys I can tell ya, just keep trying but dont get too frusterated because they will do it when they are ready wether you want them to or not lol.Hugs and good luck
Jennifer Mom of Four Boys
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Cherry Garcia

Toilet training question
Is enabling the word you are looking for?  (And no, I don't think you are!)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~That's the word!! Thank You.
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Wild Cherry

Toilet training question
My ds was 3...and it took one week.  Once he decided it was WAY easy.  I actually did him and his sister (who was 14 months) at the same time.  She just wanted to be like her big brother.  My girls were so easy, as they wanted to be like their siblings.Don't stress.  (I know that is easy to say).  The more you fight, the harder it is.  I have seen some of the struggles of my friends, and sometimes the battle isn't worth it.
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Cherry Cola

Toilet training question
At this point I would not call it a concern.Just relax give it a rest and try again in a month or so. Your child will let you know when he/she is ready
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