Use code LOVE20 to save 20% off the regular price of everything!
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Cherry Picker

**Idea time ladies**
This thread is so long, sorry if this has been brought up already...When shopping, I would like to see on the company pages, if an item is already in my basket.  Sometimes I put something in twice...or three times.  I know it used to be like that.  GWIM?Lisa
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Cherry Cropper

**Idea time ladies**
Oh, and another thing I would like is put "all into basket"...we used to have that feature which came in handy in the store.
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Cherry Addict

**Idea time ladies**
Midge.....put all of WHAT?? are obviously not doing Neners challenge huh?  GREAT IDEAS everyone!!!!!!!
SUS ImageImageImage
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Cherry Cropper

**Idea time ladies**
THAT'S why I'm in Nene's challenge that I'm still at a big fat zero layouts done. LOLI'm just considering my hoarding for the future. LOL
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Bowl Full of Cherries

**Idea time ladies**
More online classes.
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Northern Brat

Chocolate Covered Cherry

**Idea time ladies**
First of all I love it here, but you asked! more contests for all levels CT designs get a different gallery so that they don't bump the work of others to the next page points for leaving love in the gallery better shipping prices...$20 bucks for a few sheets of paper to Canada...come on!  Other sites are around the $8 mark... on line classes...offered maybe at two different times and days to accomodate other's schedules theme ideas or challenges and basically what Midge said...For the CT team....I think you girls are doing an awesome job!  You represent the site well and very professional.. I don't like the drama and stuff. I would like to see every CT member leaving love in the gallery for us, and not just  for other CT members. I would like a section (if we are brave enough) to get suggestions from the CT team on how to improve your piece of work.  There are times that I know there is something more needed, or a change, and I would like to get some suggestions that would help...not "your piece is crap! hahah!)And...if there are no other changes ...I would still love it here....
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Cherry Jubilee

**Idea time ladies**
I agree with Moody, I think that praise is important to everyone, new and old.  (friends, newbies, oldbies that aren't your favorite)I love the work you all do and the only thing I would ask is more "how to's" when you do a fabulous lo or altered item.I think that as a rule the CT is great for the most partI would like to see Kristin, Heidi and Becky more too....Oh and i would like to have less problems with posting here on the MB and in the gallery
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Cherry Addict

**Idea time ladies**
btt in case anyone has anymore ideas before I turn dem over to da boss!!
SUS ImageImageImage
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Cherry Cropper

**Idea time ladies**
One more thing (did I just hear someone groan?) can we get our timezones back? I love the east coast gals and all but I don't like feeling three hours ahead if I'm really not. Capeesh? And if this has been restored, will someone please show me the way? THX
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Cherry Addict

**Idea time ladies**
hmm, I dunno Midge. lol I kinda like not having to do the math trying to convert my time to EST. I can see my time on the pc clock and then check  acot's EST time using the posts. ;)
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Cherry Cropper

**Idea time ladies**
LOL, I know...I know. Damn gift horses.
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Cherry Cola

**Idea time ladies**
I'll say more one day crops throughout the year to keep our energy level up for more scrapping.  More contests at any time would be great too.
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Cherry Cola

**Idea time ladies**
I"m so new and have loved everything but on the technical side Midge's first post covered nearly every thing for me!I love bookmarking sites but don't most of us already have technorati in our toolbar? If it needs to stay then it definitely should be moved.I would also like a way to see new and read posts so that I can keep up with where I've been and where I'm going. I get lost and confused so easily.I really do like it when the gallery and the message board are in sync so that the posts count. It helps with generate more praise every where I have ever been.Yeah, the shipping really is a detterent. Since the last postal increase a lot of online places have sky rocketed. It would be nice to have an alternative for those of us who need to shop for smaller items at times. I don't have a lss and sometimes I need to just get a few things at a lower shipping rate.The CT has been more than friendly to me since I've been here so I'm not going to touch that one. I wouldn't know enough to comment so I won't!!Oh - and any way to generate to more points is a good thing for me! I love points!But for now, I'm just happy to be here and happy to be scrapping again. Have I said that enough this weekend?BTW - Need a spell checker? Can you download Firefox for you interent browser? The latest edition has a built in spell check!! I love it! 

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Cherry Picker

**Idea time ladies**
(1) An option to quote and (2)  if I forget to sign in and hit REPLY, don't make me sign in and then FIND the post I wanted to comment there a way it could log us in and STAY on the right page?? That one gets me a lot since I use public computers at work and I can't use the Keep me Signed In option on those.Thanks for asking for feedback!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

**Idea time ladies**
Wow, I hadn't even thought of half of that stuff!Someone help me - what is the bookmark thing?  (I know, I must live under a rock or something...)
{hopelessly addicted}

Filling my basket with all of the new goodies :)


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Chocolate Covered Cherry

**Idea time ladies**
Oh wait, I found it.  Somehow I've never actually noticed it before - weird!
{hopelessly addicted}

Filling my basket with all of the new goodies :)


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Bowl Full of Cherries

**Idea time ladies**
Something I really miss while browsing the shoppe (both paper and digi) is the PREVIOUS and NEXT links.  It's such pain in the butt to have to use my back arrow everytime to see another product.  I also agree about the BOOKMARK link.  It's a real pain in the cabooty when I want to click Message Board arrow, etc.As far as the CT, I really enjoy the talent you bring to us.  As for whether or not all the CT is here doing their share, I honestly can't form a worthwhile opionion.  Since starting my new job, I haven't been here as much as I use to be. 
"May you always have memories to scrap!" ~ Diana
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Cherry Garcia

**Idea time ladies**
I have not read all the responses so I may be repeating what others have said.I would really like to see a quote feature on the message board!As for games/challenges, I think some completely random ones would be fun! By that I mean no fore warning!!This site seems so geared toward the customers, which is fantastic! I really enjoy my time here.
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Cherry Cropper

**Idea time ladies**
I just thought of something:a small cherry next to your lo when you open your own gallery. If there are new comments, it will turn red. Sometimes I leave love on people's older lo and realize they may never notice! It happens to me too...
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Sweet Cherry Pie

**Idea time ladies**
I love that idea of a cherry! I vote for that too!
Born to Crop not to Mop!

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