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Category: Active Research Forum: Mapping Cancer Markers Forum Thread: x86 task |
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Thread Status: Active Total posts in this thread: 13
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Master Cruncher The Netherlands Joined: Apr 3, 2009 Post Count: 2089 Status: Recently Active Project Badges: |
Other than looking at the properties while the task is running, is there an api which would give the executable of the completed work unit ? I know it shows up in the results log for each unit, but I don't know how to have a quick and easy way to list this information for each of the completed units. Thanks Cheers If you want to list the information for each of the completed tasks belonging to a certain workunit and you know the workunit ID, then here's an answer. First of all, if you don't know the workunit ID and you don't know the name of the workunit yet, you could use the Linux program wcgresults to give you workunit results. I'm using it - at least - daily (or even hourly) to show me the latest results. That's not entirely true: while wcgresults can show you the latest results, it can also record the results into a logfile (even automatically, using your crontab, in a more permanent way) and then you can use another program to show the latest results, for which I'm using the Linux program wcglog. This program can show your latest results - while wcgresults is recording them hourly - by constantly following the output of wcgresults, let's say some sort of 'tail -f', if you wish by using ctrl-Z (to background) and 'fg' to foreground the command again. The important part is that wcglog can show workunit IDs. Here is a short sample of a session: $ wcglog -f -W@l1 App CpuTime Elapsed Claimed Granted ModTime Exit Outc SentTime ReceivedTime WorkunitId Name One hour later: $ fg In this sample above you'll notice the ID of the workunit that is the outlier, using up 1.35 hours of CpuTime instead of the projected hour (0.96) of processing time. So the workunit ID of the outlier is 619679444. Now, the quick and easy way is to use the Linux program wcgstats. It can guide you to the workunit if you know (part of) its name; or, if you know its (workunit) ID, it will be even quicker to show the error log for both tasks - and in each error log you will find the name of the executable for the task. Sample of the Linux session: $ wcgstats -w -errr= 619679444 workunit 619679444 MCM1_0226862_8495_0 Fedora Linux Valid 2024-10-23T11:10:07 2024-10-25T10:55:58 1.35/1.36 79.1/80.1Details: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MCM1_0226862_8495_0 Fedora Linux Valid 2024-10-23T11:10:07 2024-10-25T10:55:58 1.35/1.36 79.1/80.1 I klnow it's a long message, so after reading all this, you might be interested in the location of wcgresults, wcglog and wcgstats. The home of WCGtools: Documentation: - it is important that you read this! Especially 'Configuration'. Software - wcgresults, wcglog and wcgstats: Adri PS I have described only one particular way to use the programs. NB The ways in which to use the programs are countless, so there's some learning curve. [Edit 1 times, last edit by adriverhoef at Oct 28, 2024 9:23:04 AM] |
Senior Cruncher Australia Joined: Jul 9, 2008 Post Count: 259 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
I have some recent statistics Thanks Adri. Both of my i686 WUs verified. I note they were a bit quicker than one of the results you provided. Not too shabby for an 18 year old laptop pulled from the trash together with its power supply. It is in perfect condition - not a mark or scratch. Only surprise is the keyboard keys marked in both US English and Arabic. Maxed out the memory to 4 GB and installed a PATA SSD from the spares box to improve performance.geophi - I use the data obtained from Adri's "wcgresults" as the basis for some of the WCG statistics on my website. It's a very useful program (Thanks Adri). Well worth investigating. Edit typo
Run Time Stats
----------------------------------------[Edit 1 times, last edit by TonyEllis at Oct 27, 2024 4:11:30 PM] |
Ace Cruncher USA Joined: Jul 4, 2006 Post Count: 7579 Status: Recently Active Project Badges: |
Thanks Adri.
----------------------------------------I can get the work unit ID from the daily download I keep of each days valid results in a spreadsheet file. Ideally I would batch each day's results and then I could keep some statistics on the various flavors of the executables. This will be something I will study when I get some time in the future. Cheers
Sgt. Joe
*Minnesota Crunchers* |