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Wingardium Leviosa
Joined: May 4, 2020
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3x images on the main page possibly in unnecessarily high resolution?

Hi all, I would like to share my observation.

Every time I visit the main page of World Community Grid, it takes quite long to load those 3x images of latest updates.
(At the moment 1x BOINC restart, 1x SCC update and 1x MCM update)
That's partly because I use my browser permanently in private mode, so that the images are downloaded repeatedly.

I guess that those images of latest updates are in unnecessarily high resolution?
Maybe it's a small thing, but if it is the case, it would be quite a waste of bandwidth and server capacity.
(And we all know WCG servers often struggle.)

It seems like the same for the small emblem of Jurisicalab at the bottom. (takes long to load)

Or am I understanding something wrong? confused

Cheers, WL
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Re: 3x images on the main page possibly in unnecessarily high resolution?

Yes, you're right!
They just publish all such images in incredibly and unreasonably high resolution. Then, after downloading to the client's browser, they are compressed (resized) back to a very small image, several dozen times smaller than the actual resolution of the file hosted on the server.

For example last update from Mapping Cancer Marker
Actual image has resolution of 1600×900px and size of 2782 KB:
Only to resize it to small 314x177px (~26 times less) icon in the user browser.
Or WCG at Boca Raton
Also 1600×900px and size of 1227 KB:
Resized to same 314x177px in browser.

Or jurisica_lab icon posted everywhere
Actual image is 2 509px × 401px 1600 KB size

And so on...

And even no any way to see full res image other than manually inspect the HTML page code to extract direct url to image.

A pretty stupid solution - it does not give any quality advantages, only slows down the loading of pages and creates unnecessary extra load on servers that are already struggling to cope with the work.
[Edit 1 times, last edit by Mad_Max at May 11, 2023 7:50:29 AM]
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