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Senior Cruncher
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I got Error in 3 wu:
WU download error: couldn't get input files:
<error_code>-200 (wrong size)</error_code>

[Apr 3, 2023 6:19:33 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Master Cruncher
The Netherlands
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Re: Error downloading

All 5 tasks in this workunit failed their MD5 checksum:

workunit 274114918
OPN1_0129069_02121_0  MSWin 10      Error  2023-04-02T21:34:52  2023-04-02T22:35:20
OPN1_0129069_02121_1 Linux Ubuntu Error 2023-04-03T00:25:13 2023-04-03T02:57:17
OPN1_0129069_02121_2 Linuxmint Error 2023-04-03T01:47:26 2023-04-03T02:02:03
OPN1_0129069_02121_3 Fedora Linux Error 2023-04-03T02:04:38 2023-04-03T02:06:41
OPN1_0129069_02121_4 Fedora Linux Error 2023-04-03T02:09:13 2023-04-03T02:11:21
OPN1_0129069_02121_0  MSWin 10      Error  2023-04-02T21:34:52  2023-04-02T22:35:20
WU download error: couldn't get input files:
<error_code>-119 (md5 checksum failed for file)</error_code>
<error_message>MD5 check failed</error_message>
OPN1_0129069_02121_1 Linux Ubuntu Error 2023-04-03T00:25:13 2023-04-03T02:57:17
WU download error: couldn't get input files:
<error_code>-119 (md5 checksum failed for file)</error_code>
<error_message>MD5 check failed</error_message>
OPN1_0129069_02121_2 Linuxmint Error 2023-04-03T01:47:26 2023-04-03T02:02:03
WU download error: couldn't get input files:
<error_code>-119 (md5 checksum failed for file)</error_code>
<error_message>MD5 check failed</error_message>
OPN1_0129069_02121_3 Fedora Linux Error 2023-04-03T02:04:38 2023-04-03T02:06:41
WU download error: couldn't get input files:
<error_code>-119 (md5 checksum failed for file)</error_code>
<error_message>MD5 check failed</error_message>
OPN1_0129069_02121_4 Fedora Linux Error 2023-04-03T02:09:13 2023-04-03T02:11:21
WU download error: couldn't get input files:
<error_code>-119 (md5 checksum failed for file)</error_code>
<error_message>MD5 check failed</error_message>

and this month in this one, too:

workunit 274020821
OPNG_0172125_00038_0  MSWin 10      Detached   2023-03-01T02:21:18  2023-04-02T22:13:58
OPNG_0172125_00038_1 Fedora Linux Error 2023-04-03T00:50:19 2023-04-03T00:53:02
OPNG_0172125_00038_2 MSWin 10 Error 2023-04-03T01:36:23 2023-04-03T01:38:28
OPNG_0172125_00038_3 MSWin 10 Error 2023-04-03T01:36:25 2023-04-03T01:39:00
OPNG_0172125_00038_4 MSWin 10 Error 2023-04-03T01:43:26 2023-04-03T01:46:20
OPNG_0172125_00038_5 MSWin 10 Error 2023-04-03T01:43:28 2023-04-03T01:45:31
OPNG_0172125_00038_0  MSWin 10      Detached   2023-03-01T02:21:18  2023-04-02T22:13:58
OPNG_0172125_00038_1 Fedora Linux Error 2023-04-03T00:50:19 2023-04-03T00:53:02
WU download error: couldn't get input files:
<error_code>-119 (md5 checksum failed for file)</error_code>
<error_message>MD5 check failed</error_message>
OPNG_0172125_00038_2 MSWin 10 Error 2023-04-03T01:36:23 2023-04-03T01:38:28
WU download error: couldn't get input files:
<error_code>-119 (md5 checksum failed for file)</error_code>
<error_message>MD5 check failed</error_message>
OPNG_0172125_00038_3 MSWin 10 Error 2023-04-03T01:36:25 2023-04-03T01:39:00
WU download error: couldn't get input files:
<error_code>-119 (md5 checksum failed for file)</error_code>
<error_message>MD5 check failed</error_message>
OPNG_0172125_00038_4 MSWin 10 Error 2023-04-03T01:43:26 2023-04-03T01:46:20
WU download error: couldn't get input files:
<error_code>-119 (md5 checksum failed for file)</error_code>
<error_message>MD5 check failed</error_message>
OPNG_0172125_00038_5 MSWin 10 Error 2023-04-03T01:43:28 2023-04-03T01:45:31
WU download error: couldn't get input files:
<error_code>-119 (md5 checksum failed for file)</error_code>
<error_message>MD5 check failed</error_message>

[Edit 1 times, last edit by adriverhoef at Apr 3, 2023 9:46:02 AM]
[Apr 3, 2023 9:20:41 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Senior Cruncher
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Re: Error downloading

@adriverhoef open a thread in Forum: OpenPandemics - COVID-19 Project instead to write here in Mapping Cancer Markers Forum.

[Apr 3, 2023 3:22:00 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Master Cruncher
The Netherlands
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Re: Error downloading

O sorry, when I saw the post I didn't consider it as being related to a certain project. See e.g. post 677165 in the News forum, where alanb1951 tells us: "I am getting a lot of retries for MCM1 because the initial tasks have been getting wrong size errors; I also get occasional retries for OPN1/OPNG for the same reason." So that was my reasoning.
[Apr 3, 2023 5:06:29 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Master Cruncher
The Netherlands
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Re: Error downloading

Noticed this error in one of my MCM1-tasks:

workunit 272594224
MCM1_0197181_9520_0  Fedora Linux  Error  2023-02-27T23:19:22  2023-04-02T22:34:09    1.76/1.78      91.2/0.0
MCM1_0197181_9520_1 Linuxmint P.Ver 2023-02-27T23:19:23 2023-04-02T22:01:11 1.74/1.75 66.3/0.0
MCM1_0197181_9520_2 CentOS Linux InPrg 2023-04-06T21:58:25 2023-04-09T21:58:25 0.00/0.00 0.0/0.0

No significant difference in Error Log outputs from _0 and _1:
MCM1_0197181_9520_0  Fedora Linux  Error  2023-02-27T23:19:22  2023-04-02T22:34:09    1.76/1.78      91.2/0.0
Commandline = ../../projects/ -SettingsFile MCM1_0197181_9520.txt -DatabaseFile dataset-sarc1.txt
Settings File
DateOfDesign = 20200218
Designer = Krembil/cubes
WorkOrderID = 0197181_9520
DatasetID = sarc1
RSeed = 368539521
StartingGeneSignatureAlgorithm = randomFixedLengthSearch
RunPermutationAlgorithm = 0
FitnessFn = 0
NumberOfGenesInStartingSignature = 20
NumberOfGenesInSignatureMin = 20
NumberOfGenesInSignatureMax = 20
SearchAlgorithmNumberToCreate = 34506
PositiveClasses = 5 6
MinFitness = 0.785
VMethod = LOO
SvmArgs = "-v 0 -t 0 -c 1"
SvmLearnLimit = 250000

[05:47:55] Initializing
[05:47:58] Running
[05:47:59] EvaluateFitnessOfStartingGeneSignatures 34506
[07:34:27] Writing final output
[07:34:27] Closing Output Stream
[07:34:27] Cleaning up
Result.out = 22299.000000
Run complete, CPU time: 6348.806284
07:34:27 (3516237): called boinc_finish(0)

MCM1_0197181_9520_1 Linuxmint P.Ver 2023-02-27T23:19:23 2023-04-02T22:01:11 1.74/1.75 66.3/0.0
Commandline = ../../projects/ -SettingsFile MCM1_0197181_9520.txt -DatabaseFile dataset-sarc1.txt
Settings File
DateOfDesign = 20200218
Designer = Krembil/cubes
WorkOrderID = 0197181_9520
DatasetID = sarc1
RSeed = 368539521
StartingGeneSignatureAlgorithm = randomFixedLengthSearch
RunPermutationAlgorithm = 0
FitnessFn = 0
NumberOfGenesInStartingSignature = 20
NumberOfGenesInSignatureMin = 20
NumberOfGenesInSignatureMax = 20
SearchAlgorithmNumberToCreate = 34506
PositiveClasses = 5 6
MinFitness = 0.785
VMethod = LOO
SvmArgs = "-v 0 -t 0 -c 1"
SvmLearnLimit = 250000

[01:28:36] Initializing
[01:28:39] Running
[01:28:40] EvaluateFitnessOfStartingGeneSignatures 34506
[03:13:25] Writing final output
[03:13:25] Closing Output Stream
[03:13:25] Cleaning up
Result.out = 22299.000000
Run complete, CPU time: 6272.613031
03:13:25 (749294): called boinc_finish(0)

MCM1_0197181_9520_2 CentOS Linux InPrg 2023-04-06T21:58:25 2023-04-09T21:58:25 0.00/0.00 0.0/0.0

[Apr 6, 2023 11:24:41 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Veteran Cruncher
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Re: Error downloading


I used to see that fairly often amongst MCM1 wingmen -- as with several other "unusual" error returns, the majority of these errors would be from a very small subset of systems, typically all running similar O/S versions...

Since the restart, however, I've already noticed this behaviour from a handful of different systems with no obvious similarities. (It's a pity we can't find out what sort of CPU those systems have...)

As I've never seen an MCM1 work unit fail completely because of this behaviour I suspect we'll have to just regard it as a curiosity -- since it doesn't appear to interfere with overall result collection, I doubt we'll ever be told why it happens :-)

Cheers - Al.

P.S. This may not be about download errors, but at least it's in the right forum :-) :-)
[Apr 7, 2023 3:56:03 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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