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Joined: May 22, 2018
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Global, Team, and Individual Averages
It looks like the various WCG averages are "since inception". Whether it's Global, Team, or Individual stats. For those of us who have been doing this for 10 years or more, those averages are almost meaningless. Back when I started and we were using Pentium 4s they didn't produce many stats. As a result, the current averages are being statistically skewed by the old history. If you look at the Global Stats, the averages don't come close to resembling yesterdays processing. The Global Average is 674,000 results returned. We have only had three days in the past 365 days where results returned were in the 600,000 range. Those days were probably anomalies due work unit hangups or something. The current 12 month global average should be closer to 1,000,000 results. Same is true for teams and member averages (all averages, not just results). I'm asking WCG to consider changing to a rolling 12 month average that would better reflect CURRENT processing averages.
You can put it on page 3,243 of the infamous to-do list.....