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Research Update from the MCM Team (March 2025)

As part of our ongoing research updates, we continue to explore the top-scoring genes linked to lung cancer identified by the Mapping Cancer Markers (MCM) project. Following our previous focus on GCM1, this update examines DYNLT1 (Dynein Light Chain Tctex-Type 1), a gene with pivotal roles in intracellular transport and cancer pathophysiology.
[Mar 18, 2025 8:30:06 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Hans Sveen
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Re: Research Update from the MCM Team (March 2025)

Thank You for the update!

Hans S.
[Mar 19, 2025 12:31:25 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Research Update from the MCM Team (March 2025)

Thanks for the update.

[Mar 19, 2025 4:41:30 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Research Update from the MCM Team (March 2025)

Hello, thank you for this update!

I find it too biology technical and would like to get a better understanding of it. I have a scientific background but more in math / physics, not so much in biology. I understand what are cells and proteins though.

I am clearly not sure of what I understand about this article and everything I write below may be incorrect, please correct me.

From what I understand the DYNLT1 protein is responsible to transmit "information" in a cell. It can bind to viruses to allow them entering a cell (which is probably not great) and we can observe more occurrences of this protein when there is a cancer. We sometimes observe it fighting the cancer.

So here are my questions:
1. About the "Figure 2", how should I read it? Those are boxed charts, but there are no axis, I do not understand what the left box is representing compared to the right one.
2. About the "Figure 4" (and similar), I do not understand what does the time and probability refers too? I believe that the 0 months means "cancer detection" so 1.0 probability to have a cancer. Then 50 months later the probability is between 0.35 and 0.5 according to DYNLT1 presence? (most probably after cancer treatment) or maybe it should be read the opposite way, like 50 months in advance we knew there were 35% to 50% chances that the patient would develop a cancer?
3. About the conclusion "underscores its potential as a target for diagnostic and therapeutic development.", that means that checking for DYNLT1 could give us information ahead of time about a potential cancer? And that by boosting the DYNLT1 presence we could improve treatment, potentially avoiding chemotherapy.
4. More generally, about the data, how do you gather them? Is there a list of hospital or patient that gets tested regularly?
[Mar 27, 2025 1:33:20 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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